Massive sun spot detected, biggest in 25 years

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so any time,when we don't connect to this forum,phones don't work..we can blame the sun spot..hope our preps are good and sufficent enough...and try to get our loved ones closer if possible
we'll have to wait and see...I'd rather prepp for as much much as free people we have the option to prepp or not to prepp,we can choose,that's the beauty of it :)
I have always been of the belief that if anything is going to sneak up behind me and bite my ass its going to be Mother Nature doing something unusual rather than a man made issue.
Would be very interesting to see some proper research done on the likely effects of a modern day Carrington Event, I hear various arguments from technophiles saying everything is hardened from CME/EMP to people who believe Telecoms and Nat Grid systems could be out for months.
are the systems really hardened?? that costs money and no company want to spend money if they can avoid it..
are the systems really hardened?? that costs money and no company want to spend money if they can avoid it..

Exactly Jonnte its only about 20 years since the Canadians and Merkins got a nasty cross border blackout because of a localised overloaded of their Nat Grid caused iirc by a CME, but the information that followed the event was far more telling than the blackout itself. Turns out that the Pylons (distribution towers) carrying the nations main power supplies were built as light as possible ( cheap as possible) with a 40 year operational lifespans, and most of them were already over 60 years old. No one apparently wanted the face the cost in billions of daollars to replace them. I think most of them still not not been changed.

Not gloating BTW out here in the boonies of northern England we get power cuts all the time because of lack of investment and infrastructure, only 1/2 an inch of snow and the UK usually grinds to a halt.
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I'm starting to wait for the first real snow..and to listen to the same whine as every year..oh,the winter came as a surprise..that's why I had my summer tires on and are in this ditch with my car...
yup..we only have it once a year ;)
An X3 class solar flare (technically an X3.1 Class Solar Storm), caused by the sun spot, was photographed on Friday, 24 Oct. Smaller flares were recorded yesterday and today (25 & 26 Oct. 2014) All three caused brief radio blackouts...

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who's panicing?? a "healthy dose of worry" keeps you motivated ;)

right now I'm more concerned about my crazy neighbour from east..mad-Vlad the first

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