Mass Deportation ‘Morally Unacceptable,’ Amnesty is Necessary

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Awesome Friend
Jul 20, 2018
The latest push by the globalist apparatus includes amnesty for all 12 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the United States and allowing India and China to monopolize the U.S. legal immigration system.

" The Brookings Institute’s William Galston — who has called populism the enemy of democracy — and neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol have released a joint policy brief for their The New Center think tank which advocates giving amnesty to illegal aliens and ending the country-caps in the U.S. legal immigration system. the policy brief states:

It is unacceptable to have over 11 million people living illegally in America. But mass deportation is unacceptable too — both morally and logistically. Unauthorized immigrants living the U.S. should be brought out of the shadows and offered a long and rigorous road toward citizenship that depends on maintaining clean criminal records, paying taxes, and meeting several other requirements.

Aside from ending deportations and providing amnesty to the entire illegal population, the Galston and Kristol agenda also includes allowing countries like India and China to monopolize the U.S. legal immigration system, a plan that would drive down white-collar U.S. wages and further displace Americans in professional jobs."

This crap is a never ending push by the rich to keep labor and the middle class sub-servant. They really don't give a tinker's darn about the poor, they want a flood of people to drive down labor costs and drive up unemployment for the higher paid Americans, Amnesty always, and it is proven, encourages more illegal aliens to continue coming. Once E-Varify is mandates and then enforced, we will not have to deport, they will self deport. No jobs, no housing, no free education and no welfare, they will be gone.
Feasibility is actually more of a reason than morality. The logistics of mass deportation simply make it impractical. Instead, a streamlined path to citizenship is really a more likely course (for those already here), combined with improving the immigration courts and more rigorously enforcing illegal entry into the US. Also end this citizenship by soil birth nonsense. Removes the incentive.
so someone who comes to the country illegally is awarded citizenship because its just too difficult to deport them? isn't that rewarding crime? I think that stinks.

In a way. However, illegal immigrant labor is already entrenched in many industries, and no, not just the ones you're thinking of. Construction, restaurants, hotels, cleaning firms, all kinds of industry. Simply rounding up and deporting just takes too many resources to do so in a way that is feasible. Not to mention the damage to those industries and cost ramifications to consumers.... Don't shoot the messenger.

The big key is to remove the incentives that make folks want to come here and have anchor babies. It's not rocket science.
It is not rocket science that if people keep getting rewarded (allowed to stay) then that is the incentive for more illegal aliens to keep coming. The reason they are so entrenched in our economy is that we have allowed them to become entrenched. Yes the cost of good and services will increase a bit but the economy will also improve with better paying jobs (no illegals working them) and the welfare rolls will be diminished. Bottom line those that are here have to be driven out, --- enforced laws, and removal of any opportunities or reasons for them to be here. Anchor babies gone, housing gone, jobs gone, free education gone and constant risk of deportation and loss of all assets. No driver licenses, no loans, no checking accounts, no international wire transfers (can't send money home). There are a ton of minimal to low costs ways to drive them out and that will stop new arrivals. We don't have a labor shortage, we have too many very poor paying jobs. If somebody is too proud to take certain jobs, end the welfare and then they can decide to work or starve. The illegals aliens will never stop coming as long as they are allowed to stay here. Rewards NEVER discouraged any type of bad behavior.
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We have laws for a lot of that now.

Why they aren't enforced, I'll never know.

They had a big meat packing plant in Iowa I think, get raided some years back. They deported a lot of illegals, but they raided the place because the illegals reported the owners for sexual exploitation.

Or the owners were tax cheats, or something. But not raided because they were employing illegals.

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