Miami’s oceanfront nuclear power plant is leaking

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now thats something to worry about..and i cant help but wonder,if there will be any kind of cover up,of some,we didnt know it was leaking.and who's gonna get the final blame..
This has been in the news off and on for a few years now. Basically, until the Fed says they have to do one of the two (shut it down, or build the cooling towers), FL Power is going to drag its feet as slow as it can. That is one truly corrupt and morally bankrupt company. Thankfully for me, they are on the other coast, and about 250 miles from me.....

It's not really "leaking", though it's a good headline. They simply aren't managing the wastewater as cleanly as they should be. I don't think it was intentional, FL just has some geographic challenges when it comes to this. But, what IS intentional, is how they are waiting until a mandate to actually do anything about it....

They did the same kind of thing before Crystal River was shut down.
This has been in the news off and on for a few years now. Basically, until the Fed says they have to do one of the two (shut it down, or build the cooling towers), FL Power is going to drag its feet as slow as it can. That is one truly corrupt and morally bankrupt company. Thankfully for me, they are on the other coast, and about 250 miles from me.....

It's not really "leaking", though it's a good headline. They simply aren't managing the wastewater as cleanly as they should be. I don't think it was intentional, FL just has some geographic challenges when it comes to this. But, what IS intentional, is how they are waiting until a mandate to actually do anything about it....

They did the same kind of thing before Crystal River was shut down.

Ah ok, so apparently the news travels slow to the West coast here :) Here in Washington the People own the utilities PUD (public utility districts), we vote for the commissioners that run the power company except for half the dams the other half is owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers so corruption is held to a minimal.

25 dams (EPA want's half the dams taken out)
20 wind farms (a joke, most all the power sold to California)
3 solar farms (another joke, Government appeasement)
1 nuclear plant controlled by the public utility districts/State and Feds in Eastern Washington near Hanford (Governments nuclear production complex) ya, a soviet/russian first wave primary nuclear target
Yeah, the monopoly of the utilities here confounds me really. While not a fan of socialism, if there isn't going to be competition (I can't choose another power company's rates, for example), then it needs to be socialized. Cable is pretty much the choice.
I just had a news blurb about the nuke plant in SC that had a fire a few days ago, and now it's off the radar. The reactor was fine, it was a large transformer that toasted. What is disturbing is the sucker is really close to here. I would hate to have to leave this place I've worked so hard on in any kind of mishap there. I always felt that nuclear power was good, until Fukushima. Now I don't think it's worth the risk.
I just read that the Oconee plant in SC is one of the largest plants in the country. Great, as its really close. :confused: It's also pretty old as it was built in '73. Double :confused::confused:. The 'incident' did close one of the three reactors, but 'there is no need to worry'.
Chances are though, it's been refitted not too long ago, with redundant safety features (ones that Fukushima didn't have).....
Chances are though, it's been refitted not too long ago, with redundant safety features (ones that Fukushima didn't have).....
I'm actually not worried about things like this, as its to far out of our control as an individual. I can't say I was happy to learn of it being so close, but am glad to be aware of it. If we do have a long term electrical outage in this country, it would be wise to distance oneself from such places.
Have your potassium iodide tablets close at hand...just in case. :(

I think there has been a lot of confusion regarding potassium iodide pills, potassium iodide protects the thyroid from cancer in the young generally folks younger than 40 so as a rule people over the age of 40 don't need to take potassium iodide pills given the thyroid isn't as sensitive as people 40yrs and younger. Radioactive iodine isn't the only nuclear component released (cesium exposure) of a plant melt-down with no protective measures other than not be there when it occurs and afterwords ;)
I think there has been a lot of confusion regarding potassium iodide pills, potassium iodide protects the thyroid from cancer in the young generally folks younger than 40 so as a rule people over the age of 40 don't need to take potassium iodide pills given the thyroid isn't as sensitive as people 40yrs and younger. Radioactive iodine isn't the only nuclear component released (cesium exposure) of a plant melt-down with no protective measures other than not be there when it occurs and afterwords ;)

So I know that cancer is more prevalent in kids who are exposed to radiation, but why wouldn't everyone's thyroid be vulnerable? The thyroid gland is where the radiation particles gather in anyone's body, and the purpose of the pills is to overload the thyroid with 'safe' particles so that the radioactive ones can't attach. I might be wrong, but I thought the type of radiation that is the most deadly is the gamma particles, which can be absorbed through the skin even. And I'm aware that if one is close enough to a plant when an accident occurs, that all the different types of radiation will probably kill pretty quickly.

I'm just wondering if it doesn't hurt take a few iodide pills, maybe less than the normal dose, just to be on the safe side? Like if I lived within 100 mile radius or if the wind was blowing towards me? I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Thanks for bringing this up though...I will explore it further since I live in the middle of the "nuclear power plant alley". :oops:
The pills only protect against radioactive iodine, in older folks radioactive iodine doesn't affect them as it does the young for some reason. I-131's that causes most of the thyroid cancer in the young have roughly a 8 day half-life. Fukushima have been overly reported on and in many cases been a political scare tactic from many groups that have a dog in the fight! Nuclear power plants are totally different than that of a nuclear bomb. Gamma from a nuclear power would be the least of my worries. I think the word radiation has been made the boogie man not realizing we humans have been living among radiation since the dawn of man, the light being emitted from a light bulb is radiation, radon gas is radioactive, practically everything has an atomic number. Potassium iodide pills is an escape pill not a wait around fix, the iodide pills kill the soft tissue in the thyroid thus not meant to be used for long periods, it is strictly use to get one to safety out of harms way 1 pill a day for no more than two days, it's one of those things to much is worse and in some case a sever reaction to the potassium iodide ;)