Moving forward ! Beginner Prepper!

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Super Friend
Jan 5, 2018
Amite, Louisiana
Finally heading forward as best I can as a Prepper! The aftermath of Ida left me without phone and Wi-Fi for many weeks, workers who dedicated hours to restore the East residents of Louisiana damages are still working in areas who still don't have full utilities restored to their properties! Some do not even have a home to live in! The destruction Ida left is insurmountable! There is damages done to my home and property, my rather large shed no longer has a roof and looks like a bomb was thrown inside of it and blew out the structure walls! Rather scary looking! But this posting is about moving forward!

I now have chickens, a chicken house, a pig pen with pigs, cages with rabbits, duck shed and a few ducks! My next adventure is to ready a goat shed and put three goats in it! Two goats ready to birth and a billy! The property my husband and I bought was a farm at one time and has a concrete milking barn! I intend to fix it up to be used as a goat pen! I have been told that it is hard to keep goats penned! I shall see, and I am prepared by trial and error! A fall garden was planted and it is beautiful and bountiful! We are getting ready to plot another garden area!
This property also has a in ground well! There's a pipe coming from the earth well! I will need to have someone come and secure the well with a pump and put a pump house around it and place an electric water tank so that I can run water pipe for our gardens and animals! This I am really excited for! I will not have to use city water for my farm area! I can only imagine how much my city water bill would cost me!
My mom passed away some years ago, she could can anything in a pressure cooker! She taught me how use pressure cooking canning, but I am a little fearful on my on! I had an aunt who hot bath canning for all her canning needs! I have blanched and placed veggies and fruit in the freezer! It will be an adventure anyway! I do not take my homesteading lightly we all have watched this God given earth for our use and it hurts to see what the powers that be is doing to the citizens of our USA!
So I am moving forward as a homesteader prepper! The destruction of our life as we knew it is over! Yours kindly Patsy Jo!
Good luck PatsyJo!
I was scared of pressure canning but after doing it a few times, I was surprised how easy it really it was. There are a number of helpful books out there - and I found that making meals in the larger jars was the best as my family could dump the contents in a pot and reheat it easily!
Those concrete milkhouses come in handy. I have a two room one. Have rabbits in one side, a freezer, generators, water storage. Other room houses our dog bedtime kennels, our gas cans and diesel, and just set up a 6 foot square cage for the french hen babies when they leave the brooder. It'll be too cold here in Jan/Feb to set them free, so they'll winter in there. Electricity in the milkhouse, so we can keep it at survivable winter temps for the animals.
Good luck to you, you're starting out well. Have you learned butchering yet?