Once upon a time I had a rogue pig tearing up my back field and was never able to spot it. When clearing up some land I started piling up the debris along the property line, figured it wouldn't hurt. This is a wooded area, one side bordered by unoccupied land and the other side by a state access lane( for getting to forest fires), I have never seen the lane used except by horse riders on occasion. I want to impede any flow of traffic on each side because of no immediate line of sight. Initially I will consider natural barriers of tree stumps, rock, and large limbs because of the cost and maintenance of fencing. A compact tractor can probably get back in there. A foundation of an old domicile remains and a couple of wells, there was a concrete planter there at one time and can you believe someone stole the dang thing, not that I wanted it but the fact that someone had the balls to sneak in and haul it out ticked me off. They had to come via the access lane with a 4 wheeler I'd say. Lots of hunting going on around here and people use their 4 wheelers to haul out game. I have not been able to find much on blocking traffic in wooded areas with natural debris walls.