Moron alert: Pope

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

As I often say, you can't make this stuff up. The Pope said that the Church is considering a new 'ecological sin'. So, if you fill up your car on an ozone action day, that's a sin? If you don't buy carbon credits, that's a Sin against God? This is so stupid, I don't know where to go with it. This Pope is a complete communist moron.
I remember when it was a sin to eat meat on Fridays. Then there was a mercury scare about fish and all of a sudden it was okay to eat meat on Friday. The changing rules are just one of the many reasons I am an agnostic.

As I often say, you can't make this stuff up. The Pope said that the Church is considering a new 'ecological sin'. So, if you fill up your car on an ozone action day, that's a sin? If you don't buy carbon credits, that's a Sin against God? This is so stupid, I don't know where to go with it. This Pope is a complete communist moron.
I'll bet California adopts this with out question!
Come on people, the Pope was once a Cardinal, before that a Bishop, before that a priest, before that: a Snotty little kid in south America. I am catholic, had to become one to marry my 23 year old catholic Hungarian Baroness. Not many can say that they married a 23 year old virgin either.....The Church has no say on forgiveness, we each and all forgive the others who do us wrong; OR NOT. God will forgive you if you ask, OR NOT. Keep the story right, this is not politics, this is a piece of religious free America. Believe as you wish, love those who hate you and turn the other cheek things are your convictions and not those of any other person in the world. Believing is personal and spiritual, not monetary and religious. I forgive them, they know not what they do! GP
it's odd that Benedict left the way he did.[/QUOTE

Benedict was stuck in the same position that Richard Nixon was. Both inherited a pile of ****. Nixon was caught as president when something Kennedy started came to light. Benedict inherited a pile of pedophile priests after what they started came to light....Both of them had to do the same thing, commit political suicide because they both had no idea how deep the **** was and neither of them knew how to dig it out without losing even more of their integrity...GP
I read the article. I saw nothing on Texas’s supposition. He speaks specifically about the corporate greed in the Amazon. There is a lot of that happening. In the end though I doubt there will actually be a need to add to the catecism the sin is greed anyway you look at it. The Pope makes plenty of speeches. Doesn’t make it Dogma guys. Let’s calm down the rhetoric please. But in typical non catholic fashion y’all jump on the hate train without knowing actually anything about the faith.
Ps urban it’s never a sin to eat meat on Fridays and never was a sin. They ask us to make a sacrifice on Friday’s to emulate Christ’s sacrifice for us and it’s a form of honoring Passover. The original asking was to only eat fish on that day but then the church realized that that’s not possible for some or even most in the world to have immediate access to fish so they have now clarified that a sacrifice of some kind be made on Friday’s if possible. The only sin is a direct disobedience of not doing it on purpose because your Catholic and you think it’s stupid, which shows disobedience to Christ and his church.
Raised and baptized Catholic. We ate fish on Fridays because it was the rule, then along came mercury scare and it was no longer the rule. Everybody is free to follow OR not follow a chosen religion. When the rules change to accommodate the current times, then I bail.
Urban I’m not saying that the church didn’t get more lenient on the fish thing. I think your actual understanding of it was incorrect from the beginning is all. Most Catholics don’t know their own faith. This is a short coming of the Church for sure but, the info is freely available just most don’t seek it out. It’s church law that a sacrifice be made on Friday to recognize Christ sacrifice on the cross. How we do that wasn’t determined for a while then the church thought that fish was the easiest one. Then it was found that it wasn’t the easiest one so it reverted back to the original way. That’s how it happened. Had nothing to do with mercury.
I like your explaination of the situation Roninsensei. The big problem with the Catholic church is that they preach a lot, but do not teach a lot. The Protestant churches have Bible study and teaching meetings. Some Catholics do probably also. I have never been to such or heard of such but it may be so. After my family was sex, dope, alcohol and single parties in the 60s/ 70s, I learned for myself by going to all of the different churches in our town. All taught the same in general, just with or without music, with or without instruments, with or without communion and so forth. My first contact with the Catholics were my wifes' family here in Germany. They were still preaching in Latin throught the 70s and I only learned about the church at the same time I learned to speak German. I can quote much of the bible, it surprised many people here since they don't read themselves because a passage or two are read each Sunday. Sometimes they don't even have their own bible or don't know where it is....
My biggest problem with the Catholic church is its' history of violence and decadence. Not much better today with the pedophile stories, but that is not why I go to church.
Everybody gets to make their own choice, do or not. GP
I see this Pope as promoting Pure EVIL that goes against the churches teachings. And I'm not even Catholic. Maybe it is a good thing that both of my close Catholic friends are not alive to see this happening in their religion that they held so dear to their hearts.

As a staunch and avid catholic, I refuse to make any comments on how they are acting.
The biggest mistake anyone can make is to point their index finger at ANYONE else in life.
As you point your finger at someone; THERE ARE 3 OTHER FINGERS POINTING back at you....
And, those people are Gods representatives on earth and are RESPONSIBLE for their flocks AS SHEPARDS...
Jesus said: "do not judge, for as you judge, you will be judged"
I can only pray for those poor souls in such a high responsibility position who are not doing Gods work and will pay the highest and most terrible price for their failure if they do not correct their ways before they die.
They are Gods servants, (as are ALL PREACHERS and all God fearing people), and we are chided by Jesus to pray for each other, reprimand each other and correct each other before witnesses to warn the weak...
God have mercy on the blind being led by the blinded, for both will fall into a pit.
As a staunch and avid catholic, I refuse to make any comments on how they are acting.
The biggest mistake anyone can make is to point their index finger at ANYONE else in life.
As you point your finger at someone; THERE ARE 3 OTHER FINGERS POINTING back at you....
And, those people are Gods representatives on earth and are RESPONSIBLE for their flocks AS SHEPARDS...
Jesus said: "do not judge, for as you judge, you will be judged"
I can only pray for those poor souls in such a high responsibility position who are not doing Gods work and will pay the highest and most terrible price for their failure if they do not correct their ways before they die.
They are Gods servants, (as are ALL PREACHERS and all God fearing people), and we are chided by Jesus to pray for each other, reprimand each other and correct each other before witnesses to warn the weak...
God have mercy on the blind being led by the blinded, for both will fall into a pit.
I point one finger at this jerk, and that's the middle finger.