Military bosses reveal survival system that is in place if America's power systems are wiped out by

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I do not believe this at all. I am in the military and see our equipment daily. Our vehicles and normal gear like night vision, etc..are not EMP protected. They have had NUMEROUS people say that our power grid was at risk for years and years and nothing was ever done. Even civilian aircraft are not guarded against EMP. Just the loss of life if all the planes in the sky came down would be catastrophic. The military would fall apart if power was out on everything for more than 3 days. No way to call everyone in, people wont be walking to base to figure out whats going on. I am sure most would stay and protect their family.
I do not believe this at all. I am in the military and see our equipment daily. Our vehicles and normal gear like night vision, etc..are not EMP protected. They have had NUMEROUS people say that our power grid was at risk for years and years and nothing was ever done. Even civilian aircraft are not guarded against EMP. Just the loss of life if all the planes in the sky came down would be catastrophic. The military would fall apart if power was out on everything for more than 3 days. No way to call everyone in, people wont be walking to base to figure out whats going on. I am sure most would stay and protect their family.

I believe the call to duty (since of duty) would prevail, many Soldiers would head to their perspective bases and some later after securing the safety of loved one's. It is true the majority of Military vehicles are of COTS components but the Military does have many many vehicles that are mil-std-464, mil-std-461 and the more potent vehicle meeting mil-std-2169 standards. Almost all Military vehicles would meet E1 and E2 protection to a degree except for HEMP protection (E3) requiring a mil-std-2169.

What makes the Military so intriguing is not what we see or think we know, it's what we don't know, of the years I spent and the places I have gone while in the Military, it's the things I've seen that don't exist ;)
I'm always amazed at how what we SEE of the military, is always at least 20 years behind what they actually have. In the past, I was in a position to see some of our planes in operation years before they were officially "public", and even those are "old as the hills" these days, even though they still look like something off a sci-fi show (like the SR-71 or the F-117)
I do not believe this at all. I am in the military and see our equipment daily. Our vehicles and normal gear like night vision, etc..are not EMP protected. They have had NUMEROUS people say that our power grid was at risk for years and years and nothing was ever done. Even civilian aircraft are not guarded against EMP. Just the loss of life if all the planes in the sky came down would be catastrophic. The military would fall apart if power was out on everything for more than 3 days. No way to call everyone in, people wont be walking to base to figure out whats going on. I am sure most would stay and protect their family.

I spent 22 years in the Army Guard. Back in the early 90s we were still using Viet Nam era comms gear, and it was expected that the first thing that would happen once you hit the box was that comms would go down. You just planned on it and acted accordingly
By the end of my career I was spending my time in front of computer screens that were pretty much commercial grade right off the shelf. Not hardened at all against stuff like EMP.
Do I think that that stuff wouldn't survive. Sure. Do I think the military would adapt? Absolutely.
Militaries have engaged in campaigns throughout all of recorded history without the modern personal and combat amenities we take for granted far too often
If it came down to a shooting war I think there would be a steep learning curve for current US military personnel. We've gotten too used to having air superiority and technological superiority against all enemies we've faced for several generations now.