Missing NKorea's Kim May Have Been Toppled in Coup

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Yeah, he hasn't been seen in public in like a month, so I was beginning to wonder. I think it may just be bad health though. If a coup, I think we would have heard about it right then. (and they wouldn't be able to keep it secret from China for a month...no way).
Holy crap, great if it's true. Why else would the 2IC go to the south for peace talks?

If Un was in bad health....

I just think if there were a coup, we'd already know about it. If there was, and they kept it hushed this long, kudos to them, as that is impressive.
China without a doubt would order a swift regime change if it got any indications of a coup that favors the West. NK leaders heading to SK for peace talks this is China's biggest fear and it wouldn't be tolerated! NK leaders know SK has more to offer then China and they also know China wouldn't stand for it, the NK military fears China more then it fears the West. For all tense and purposes I see this story of being nothing more then wishful thinking!
Yep, exactly my point.

Unless of course, China instigated and supported the coup. (and this whole SK peace talk bit is really a set up for announcing the coup and ending any drive of a united Korea).... This would also easily explain why China would be quiet on the issue. Plenty of other distractions in the world, (ISIS, Ebola, etc.), no reason for anyone to look little ol' China's way...nope, no reason.

That would actually make the most sense.
Kim does too much sabre rattling, making China lose face, so they oust him with a General on the China payroll.

Nicely done China. If that's what happened. ;)

If you check older NK threads, that's exactly what I suggested they do back when he was doing his missile tests, lol!

Best of both worlds. A NK that is still in China's pocket, but without calling attention to itself. I'd expect to see a huge windfall from China for the new regime and the NK people, if this is what really happened.

By the way, the NK capital has been locked down for over a week now, so while not a smoking gun, could certainly be a sign of a coup.
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A coup that does not favor the communist would upset China on their border . Either way pro China or not there would be more communacation between the Koreas . Would be great to see one of the worlds most opressed people gain some freedom mabe next Burma .
Did NK just find Jesus? hmm, what the dickens got into them..

North Korea acknowledges labor camps for 1st time

"Diplomats for the reclusive, impoverished country also told reporters that a top North Korea official has visited the headquarters of the European Union and expressed interest in dialogue, with discussions on human rights expected next year.

North Korea's deputy U.N. ambassador Ri Tong Il said the secretary of his country's ruling Workers' Party had visited the EU, and that "we are expecting end of this year to open political dialogue between the two sides." The human rights dialogue would follow"

Either that, or some of the intel chatter rumors are true, and Un's sister is more in charge now. Of course, if she is, it's only as a figurehead from the old guard that surrounded Un's dad. A SK visit and now this? Something definitely going down in NK....
Well, he missed today's anniversary celebration. Another key normal appearance where he's a no show.
Still in power or not, in a nation like NK, you have to have the people keep seeing you, to maintain that control.
My guess is that he is simply sick, very sick, and knowing his vanity, would not want to appear publicly as "weak" or "infirm"... He's pretty much been a figurehead for a little while now anyhow, after he went a little off the deep end.

Whatever the case, I'm thinking the old guard is calling the shots right now, so that's what is behind the trip to SK and the address to the UN. Without Un's saber rattling, they need to try a different approach.
As far as I know, just undated pics though. Until an actual public appearance where other press sees him, I wouldn't take it as the gospel. Of course, such cries for attention aren't really new to Un.....
Until some other press documents him out and about, these pics are just propaganda, to me.
Interesting development, and hardly reported it seems, but seems NK has banned all travel. Officially, due to the Ebola threat, but with such a non-targeted response, I'm thinking something else.

Something either has, or is going to, go down there, I just feel it.
Too many coincidences to be just coincidences.

I wonder why they didn't have a body double stand in for Un's missing appearances. I know, I know, many don't believe in the use of body doubles, but it is a verifiable fact if you care to look at history, and modern dictators are well versed in it. Here's some examples if you think it is just a conspiracy theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_decoy
It's well known amongst the intel world that Un suffers from gout. That's more than likely the cause of the cane. He's also a type 2 diabetic.
The cane isn't the deal though.
Those pics could have been dated.

I want to see independent press confirmation of Un in public, otherwise, I think something has gone down.

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