My Biggest Fear...what about the kiddiots?

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Awesome Friend
Nov 30, 2012
I worry allot about what I would/could/should do if the SHTF in some kind of "acute" disaster...not like economic collapse or something where it kinda creeps up on ya a little slower...but like a weather thing or space thing or war thing where something happens NOW and you hafta do something NOW! What do I do if I am at work 20 miles away, my husband is at work 20 miles the OTHER way and my kids are in 2 different schools? :-( This scares me. How do I get my kids? When 9-11 happened I didn't know what to do. I saw it that morning on the news after my son had gone to school and I had an infant at home. I wanted to go get him but the news said it wasn't necessary. So I didn't. In retrospect I wish I would have. ust in case. I would definately go get my kids first and then worry about my husband. He's a man, my kids need me. But I sure would like to have a "plan" so we would be prepared and know what to do. My oldest sondrives but I dunno if I would want him to drive himself home cuz then I don't know where he is en route. If he's at the school then I know where he's at until I get to him, ya know? I dunno. Any suggestions? how do you guys work the logistics of the kids?
I worry allot about what I would/could/should do if the SHTF in some kind of "acute" disaster...not like economic collapse or something where it kinda creeps up on ya a little slower...but like a weather thing or space thing or war thing where something happens NOW and you hafta do something NOW! What do I do if I am at work 20 miles away, my husband is at work 20 miles the OTHER way and my kids are in 2 different schools? :-( This scares me. How do I get my kids? When 9-11 happened I didn't know what to do. I saw it that morning on the news after my son had gone to school and I had an infant at home. I wanted to go get him but the news said it wasn't necessary. So I didn't. In retrospect I wish I would have. ust in case. I would definately go get my kids first and then worry about my husband. He's a man, my kids need me. But I sure would like to have a "plan" so we would be prepared and know what to do. My oldest sondrives but I dunno if I would want him to drive himself home cuz then I don't know where he is en route. If he's at the school then I know where he's at until I get to him, ya know? I dunno. Any suggestions? how do you guys work the logistics of the kids?
My wife an I both go for the kid, then to the house if possible. A second location is determined if the first is no good. We both have 3 day bags so if one of us gets stuck least we have some supplies. Now communication is the hard one or the one i am lacking in, we all have phones but they might not work. I am in need of some good two way radios. Hope this helps a little.
You only have the one child? Maybe it would be better to designate either you or your wife to pick up your child. So that ev1 isn't ion the road at the same time and you don't know where ev1 is or if the child is already picked up or whatever...if you don't have communication. Just a thought. But that IS a good idea...since I have 2 kids maybe I would be in charge of getting one and he would be in charge of getting the other...then get home. The only hiccup would be I am not always at work during the week so I am MUCH closer to the kids on the days that I am not at work. I guess on the days I don't work I would get both kids and he would just get home and on the days I DO work he could get one and I get the other. This scares me. I hate feeling panicked...hence the reason I like to prepare. And I know I would feel SO panicked in this situation. Then, NEXT year, my oldest will be away at college a couple hours away...THEN what?! Ugh LOL
You only have the one child? Maybe it would be better to designate either you or your wife to pick up your child. So that ev1 isn't ion the road at the same time and you don't know where ev1 is or if the child is already picked up or whatever...if you don't have communication. Just a thought. But that IS a good idea...since I have 2 kids maybe I would be in charge of getting one and he would be in charge of getting the other...then get home. The only hiccup would be I am not always at work during the week so I am MUCH closer to the kids on the days that I am not at work. I guess on the days I don't work I would get both kids and he would just get home and on the days I DO work he could get one and I get the other. This scares me. I hate feeling panicked...hence the reason I like to prepare. And I know I would feel SO panicked in this situation. Then, NEXT year, my oldest will be away at college a couple hours away...THEN what?! Ugh LOL

The reason we both go for the kid, is school is not that far from the house so its no big deal to swing by. The wife is picking radios today at costco, sure am glad she is on board !!
Our Plan: Wife picks up kids. Goes home grabs bug out bags and heads to secure location where we have shelter and food plus ammo storage.
I work 50 miles plus or minus from home. I proceed to safe area. I have 3 day supplies in vehicle; Gun, ammo, clothes, food, water, first aid.
Our Plan: Wife picks up kids. Goes home grabs bug out bags and heads to secure location where we have shelter and food plus ammo storage.
I work 50 miles plus or minus from home. I proceed to safe area. I have 3 day supplies in vehicle; Gun, ammo, clothes, food, water, first aid.
I running the same set up, cant tell you how many times my bag has come into play.
The reason we both go for the kid, is school is not that far from the house so its no big deal to swing by. The wife is picking radios today at costco, sure am glad she is on board !!
What kind of radios? Many of those hand held ones say they can reach 20-30 miles but that is only in perfect conditions. I talked with one guy and he said that they are pretty much good for 2 miles. Anyone here with some experience and advice? I will be sending emails, text messages and trying to call.
We haven't tackled this issue yet in our prepping. We have two-way radios but I believe they are only rated for 2 miles in good conditions. I make no plans to email/call/text because I don't feel this is reliable. In a real SHTF scenario I am assuming that those won't be options. Though if they are, that is obviously a go-to for most ppl. I have purchased a cb radio and we are working on getting that up and running and turning it into a mobile unit. But that doesn't really help us with getting in contact with family. I am going to look into a better set of radios possibly.
Yeah, I am planning to use those methods to get in touch with family when the SHTF. CBs are pretty limited too. I read that you can get a directional antenna (I don't know if this is the correct term for this) and increase the range significantly... but it is only in one directions not 360 degrees like the standard antenna will do.

Oh, yeah!!! Congratulations on becoming a Moderator!!!! (I was curious... what are the retirement benefits for that position?)
A pre-planned woute and meeting time is the best option, IMO. You can find 2 ways that reach about 20miles nowadays. IF cells are down, this could be an option. A rendevous point is the best idea though I think. Somewhere in the immediate area to meet and somewhere to meet far, far, away if need be. If someone doesn't make it to the closest point, you know where and when everyone is supposed to be at the next one. Eventually you get to the end of the line, or the final meeting place. People might make it there a week later, but at least they make it.

I don't have kids, but let me tell you somehting. Just like 9/11, when people were locking down schools and what not..... You have to take control. Or you have to trust them to handle your loved ones the way you wish them too. My sister in law is a prime example. THey told her they were going to charge her and call the cops and all kinds of mess. She got her kids and went to meet my brother. Would she have shot someone over it? no way to tell, but if it were her kids or someone else, I think that person might have been on a stretcher.
Luckily I know multiple routes to my kids schools and some of them are dirt trails.
A pre-planned woute and meeting time is the best option, IMO. You can find 2 ways that reach about 20miles nowadays. IF cells are down, this could be an option. A rendevous point is the best idea though I think. Somewhere in the immediate area to meet and somewhere to meet far, far, away if need be. If someone doesn't make it to the closest point, you know where and when everyone is supposed to be at the next one. Eventually you get to the end of the line, or the final meeting place. People might make it there a week later, but at least they make it.

I don't have kids, but let me tell you somehting. Just like 9/11, when people were locking down schools and what not..... You have to take control. Or you have to trust them to handle your loved ones the way you wish them too. My sister in law is a prime example. THey told her they were going to charge her and call the cops and all kinds of mess. She got her kids and went to meet my brother. Would she have shot someone over it? no way to tell, but if it were her kids or someone else, I think that person might have been on a stretcher.
I'm not following what you're saying (2nd paragraph).
I'm referring to what the school system has as a "Plan". They're not equipped to handle an active shooter scenario, so there's NO WAY they're equipped to handle a terrorist attack. There are many examples, 9/11 being only 1 of them. The schools(At least in our area) were telling parents that schools were locked down until things were "Secure". B*lls**t. No one will guarantee your family's safety. There are fewer and fewer people who are willing and/or able to put themselves in harms' way to help on of yours. In this situation, people can either hope that the schools and police are able and willing to keep things safe, or they can take things into their own hands and have their families close in their immediate area. My SIL was told she could not come and get her kids. She wasn't having it. WHen she got there she was threatened with all kinds of "Action". She still took them home. If they were going to bring the drama, then so be it. She wasn't leaving her kids in someone else's care with who knows what being the outcome. THey made these decisions around Y2K. They made a plan and stuck to it. Thankfully nothing came of it, but what would be worse? Leaving your kids somewhere and something happening to them when you're 1 mile away, or having the cops come and....... And what?! What can they say? You can't pick up your kids? They're better off in a school where you can't even lock the doors?! No chance. I'd rather face a court of law any day than not make an effort to secure my family. I don't even have kids though. My wife and I never will. Maybe that's why I think this way. Maybe people with kids will beg to differ and say that leaving them with the county is a better idea....
I understand... you are so right.

The schools have a horrible plan to protect the students (Lock downs) and I can attest that at the schools I taught at the plan was seldom if ever practiced. At one school we never ever practiced lock-downs (I was there for 4 years) though we were required to have them monthly.

I think that the police should not only conduct the lock down but the police should run real drills with the officers going through the halls clearing each and every classroom, bathrooms, and closets. It would give the officers some realistic training and show the kids how important the drill is. I think the kids would really see the cops as bad ***** opposed to seeing them as ******** (which is how most teenagers see them).
Hope you don't mind me chiming in here. Our youngest is still in school, 7th grade. This is actually a topic that we've talked to her about and to our surprise, she'd already made plans on how to walk home with her friend who lives down the road. It's 10 miles by road, but only 4 1/2 if you're cutting through a couple of pastures and the woods. Since I'm home all day, I told her that if something were to happen, she was to grab the BOB she has in her locker and start home on an arranged route. On my end, I'd saddle up my horse and hers, and then head to her from our place. If her friend is with her, they can ride double on the way home. We've ridden and walked the route several times over the summer, fall and now that it's getting nasty cold. It won't be a picnic, but it's doable and I feel better that she's not on the road. We know the people whose pastures we'll be cutting through and made sure with them that it wouldn't be a problem and they told us that she would be welcome to stay at their place until I got to her.
My DH works at the state mental hospital for the criminally insane and depending on the emergency, he may not even be allowed to leave the building. It's maximum security so if the guards don't open the sally point, you can't get in or out without plowing through the razor wire and walls with a vehicle.
I don't have kids so I haven't had to worry about this particular problem....yet. Ummm some suggestions I would mention work pretty well if things are not too bad, but I'm not sure how well they would work when SHTF. You'd have to do a little research but here they are. For communication there are satallite phones. Since they pull their signals from satallites instead of cell towers they would be operational for a longer time than a regular cell phone. They can be quite expensive though, somewhere around $300 plus.

As for your child that is old enough to drive and has a car. There are gps monitoring systems you could place on his vehicle. I have some friends with kids old enough to drive and they place them on their cars. It will send their location, how fast they are driving, and some other information to your phone or laptop. Not the best bet in a SHTF scenario, but if things didn't come apart right away it would be enough to get you through the initial portion.
every one has great and usefull ideas and any and all will work the best thing is set a plan with signes so if u both go for the kids you leave signe stating to other u have already got the kid at that location then move to next and so on but always one location to finiliy meet never chage the finial spot if that spot is compromized lay low near that way you wont miss the other
This is one of the reasons I am having CB Radios & Ham Radios installed in our cars. IF there is a disaster good luck using your cell phones. They will be over whelmed.

I fear all the preppers that are looking to rely on technology to still be avalible to be used in a bug out situation that is what scares me the most the frantic panic of those realizing they have no technology to help them
I fear all the preppers that are looking to rely on technology to still be avalible to be used in a bug out situation that is what scares me the most the frantic panic of those realizing they have no technology to help them
I agree, between the technology hounds and those looking for the government to fix all the ills of the world.
yes and even with the imfo given and facts told there will still be some preppers thinking they will be able to rely on techs, I know it sounds harsh but if they dont open their eyes and use the lack of common sence that this country has been lacking for sometime we will be surounded by the paniced ill prepaired
Yeah, I am planning to use those methods to get in touch with family when the SHTF. CBs are pretty limited too. I read that you can get a directional antenna (I don't know if this is the correct term for this) and increase the range significantly... but it is only in one directions not 360 degrees like the standard antenna will do.

Oh, yeah!!! Congratulations on becoming a Moderator!!!! (I was curious... what are the retirement benefits for that position?)
It really depends on your CB.
first to remember in a true colapse of govrt bug out wituation there will be very limited time that electric will remain on and after that its generators and then comunication using technology will be limited to two way radio and cb but there agian these will be spotty in most cases due to towers and limited range if you find your self with no way to reach distances the basic keep it simple and easy will be the next best way set up signes and signles and meeting places its all about simple and easy Ive said it before
In all my training classes I stress simple and easy
expl.. you and wife are at work shtf cells dont work two ways wont work cb is flooded and unusable but you and wife both know that you are to meet at the 3rd mailbox from first date location .... simple and easy
factory CB's come with 5 watts so not alot of power. If you want more distance, take it in to a place that works on CB radios (just check them out first, especially the one near truck stops) ask to up to 150 watts and 1000 kicker. All antennas are 360 unless one side has been covered. I had a friend in Colorado who could talk to someone in Australia with his. He had both in his car and in his home. That is another thing that comes into issue. Where and what are you using it for. There is alot to CB/HAM Radios
factory CB's come with 5 watts so not alot of power. If you want more distance, take it in to a place that works on CB radios (just check them out first, especially the one near truck stops) ask to up to 150 watts and 1000 kicker. All antennas are 360 unless one side has been covered. I had a friend in Colorado who could talk to someone in Australia with his. He had both in his car and in his home. That is another thing that comes into issue. Where and what are you using it for. There is alot to CB/HAM Radios

but we all most remember that all our comunacations will be limited to the ability of power and in a doomsday scenario we may not have the ability to use power even with gens people are storing there gens in a open to attack if any sort of emp happens while gens are in open or running they will be renderd unusable
once again clydesdale, you are on the right track. CB's and ham radio's are your best bet. All other types of communications devices may/maynot be useful. Here in cal there are several repeater systems that are completely self reliant. They use solar/battery systems to keep them up and running no matter what. Even with a 5 watt hand-held and a good line of sight you can reach 100 miles +. I know because I have been in ham radio since 1991 and tried and tested many aspects to the hobby. With a mobile rig and 50 watts i've reached 300 miles or so on simplex. simplex just means you are working from radio to radio without and extender or repeater. There are some very young ham radio operators and I know a few families that every member has a license. some schools might frown on a young child having what looks like a sophistacted radio device in school. They should allow it if there ok with cel phones.
There are so many members out there now that it wouldn't take long before a good network was setup in every state and where I live I could go any where in cal and be able to get in touch of a ham radio operator with my handheld. It's something very important to consider for family strength in your plan for survival.