Spend a Summer of Jihad With Hamas.
Close to 120,000 Palestinian children will attend camps this summer run by Hamas, which gained control of the Gaza Strip 10 years ago, reported Breitbart, citing figures from the terrorist organization. In addition, tens of thousands more will participate in other camps run by jihadi groups.
The children will receive weapons and military training – including live shooting exercises — in addition to indoctrination against Jews and Israelis.
Brainwashed early aren't they?
It would be difficult to UN brainwash them.
What with the promise of 70 virgins in muzzie heaven for a reward.
All they have to do is die in the service of Allah.
And STILL the liberal left snowflakes are clueless.
Close to 120,000 Palestinian children will attend camps this summer run by Hamas, which gained control of the Gaza Strip 10 years ago, reported Breitbart, citing figures from the terrorist organization. In addition, tens of thousands more will participate in other camps run by jihadi groups.
The children will receive weapons and military training – including live shooting exercises — in addition to indoctrination against Jews and Israelis.
Brainwashed early aren't they?
It would be difficult to UN brainwash them.
What with the promise of 70 virgins in muzzie heaven for a reward.
All they have to do is die in the service of Allah.
And STILL the liberal left snowflakes are clueless.