these people are stupid,,,,,no other way to put it,,,I say put them all in one big room and see if any come outApparently black lives do not matter when they are being taken by other black lives !!
yeah I could fix it also,,,,,,,,,,,,open season on gang membersI think in a situation where gun crimes are this bad I could fix the problem. Anyone caught using a gun in a crime of any kind is executed within 24 hrs of being found guilty.period. Within a three year period you will stop most of the gun crimes.
They should twin Chicago / Detroit with London / Birmingham Uk. We have POST CODE wars (Zip code) where upon you get stabbed or shot if you venture into "da wrong hood bro" Loads of brothers stabbing and shooting each other in the UK over where they live. The Black community demand action but as soon as the police try to get a grip the same people cry RACISM.
She also said, the Police will only do a cursory investigation these days, in general they leave these areas to rot in their own debauchery.