Mountain Dragon says hello

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Mountain Dragon

Awesome Friend
Dec 10, 2020
Between some Mountains
Hi everyone

As i'm an prepper since many years i'll getting courious how people handle this topic in other countries (and any TV-series aren't maybe really helpfull). Guess it's never wrong to learn more and see other solutions, perhaps i'm even able to help myself.
Myself, i'm living in the mountains of Switzerland (ok, down in the valley) and i'll try to write in english correctly halfway.

Hope we'll having an good time into here
Regards, Mountain Dragon
Thanks for the welcome!

Thanks for the flowers ;)
Unfortunately we have the same problem over here too with our language. I'm not sure if it's an generation, social media or another problem. But as long they know how to behave i can life with bader knowledges in writing. Not everybody can write perfectly, but proably there are other better skills around. And as long the conservations are in the origin language everything is fine (we got 4 official languages in Switzerland btw)

Never know, we're starring at the same mountains proably 😇
Welcome from Georgia, USA! You will be surprised how much better your English is compared to some English people!:eek: But as long as we understand what each other is saying, it is fine and no reason to worry about how it is written, said or anything, right! Always wanted to move to Switzerland, especially now!

Think about it, Switzerland is currently no longer what it used to be, and even less so since a year ago. I would not have thought a year ago that it goes here ever once so fast with many Bachab, at the time the development is very questionable as that continues.
Yeah i remember we're an free nation with free citizens, allowed to say what we think. OK, it wasn't always nice, especially in the mountain areas even the nice words could be rough.
Today it looks different. Don't blame anyone or anything - except it's conservative, not collecting stardust or eats meat. As long you follow the mainstream it's fine, but don't really think about to having an own meaning or going along with ideas which aren't popular in the media or politics.

Think about it, Switzerland is currently no longer what it used to be, and even less so since a year ago. I would not have thought a year ago that it goes here ever once so fast with many Bachab, at the time the development is very questionable as that continues.
Well I haven't really checked into it for sometime, maybe I need to! But of course, in reality, my chances of leaving this Hell hole are slim to none!:(
Well I haven't really checked into it for sometime, maybe I need to! But of course, in reality, my chances of leaving this Hell hole are slim to none!:(

An small chance is better than giving up. We all might need to be patient and proably need to suffer a bit until we get our chance. But if we give up to be prepared and we're giving up to fight we're really lost.