Merry Christmas To ALL....

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Trying to get into the Spirit of Christamas. Sorry guys, after working almost 30 years in the retail side, one way or another, it's very hard. I do enjoy the day of because it is a celebration of Jesus's birth and what they meant for humanity and our ultimate salvation. Jesus was the purest gift God could give us. Just got tears writing those two lines. But I also know the reality side of how much work retail business go thru. Right now I am trying to plan ahead of what I can do. Some cheeses got out on the 26th, yet others go out on Jan 2nd. I got some precuts that I am holding back so I can see thru earlier date and my crates are getting to be stacked 5 high now with 2 rows. I am trying to not be totally overwhelmed. . . yet I know during that time will be crazy. It happens every year. I ran a crossed this video. Not something I would normally listen to, but I did actually like it. And apparently 2 years old.

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Trying to get into the Spirit of Christamas. Sorry guys, after working almost 30 years in the retail side, one way or anothet, it's very hard. I do enjoy the day of because it is a celebration of Jesus's birth and what they meant for humanity and our ultimate salvation. Jesus was the purest gift God could give us. Just got tears writing those two lines. But I also know the reality side of how much work retail business go thru. Right now I am trying to plan ahead of what I can do. Some cheeses got out on the 26th, yet others go out on Jan 2nd. I got some precuts that I am holding back so I can see thru earlier date and my crates are getting to be stacked 5 high now with 2 rows. I am trying to not be totally overwhelmed. . . yet I know during that time will be crazy. It happens every year. I ran a crossed this video. Not something I would normally listen to, but I did actually like it. And apparently 2 years old.

You cut the cheese. (sophomoric humor, snicker snicker)
I hated holidays when I sold to retail. Super Bowl during 90’s when Buffalo was in. Just park a pallet of chips in the store, they will empty it. Y2K and snowstorm where I parked the truck outside the store said it’s yours, sign here.
You cut the cheese. (sophomoric humor, snicker snicker)
I hated holidays when I sold to retail. Super Bowl during 90’s when Buffalo was in. Just park a pallet of chips in the store, they will empty it. Y2K and snowstorm where I parked the truck outside the store said it’s yours, sign here.

Everyday I go into, but at least I'm not like John Kerry at the 34 second mark. Kerry farts at 0:34 seconds into this clip
@Danil54grl I was trying to be humorou. I understand your frustrations
I know Bud. I'll be much better when the holidays are over. I just tend to get Buh humbug this time of year. Hven't even pulled out theChristmas decorations out. I know I need to. I'm actually about to be off 2 days in a row, Friday and Saturday. Plan is to go visit 4 of the the grandkids. I can only imagine what I will be walking into on Sunday because both the days I have off are cheese truck days. 2nd in command, who does our schedule, asked me today if I really wanted 2 days off in a row every week. Told her it would be nice, considering I have only had 1 time of 2 days off in a row since my vacation in October. . . and that was Thanksgiving week. I was actually supposed to have had 3 days off that week, but it didn't happen and had to go in. I got the day off which we traveled out of town to spend with family and a couple grands and the day after I had to clean house. I will have no "off day" until after the new year.
Sounds like the old DD commercial “Time to cut the Cheese“ instead of Time make the Donuts
Been there girl, just lucky enough to retire early.
Know where you are at.
We are trying to get into the good feelings also.
My son called and said my grandson has problems in school with the other aggressive kids.
My daughter called and told us how the landlord decide to demand $1500 as part of his upgrade on the house.
My BIL just got divorced last week and is living in loneliness and sadness after 45 years of marriage.
My friend George hung himself on Friday.
We have already decorated and will be driving to Germany with the BIL to see everybody there and have ALL THREE of my wifes kinfolk together for Christmas which has not happened since she was a kid back in the 70's.
Christmas wishes to all of you and yours, God is greater than all our problems together and his promise of the greatest gift of all is and stays true. Our Jesus came to save our lost souls and we celebrate his birthday
Remember, he is the Bread of Life and his birthplace is translated into:
Home of the Bread!!! God Bless you all, Gary

Dean Martin singing White Christmas!


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