manmade global warming

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hmmm........ this could be a long post, but ill simplify it to a nub.

i live in Southern California, except for a matter of maybe 8 years that ive either lived in other parts of Cali, or various states, i have always lived right here.
that being said, i am no stranger to hot weather. however, if you look at the heat ratios of my younger years, compared to today, you'll find that its hotter today than it was 30 years ago, even if only by a degree or two. you will also notice, that the heat itself also lasts quite a bit longer today, as compared to back then too.
then there's weather patterns as well: tornados, hurricanes etc.
ice caps melting?
yes this will be a long thread that will weave itself in and out so many times and so many directions that one will be able to use it as a quilt, lol
To try and keep order to it we must try to stay in the same direction.
I am so glad you brought up weather patterns, as this is a very important subject, to be explored in depth.
They always change, take one location for example, the sahara desert. It was not always a desert, then it was far bigger than it is today. This would prove that there are huge shifts in weather far before man.
I would like to nail you down to 3 things quickly, if you would be so kind.
Ice caps melting? yes the northern ones are, is the antartic ice melting as well?
How much hotter is it now than 100 years ago.......the earths mean temp.(after all we are talking of Global warming not regional warming)
I say that some researchers like NASA say 1.6 degrees, would you agree?
To get a scientific provable comparison, one would have to use information from the same sources now, would they not?
( if there were 4 numbers used 100 years ago, one in US, 1 in Russia, 1 in iceland, and 1 from austrailia, then to just take the 2 from Us and russia today would not be a conclusive answer would it, excluding the areas closer to the poles).
How about any global warming knowlegable guests, sign up and let your thoughts be heard.
How about any global warming knowlegable guests, sign up and let your thoughts be heard.
I have heard reports that there has actually been a cool down for the past decade or so.
What I do know is that the weather and earth's climate(s) are cyclical. We have had ice ages of varying severity. the last on ended around the end of the civil war if memory serves.
I for one am not overly worried about warming. Of course that could be to my folly.
The last real cooldown was early 70's, I have been told many times about how scared everyone was that we were going into another ice age.
early 70's even time magizine was writing articles of these things.

The last mini ice age would be the one you are thinking of , and actually only ended in early 20th century, (so say scientists LOL) and encompassed many actual riss and falls in the earths temp. starting in mid 13th centurys......(when the Atlantic icepacks began growing again, For those that think they were always there from the begginning) interesting isnt it, that the earths temp has been warmer than it is now in recordable history.

So called Global warming is a interesting rabbit hole to go down, the info, the corruption, the carbon-credits, the corrected documents, climategate, the historical records.

Yet everyone just repeats what they have heard, and dont want to hear more.
lets see man made global warming huh?I would have to say that the earth does much of its own global warming,but I also think that all that man has done like destroying 95% of our forests just in U.S. alone doesnt help. trees create oxygen that is the stuff we breath last time i checked.I think we have a lot bigger problems then global warming.the hungry and the homeless we as a people grow the food and build the houses finding the jack a## to take some responsibillty is the real problem.thats what ruining us sry just a little angry how dumb people can be.when florida is a pond I will just say we told you so
Very interesting direction showdownsh8, let us persue it for a few posts,
"95% of our trees are lost in US alone", uh I would like to sling some numbers out there as well, and then we can discuss them.
I will go with 25% of our trees have been lost in the entire US since 1600, and since 1910 when the forestry service started it has remained about the same neither loosing nor gaining at about 3/4 of a billion acres.
I am interested in learning why there is a difference of 700 million acres between us.

I totally agree with you on our problems with hungry and homeless. It is rediculous that we are ( well, were) one of the greatest nations on earth, and we have citizens living the way they do.

I take it that you are talking about florida disapearing from rising ocean levels?
I would love to persue this farther. How fast is it rising?

I am sorry, I didnt understand your point from.
"we as a people grow the food and build the houses finding the jack a## to take some responsibillty is the real problem.thats what ruining us sry just a little angry how dumb people can be"
could you elaborate a little more.

I am glad to have someone to talk to about important issues.
yes actually you are right about the trees according to the Food and Agricultural Organization they say trees out number people.What they dont tell you is that includes hoop houses full seedlings,saplings,and then mature trees.Brother in law works something to do with parks and services.So of course there will be a high inventory of trees.Check these facts out I found maybe not exactly what I said but pretty soon I wont even have a forest to hide in.
Here is the link
As for Florida being underwater They say if the caps melt it would cover a good percentage of the state.Its rising as fast as the Earth lets it I suppose.the we told you so is pointed towards the ones who thinks the caps will melt in a week people its not gonna happen that fast.
By jack asses its all the uninformed zombies watching Fox.(I feel they tell us what they want us to hear just my opinion could be wrong) People like you and I but cant see whats going on around them.This has become such a materialistic world.Its really sad.
thanks so much for your interest.
OH I totaly agree that 90% of the old growth timber has been used, and on that I would agree with you 100%.
The numbers I stated were square miles of forest, not numbers of trees. 3/4 of the US forest acreage that were here in 1600 are still here, they just are not virgin.
Ohio State university still says that your state is covered in 31% forest, but that is changing fast numbers going up. Your hardwoods are world renound, and much saught after. You are in one state that takes its forest serious, growing more than 2.5 times as many board feet as it is removing anually.
At the same time directly of indirectly employing 188,000 people. And those are good paying jobs averaging $25.00 a hr. I wish all states would put in that kind of effort. You will always have a forest to hide in.

I feel like you have not thought of the whole picture, I mean no disrespect. This is my opinion only. I do apriciate the oppritunity for me to learn more. I would also like to ask your opinion on a few points of intrest.

1Would you agree that the forest is a renewable resource? I say yes
2That most of that old growth was cut prior to 1910? I think yes
3In fact many of these old growth areas have regrown in the last 100 years? I think many have, although many have been cut again.
4The site you used is talking about Virgin forests is it not? from what I read yes
5Would you agree that old trees growth slows down, and infact store less carbon per acre, as a result of thier slowed "metabolism" I think yes
6Would you agree that younger and faster growing forests have higher annual carbon sequestration rates? I think yes.
7In old growth forests when those huge trees die and rot (not being used) dont they release the carbon back into the air? I say yes
8In managed forests,isnt a great % of that material is used, so the carbon stays stored longer? I say yes

I am not trying to be argumentitive, I only want to see others thoughts to help me arrive at the truth.
I can see you are passionate about conservation, I think that everyone should care more.
That is alot of questions I know, but each leads into the other, so I would like to know which ones you dont agree with, so I will be able to learn from you.

I totally agree with you on the zombies that just suck up what they hear and dont try to do any research towards the truth.
Materialistic world yes, but what is so much worse is they have became so complacent that they will believe anything they hear.
Personally I strive for knowledge like my life depends on day it might. Again just an opinion.
What do our guests think about so called man made global warming?

Register and let your thoughts be known, so we can all learn from each other.
absolutely no disrespect taken.In fact I am very happy with your input.I am hoping that we open some eyes.
Any guests out there know about man-made global warming? I would like to know your opinions.
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