NK is NK... Un does not live in the real world, but instead a fantasy world he's basically concocted. Thing is, China is happy with him being the buffer between them and the West, so they tolerate and support it. And, any who disagree or try and shatter that world, are simply executed.
One satellite is one satellite. Even if nefarious, we've been spending billions for decades, so pretty confident it doesn't really pose a threat. (especially given their lack of success at miniaturizing missile tech).
Make no mistake with Russia, the Cold War is back on. Our current proxy wars are the Ukraine and Syria. Russia's cash cow (oil) has taken a beating lately, so they are fiercely trying to protect their interests. Part of those interests are natural gas pipeline agreements in the Ukraine and Syria that compete with Western interests.
We're not interested in ISIS except to keep Syria unstable, because as long as it is, the pipeline project can't move forward. Same in the Ukraine. ISIS efforts in Iraq are only being hampered when it interferes with the flow of oil, and truly threatens the "lets make a deal" regime currently in place. We have ZERO tactical interest in destroying ISIS at this time...even if morally, we really should.
This all said, Russia and China still do not have the logistical means to war with the West in any traditional sense, and a nuclear confrontation, while damaging to the West, would mean all out destruction of Russo-China. Not to mention, China has no interest in destroying it's best customer, after all. (the US)
The only real worry is if that NK satellite has an EMP weapon aboard. It's really our one big vulnerability from a national defense standpoint, and it is kind of mind boggling we haven't really addressed it. Of course, Un certainly realizes that IF he did launch an EMP weapon over the US, NK would then basically be irradiated by sub-based missiles. So, doubt he's even that crazy. Sure, his bunkers are deep, but when your country is a radiation hot zone, surviving is one thing, living, another.