Mexico & the wall

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
A funny thought hit me.

Have any of you spent any time in Mexico? What is around every property? Every house. Every business. Every block. You see a cinder block wall. Not just that, across the top typically is cemented broken glass.

Go figure! They use walls in Mexico to prevent intruders!

And guess what Mexico's laws are regarding illegals? They don't deport them, they arrest them & they serve prison time.

And it is just such a surprise to see how Tijuana is reacting to thousands of illegals sucking the gov't dry. How the locals are so angry about the crimes committed by the 'caravan'. Huh. It's funny how they had no issue when the entire US nation has fought against the exact same problem.

Tijuana has about 1.6 million residence and now has maybe 10k illegals. That's only 160:1. In the US, we have about 30 million illegals with maybe 350 million residence. So we have a 12:1 ratio with illegals. So Tijuana need a ten-fold increase in illegals to really appreciate the problems the US faces. Ten Fold!
It is always different when the shoe is on the other foot. My daughter -in-law's family all live in T.J.. Her sister and husband just had to move in with my son and DIL, because it was getting too difficult to get across the border. They work in San Diego and did commute back and forth daily. With crossing times now headed toward an average 4 hours and the possibility of the border being closed at any time, daily commutes are too risky. T.J. is now out of money. The new Mexican President has not been installed and the out going President is not going to commit federal funding. So it is going to get real interesting and even more dangerous. Mayor of T.J. said they lost 139,000 Pesos when the border was closed for just those 4 hours. Now we have thousands that are sick (can't pass the medical screening for Asylum), no money, no food, no decent shelter and very poor sanitations.

I don't talk politics when I visit my son, out of respect for him marriage but I do laugh my azz off when I think about how President Trump has put them into our situation. Now there is talk of building a wall on their southern border. Talk about how they cannot allow these people to come in and damage their economy. How Mexico must defend theirs border and as a Sovereign nation cannot allow these invaders to just march in and claim asylum and demand humanitarian aid. I love the sudden change in attitude.
Amen my brother UP! AMEN!

And the US should pay attention. However Mexico treats the Hondurans, we should consider the same for illegals from Mexico. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

And the fun part: Mexico KNOWS that Trump is watching them and will talk about how their methods could/should be used against them!

The only sad part is that I'm gaining weight eating all this popcorn watching all this political fighting! If all this stuff were put into a movie, everyone would complain how unrealistic it is!