So from what I read in the article, he was attacked, being sat upon by an assailant, he defended himself, I take it, killing the assailant, and now he is being charged, and if aquitted, this will cause a race riot??????? I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, and a black man killed a white/hispanic man in self defence, would he be hailed a hero? Unfortunately, this is where the western world is heading - reverse discrimination - where us pale skinned people are the ones who are hated and vilified. I sure hope for all your sake that sensibility rules, not as it appears, ignorance. But it's hard to keep people calm when you get clowns like Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee stirring the pot. It seems that the truth got thrown out with the bath water.
Am I racist?? No, some of my best friends are black & hispanic, aboriginal, african, etc etc. I've been raised that all men are equal in Gods eyes, because at the end of the day, though our skin may be a different pigmentation, we all bleed the same colour.
But then again, I'm just a white middle class male trying to earn a living for my family, so that automatically brands me a bigotted, racist, ill informed, hate mongering, ignorant caucasian.
I just hope that this forum doesn't digress into a hate mongering commentary.