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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
merry christmass everyone..i hope the holidays are good to each and everyone of you..
same to YOU my friend,hope all is well and you and your Mom can enjoy the festive season :)
Warmest wishes for the holiday season to you Jim and everyone else here.
It's the little things in life that matter most! Enjoy the Holidays.
Yes, Merry Christmas to everyone!

I hope you all have a great holiday and an awesome new year!!!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone. I just got a very sad email from 2hands, they said there are still thousands of people needing help still for Christmas. So sad that so many will go without this year. I wish I could help them all but I did 23 families this year so I am over my 20 limit already. Keep these folks in your hearts everyone and pray that an angel helps their kids to have a Christmas.
Well I did my part last night and used 2 e-gift cards through Walmart for a couple of folks last night. However the chat room was 100% out of hand last night. I told every one it's Christmas the hate needed to stop in there if they needed help. Finally it got calmed down. So today they can go pick things up at the store for their kids. I just wish I could have helped nana more, but I couldn't afford the expensive stuff for the teens. But that baby will have enough wipes and diapers for a month :D However now I am gift carded out, so no more help from me until next year.:oops:

Merry Christmas everyone. Today is my day to get cookies and pies done. If it clears up maybe some fudge to.
went today to my red-cross,they needed some's not much,but when you need that stuff it's usually urgent. challenged my class mates to do the same before Christmas.
Tree is up , presants are wrapped , Christmass dinner is planned .
Merry Christmass to all !
Went shopping yesterday and bought some neighbors $101 worth of food. The man lost his job, and they were out of food so I made sure they will have plenty to last them for a month. Then turned some of my bing rewards points into Amazon e-gift cards, and gave those to folks on 2hands. I now am finally in the Christmas mood.

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas, and I hope you all have great new year as well.
well im one step from having all the presents wrapped.except the ones that mom bought for me:( ...who wants to peek at them and tell me what they are? i'll go ahead and get them loaded which i'll have that done untill we get there.then i'll load up the food we'll be taking along just before heading out.
ty..where we'll be having xmas is 99 miles from where i im good to go,as long as i dont have some fool that dont know how to drive in front of me...:p lol
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. And a safe one. Luckily I will be at home. And I hope I don't have to go any place tomorrow.

Let me tell you all something today I realized something that God puts us all in the right place at the right time. We may get ticked, we may bang our heads on the wall and we may pull our hair out, and sit here yelling at the computer. However sometimes we find out the next day there was a reason for it all.

I love helping people, and yesterday was no exception but this one lady in 2hands was just annoying me big time with how she couldn't figure out how to make her wish list at Walmart. So finally after explaining it for the umpteenth time and screaming at the computer, and yelling, banging my head on the wall, I said the heck with it give me your login info I will do it, I did and she added toys for the kids. Earlier today she couldn't figure out how to get the link so again after 1 hour of me telling her how to do it, well I once again had to get the login info. I got the link then after looking at the list saw she had done something wrong so once again I was logging back in and fixing it, cussing under my breath the whole time.

An angel came in the chat room and she decided to help, come to find out finally I get all the info I had been missing. The 8 year old had wanted to make the list for her cousin who was 7 and who lives on a breathing machine. The 8 year old girl wanted to make sure that her cousin had a Christmas. I almost fell out of my chair I was in so much shock. She got a $50 gift card from an angel today to help her and her cousin have a great Christmas, but me I sat and had a long cry. God put me there for a reason yesterday to help that little girl, and after talking to mom today I had to cry. That little girl has got more heart in her then most adults do. And I know I was so wrong to have been so inpatient now, but now I know I was there for a reason. And may God bless that family and children for Christmas, and may everyone remember that patients can some times pay off.

May God bless all the children this Christmas.
Christmas is for the children :)
every Christmas I put in a silent prayer that all adults would understand it,give the children what they need;be with them,with out alchohol,give them time and I hope these emergency shelters where one has to go in case of domestic violence,would be quiet and empty...right now I sit here typing this and looking out of the window...snow is falling and it's silent

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