Moving to another country?

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Awesome Friend
Oct 17, 2012
Atlanta GA
Has anyone ever considered moving out of the USA to another country to retire or get away from what's going on here?
What place you're thinking about precisely?
Actually my wife and I were looking for a retirement plance and since you can research real estate on the web. I doubt I would but it was fun to dream. I've looked at Ireland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and a few other places. I've checked on the CIA Factbook first. But so far nothing definate.
I could live inside a tepee , as long as we can sail New Zealand .
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It had crossed my mind, but I love America too much. I would rather all the people that are conspiring to ruin our Country go instead. There is plenty of room for them in other nations that think more like they do. As for me.... I'm American, born and bread and will always call this my home.

From the cradle to the grave... Land of the free, home of the brave.
It has crossed my mind a time or two, but darn it, I've worked to hard for what I have and would rather stay here and either defend or protect what is mine if need be. Honestly, I hope it never comes down to that. I value a person's life but I also value what I have worked hard to get. I was American made and will die that way
As of right now the more I learn about other places it doesen't look like I'll be moving anywhere.

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