Mistaken Identity

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
For almost a year we was (still am) getting calls from a bill collector, right name but wrong person, then I started getting mail from bill collectors again, right full name, when they have called I refused to give social security number to confirm my name but then she confirmed my email address (I never gave to them) associated with the right name wrong person.

In February we was visited by a sheriff deputy's looking for a person with my name, full name is right but the birthday off by a month, my drivers license SS card and passport saved the day still took a little over a hour. The same month I had another deputy come to the house and had to go through the whole routine by this time I am becoming worried, I gone down to the sheriff office and had a talk with the sheriff, that ended the visits for now.

Last Saturday, we was on the freeway, an accident occurred in front of us, we pulled over later a state trooper asked for our IDs and statement, 20 minutes later he came back and said there was a warrant, I ask the trooper to confirm the name after I presented my CCC, SS card and passport, less then 30 minutes later he came back and apologized. We find out another person with the same name almost the same birthday in the same county, it's NOT identity theft it's just simply a person with the same name (unrelated) with similar profile. Lisa does a search and finds his FB page and notices I have family members that friend'ed the person, they was mistaken in thinking it was me, apparently they didn't look at his pictures or read his wall nor communicated with him on FB. Very unsettling! Drivers license doesn't seem to be good enough anymore and looks as if I need to carry my passport all the time, damn sad.
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When the Gun Shop I worked at went out of bussiness in 1990 I had 3 job interviews and 2 of them kept saying I had interviewed the previous week and thought I was pulling something . Couldn't convince them it wasn't me . I got the 3rd job and have been with the same company ever since . When my oldest went into the Military they told her she was already in a Army unit down in GA some one mistyped her SS # .
But I will still stick with "pappers please " I aint getting no chip implant .
NO, I'm not getting no chip either, they can go straight to timbuktu (not exactly what I wanted to say) one would think when you ask to confirm the name and present them with a passport and cc license end of discussion not take up to an hour. Very annoying!
I received a request on a certain site that was my BIL name on it. I fortunately checked and turned out to be someone else so quickly deleted request. He does unfortunately have a common name and actually the other had gone to the same school, graduated a year before and has the same occupation. That is just inconvenient to say the least for you to have to deal with everyday. . . .It's like guilty until proven innocent!
Unfortunately the only way to make the locals sensitive about this is to file a complaint every time it happens. You have to go down to the locals and complain your ass off even make a meeting with the local sheriff or chief so that this stops happening. I had a similar problem here and it cost me jobs because this other person (same name, close birth date, different middle name) had quite the record. I took me filing 16 different complaints for the local sheriff to ask for a meeting with me to figure it all out. I had filed a harassment lawsuit and then they took it seriously. I hate to even suggest it but, it may be the only way to fix it. It was in my case...
Unfortunately the only way to make the locals sensitive about this is to file a complaint every time it happens. You have to go down to the locals and complain your ass off even make a meeting with the local sheriff or chief so that this stops happening. I had a similar problem here and it cost me jobs because this other person (same name, close birth date, different middle name) had quite the record. I took me filing 16 different complaints for the local sheriff to ask for a meeting with me to figure it all out. I had filed a harassment lawsuit and then they took it seriously. I hate to even suggest it but, it may be the only way to fix it. It was in my case...

I am hoping not to go that far though I have to keep it as an option, I really hate to do that but I really don't want to deal with a bang and crash on my doors in the middle of the night causing people and animals (dogs) to get hurt or killed!
That was the straw that broke the camels back for me. That's why I recommend being proactive. They pulled me over with guns drawn and drug me out of my car cuffed me with their knees in my back and neck and booked me. It took them 2 days to figure out it wasn't me they wanted. I sat in jail for a weekend, my client dropped me for being arrested and it wasn't until my first court date that they read me my list of charges. My fiancee brought them hotel receipts proving I was out of the country at the time. Then they figured out oops it's not the right guy... I had to sue for defamation to get them to abolish the arrest from my record. They risked my security clearances. Take it from me Mav.... Don't wait for it to happen. Make them very aware of this and you....
I might be one of the luckiest people alive. My first name occurred because the midwife in Germany where I was born misunderstood the name that my father provided in English. I have googled and searched for years, but I have never found another person with the misspelling that landed my name. If there is a case of identity theft of my name, it will not be hard to disprove. Thank GOD GIs in Germany in the 1950s could be misunderstood.
I might be one of the luckiest people alive. My first name occurred because the midwife in Germany where I was born misunderstood the name that my father provided in English. I have googled and searched for years, but I have never found another person with the misspelling that landed my name. If there is a case of identity theft of my name, it will not be hard to disprove. Thank GOD GIs in Germany in the 1950s could be misunderstood.
I read the last part of your screen name and was wondering if you had any german connection. Now I know. Lol

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