MSM head exploding

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

I turn on the morning national shows (NBC, CBS...) and they are all hyperventilating over the fake whistleblower story. I thought all of that had blown over? Trump even released the phone conversation yesterday? So... what's the big deal?

I turn off the blah blah. I just turned it back on, an hour later. And it is wall-to-wall BS about this fake story. Did they not see a very similar message from 3 democrats in a letter to Ukraine just a few months ago?

How disparate are they? Do they not see they are killing the tiny bit of credibility they have left?

Something has become clear. For the last 3 years, the democrats (including MSM) are behaving like and not getting over being SORE LOSERS. It was bad enough when Al Gore whined like a spanked 3 year old for months and months. But 3+ years? Every action they take is pure sore loser crybaby behavior. Everyone remember SALT & SALT 2, Reagan's deals with the USSR? I think I have the democrat SALT: Sore Angry Loser Tour. How pathetic.
Off topic, but about MSM. Why the hell isn't Al Sharpton in jail.

His charity gave him over $1m dollars.

Every thing a Republican has been charged or convicted of, the Left just openly does the samen things with zero repercussions .

I am tired of the hypocrisy and double standards.

"They" say there are thousands of sealed indictments ready to be dropped on the Left. How close to election are they going to go? I want to see HRC and her band of minions to be first. What I wouldn't give to have Soros gone too, but he has too much money.
NO CHARGES; NO DA; NO JUDGE; NO JUDGEMENT; NO PRISON. Simple as that. If nobody charges them, nobody will prosecute. The Reps are too busy and the Demos are not gonna. GP
I've heard it said many times that if you want to know what the Left is up to, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of, and you can be sure they are doing it themselves and only accusing Republicans to divert attention from their own malfeasance.

In the case of Russian and Ukraine, it's documented beyond a shadow of doubt.
I've heard it said many times that if you want to know what the Left is up to, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of, and you can be sure they are doing it themselves and only accusing Republicans to divert attention from their own malfeasance.

In the case of Russian and Ukraine, it's documented beyond a shadow of doubt.

Too many people have forgotten, if you point your finger at someone, three other fingers are still pointing back at you! The more you point at others, the less you hope the world will watch and look at you...
Robin, I totally agree with you. WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS? Even when they were totally in charge, they did NOTHING. They claimed that they did not have a big enough majority. Now the Democrats run ONLY the house but the seem to rule everything in Washington. WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS?? I keep hearing they are building case, well where is it. I have been hearing this for years and nothing happens. As long as the republicans sit on the sideline with their finger stuck up their @@@ the democrats will continue this farce until they can make something stick or at least wear out the opponents.
Give anyone enough rope and he will hang himself. Give someone enough free space and he will create his own vacume. All will fall according to history, just in which direction will be the interesting outcome! GP
the UK news is full of this stuff every time I turn on the news channel, i'm sure its all B.S. and false news, and even if D.T. did ask Ukraine to check someone out-so what? wouldn't be the first time any president has done so, what about Hillary and all those Emails, what became of that? nothing I guess.
Lots of talk about things like that. The demos only attack the opposition and never themselves. Only point the finger at the rest of the world and never open the door to your own downfall.
This is all BS. Heck, "Quid Pro Quo" is NOT illegal, it is the may most diplomacy works. Now, extortion, especially from a foreign government is illegal. Who is responsible for investigating crimes where a foreign government is involved? Is it the Justice Department or the State Department. Does not matter in this case, they are both part of the executive branch of Government. Who is in charge of the Executive Branch. President Trump!!! So it IS his job to investigate the extortion of a foreign government (the Bidens extortion of $$ from Ukraine). If Trump had not performed an investigation of the crime, THEN he would have been neglecting this responsibility meaning subject to impeachment. Now the Democrats are attempting to impeach Trump for doing his job while ignoring the Extortion Crime committed by the Bidens.

The same thing happened with the Russian Collusion. Only thing proven was Hillary and the DNC colluded with Russia. Where did that investigation and the millions of dollars sent, led??? No where, as it was a Democrat who colluded and not Trump.
the UK news is full of this stuff every time I turn on the news channel, i'm sure its all B.S. and false news, and even if D.T. did ask Ukraine to check someone out-so what? wouldn't be the first time any president has done so, what about Hillary and all those Emails, what became of that? nothing I guess.

Every day this blows up in their face but they get a one liner for CNN or MSNBC

Wow, heads are going into outer space. An FBI guy is now under investigation for 'meaningfully' altering the Carter Page FISA documents. Ouch. Watch the CNN video, Wolf Blitzer's face is hysterical, I'd expect him to start crying any time now.

CNN breaks story, then ignores it on most showa. Hypocrites.

As I've always said , their arrogance will be their downfall. It's called comeuppance and I can't wait.
I've only seen a few minutes here and there of this disgusting Democrat freak show. But it looks to me like all of these (non)"witnesses" are just a bunch of disgruntled arrogant crybabies who got their feelings hurt because Trump expected them to do their job his way. They felt like they were in charge and knew better than their boss Trump. All of these self serving entitlement backstabbing breaucrats should be knocked off their pedestal and fired.
Nunes has invoked an obscure House rule that Schiff reportedly overlooked, to call for a second, Republican-led “impeachment inquiry” hearing… one where Nunes and his allies would be calling the witnesses.

In a letter, Nunes cited House Rule XI, Clause 2(j)(1) and demanded Schiff’s immediate response.

If Schiff fails to call the hearing as requested, Nunes says it will be seen as “evidence of your denial of fundamental fairness and due process” by the American people.

The letter can be read here —

On September 24, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi unilaterally announced that the House of Representatives would initiate an inquiry into impeaching President Donald J. Trump. Although Speaker Pelosi promised that Democrats would “treat the President with fairness,” you have repeatedly prevented Republicans from fully and fairly examining issues central to the Democrat’s “impeachment inquiry.” Therefore, pursuant to House Rule XI, Clause 2(j)(1), we, the undersigned Republican Members of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, exercise our right to convene a hearing with witnesses selected by the Minority to testify in the Democrats’ “impeachment inquiry.”

House Rule XI, Clause 1(a)(1)(A) states that “[t]he Rules of the House are the rules of the committees and subcommittees so far as applicable.” House Rule XI, Clause 2(j)(1) provides that “the minority members of the committee shall be entitled, upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify…” Notably, this rule was no displaced by H. Res. 660 and, therefore, under House Rule XI, Clause 1(a)(1)(A), it applies to the Democrats’ “impeachment inquiry.”

As the Committee continues to conduct the Democrats’ partisan and one-sided “impeachment inquiry,” there are still important perspectives and serious issues that you have prevented the Committee from examining. We will inform you of the witnesses we intend to call once you have provided a hearing date and time of which we agree. Your failure to schedule this hearing shall constitute evidence of your denial of fundamental fairness and due process.

It was signed by Nunes, as well as a large contingent of Republican reps.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., posted the letter on social media Thursday.

McCarthy asked the American people to share it and demand Schiff’s answer.

Does she ever smile, or should I ask: can she smile. Maybe that is not her face, it is just a tatoo...
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