Master card.

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Awesome Friend
Jan 30, 2013
South Louisiana
I went to make a reservation and on the pay part to pay with my Master Card, it stated Pay With Master Card/Euro Card. That makes me nervous. Looks like we are getting closer to a one world monatery system. Let us know if you have seen anything like that. I think TSHTF if close. We need to be ready.
I went to make a reservation and on the pay part to pay with my Master Card, it stated Pay With Master Card/Euro Card. That makes me nervous. Looks like we are getting closer to a one world monatery system. Let us know if you have seen anything like that. I think TSHTF if close. We need to be ready.

Dear Heavenly Lord...that is downright scarry!!!

I went to make a reservation and on the pay part to pay with my Master Card, it stated Pay With Master Card/Euro Card. That makes me nervous. Looks like we are getting closer to a one world monatery system. Let us know if you have seen anything like that. I think TSHTF if close. We need to be ready.
I have never seen that one, but I am sure you are right, that we are headed to a one world currency.
Actually I believe the Eurocard and Mastercard are one and have been for aLONG time...I googled it and what I found on wiki:
In 1968, Eurocard International and MasterCard International entered into a strategic alliance, in which both issuer's cards would be accepted on either network. This allowed MasterCard to get an instant European acceptance network, and Eurocard to get accepted worldwide. Eurocard International got the sole license to issue MasterCard cards in Europe.

Today, the Eurocard name exists in combination with the MasterCard acceptance mark as a product name. This means that the Eurocard name is still used on a card, although only the MasterCard logo is displayed at locations which accept MasterCard cards. The Eurocard logo is not used any more, as the acceptance mark is discontinued and merged into MasterCard. However, the use of Eurocard as a brand for MasterCard credit cards is limited to Scandinavian countries and the Baltic countries. In other former Eurocard markets, such as the German speaking countries for instance, this brand was fully replaced by the MasterCard brand.

I cut/pasted only portions of the wiki. If you want to read it all please go here
I went to make a reservation and on the pay part to pay with my Master Card, it stated Pay With Master Card/Euro Card. That makes me nervous. Looks like we are getting closer to a one world monatery system. Let us know if you have seen anything like that. I think TSHTF if close. We need to be ready.
New world order / world monetary system /Illuminati /Freemasonry/Bilderberg group..................c'mon mastercajun , next thing you'll say is the Cosa Nostra is real.

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