Helpful Info. NATO Litter Carrier, not just for litters!

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014

JimLe and I had a private conversation about a possible event where if things really went bad and he had to carry his family member or both gear, what could be done. I recommended two ideas, one was a jogging stroller that would need to be modified to carry the weight, but maybe cheaper in the end to purchase or a NATO Wheel Litter Carrier. I gave it some thought, while I was going through a fourth week of mind numbing review with my students preparing for their state exam.

While I've not played with a NATO Wheel Litter Carrier (here known as the WLC) in about 6 years, the concept of this piece of gear gets typically overlooked as a prepper's best friend. I know the more tougher military one might be out of most people price range of $800, unless you are sitting near a large military base DRMO that might have some off-cast beat up ones that really need work, but their is a civilian version that is about half that. My survival change collector is about half way there to purchasing one...yes, one of the few things that I don't have in my kit. However read below and serious think of the abilities that this little product can do, granted I've seen discussion of wheel barrels, wagons, etc for moving preps, but are they built to go over terrain and ultimately were they designed with the idea to prevent back spasms and to decrease through science the pull of gravity/mass. So please read on, if this interests you.

This version is the more heavy duty NATO WLC


Earlier model NATO WLC


The civilian one is much cheaper: Would do the same capability, but less rugged.

Here is one site that sells them, just note, the company sells just more than WLC's but a whole bunch of medical equipment.

I've used the WLC in moving patients both in combat and exercises, its diversity in not only moving patients on litters is amazing, it not only saves manpower from moving a man from a 4 man team to a 2 man team, or even will allow one man (mind you not very safe) to move a patient. This equipment will move on very steep inclines and allows you really to save on your muscles and prevent a back strain. I've pushed single handedly a patient over a half a mile without breaking a sweat.

The WLC can move equipment, I've placed close to 500lbs on these carriers, I may require you to jury rig the carrier to carry more items rather than using a litter, but in a pinch you can place a litter on it, then place our packs and material. I used them to move gear from the aircraft to the end of the runway or whereever we were sitting up. Then go back and get another load. My flight commander and my squadron commander were so impressed, they had two ordered for each MC-130 bird as a modified required article. Became a great ammo carrier and weapons carrier in the field. I think after one year of missions, we had to replace them because of the serious use of them. Since AFSOC is not part of Transportation Command, we typically get low priortity from the scheduler to get a nice loader, so the wheel carriers were modified to carry just about anything.

I've placed a video for those who are not familiar with the equipment. Mind you it is from the licensed producer.

I am sure those with a mechanical background could build one using the same template with far less cost. If you are thinking of producing one or two and can keep it cheap, say around 250, lets might be able to make some money off me.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking for your mom, I'd make sure you get a very thick axle for the wheels though. The axle on the wheel carrier was pretty thick, just can't remember the diameter. If you get it high enough off the ground, might be able to place a sling underneath it. That might allow you to store one of your water bottles and other items to include even if need be a handgun. I know my buddies and I before I left the operational squadron that I was assigned talked about "tricking" the litter carrier with sorta of a gun carrier, so we could slide the carbine alongside the carrier, so that we would haven't to sling it on our body and got in the way when we were moving stuff. So like the idea, Jim.