My new book

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Awesome Friend
Oct 17, 2012
Atlanta GA
Today I got a book called
The Unthinkable
Who survives When Disaster Strikes-and Why
Amanda Ripley
Three Rivers Press
Copyright 2008,2009

I just started to read this and figured I'd pass this on. I hate to recommend books. Books are like food. You like it, sombody else would hate it.
Looks interesting.
Keep us posted, please. I appreciate a good book, especially one on this subject.

On a side note..... I got Atlas Shrugged from the library today and have been looking forward to reading this for a long time. :)
I've seen this book a few years ago after reading a review (not on Amazon). It was another source. Then I was watching a program a post 911 where one man saved the life of another. It told the story of how one man who listened to his instinct and got out fast. He gets down to the main lobby within eyesight of the doors but listened to a guard who told him everything was alright, go back to work, he turned around and saw many of his co workers in the elevator who were going back up. He went with them, and that decision almost cost him his life. That remined me of this book.
I like the way the author thinks. She mentions millions sent by the Fed. Gov to the States on Disaster Prepardness and none of it goes to the people it's supposed to protect. Right on there.
Also: if you have some reference to disaster in your lifetime you can compare notes, and that is where this book really comes alive. I'm thinking of when I was in Combat, who fired first (me) while everbody else just stood there. I'm reading it slow.

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