Nation wide riots?

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with the way things have been going the last few years.i wouldnt be one bit surprised if some thing like that happened..
I saw this earlier today and talked to several of my co workers about it. This should be a concern for all, black or white or purple. So far the case is not looking good for Trayvon and rather you think Zimmerman is guilty or not or should be acquitted its not up to me to decide and that's why we have our justice system. Whatever the outcome I'll be prepared and so should all.
So from what I read in the article, he was attacked, being sat upon by an assailant, he defended himself, I take it, killing the assailant, and now he is being charged, and if aquitted, this will cause a race riot??????? I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, and a black man killed a white/hispanic man in self defence, would he be hailed a hero? Unfortunately, this is where the western world is heading - reverse discrimination - where us pale skinned people are the ones who are hated and vilified. I sure hope for all your sake that sensibility rules, not as it appears, ignorance. But it's hard to keep people calm when you get clowns like Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee stirring the pot. It seems that the truth got thrown out with the bath water.
Am I racist?? No, some of my best friends are black & hispanic, aboriginal, african, etc etc. I've been raised that all men are equal in Gods eyes, because at the end of the day, though our skin may be a different pigmentation, we all bleed the same colour.
But then again, I'm just a white middle class male trying to earn a living for my family, so that automatically brands me a bigotted, racist, ill informed, hate mongering, ignorant caucasian.

I just hope that this forum doesn't digress into a hate mongering commentary.
Well on the bright side the riots should only be localized to major cities? Did I mention that I am moving to New Hampshire where I will be the majority minority ever??? New Hampshire has 2.2 Asians, that is the highest minority group in that state, yeah me! No naming names...but if the 1.1 percent decide to riot in NH, it won't be pretty, especially with the lax gun laws Shoot
no i dont think riots will be localized..racism is in every town and city i been to.and it appears it's even in the town i live in.and in a way i dont care for.i had mentioned in a topic that a local cop had shot someone who had hheld up a convince store with a machety.the cop not only shot him more times then he needed to.but it also appears that he made raciel slures after wards.and because of that's way to possible for riots to take place in all towns and citys.just like others.i've had friends of diff skin colours natinalitys and all.because of i dont show favratism just because of skin colour.and because of that,i will stand my ground to anyone who pose a threat.and if riots break out here.the only ones that will be allowed here,are the ones who dont pose a threat if riots break out.
Watching the US news from here in the colony all I can say is its really disturbing to see what happens. I watched a vid today where a black guy walking his dog apparently "walked too close" to police dealing with another incident and they just followed him and arrested him!!!!....big thing with the story was however that he placed his dog in his car, it jumped out and of course attacked the cops when they were arresting the guy....people were commenting about "well the dog attacked them" question is why the hell was he being arrested for "walking to close" to a police incident...WTHeck???!!!
After the Los Angles Riots from the Rodney King verdict, and the way society is today, we should not just blow it off as if nothing will happen. Anything can happen in a moments notice these days. I guess it is better to "assume" it will happen, and be prepared, than overlook it, and "assume" it will not, and NOT be prepared. Then again I think most if not all of us here are pretty much ready for anything to happen. It is so clear Mainstream media is turning this into a racial issue. E.G CNN was asking if it is ok for African American's to call white people "Cracker", and white people calling African American's the "N" word.
I researched a lot of the evidence before this went to trial. Have some friends in the PD in that area. Its pretty clear cut self defense. The D.A.s office had no intention of prosecuting this until the race card started being played. Now they are bowing to a minority push. This is the media and politicians fault and unfortunately we are going to pay the price again. I was working on a exec protection deal at the L.A. riots. Lets hope cooler heads prevail. I was too white that day. And unfortunately for some gang bangers well armed that day as well....
Justice system. What a joke. they are just as corrupt if not more than our beloved government officials. If you got the money you can buy your way out of anything.

Hi-Tech Redneck.....I just noticed you are from West By God Virginia! My favorite place on this planet!! Was just there a few months back, on my way to visit my folks in Virginia.
Hope you realize just how blessed you are to live in such an amazing state!

idk about you guys but it is too damn hot to riot. maybe they will step outside and say "f**k this, too hot", and go back inside.

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