Hey fellow homesteaders! It's so awesome to see so many like-minded folks who are willing to work hard to live a life they love. My boyfriend and I are young and eager beginner homesteaders located in NE Michigan. Our relationship even sprung from a homesteading website (Permies), so shout out to the singles forum for making my life so much sweeter. We live on a 20 acre lot surrounded by beautiful national forest. Currently we raise chickens, geese, ducks, and have two milk goats. We plan to expand in the next year or two to include meat rabbits, pigs, and possibly a heifer. I absolutely love the garden, we plan to have a 1/2 acre garden planted for this coming season. Fingers crossed we get a good harvest again this year. Last season brought us HUGE sqaush, we had two really big squash each weighed around 30-40 lbs a piece! We still are eating on that squash.. Some plans for the future include: continuing to mill lumber for projects around the property, transplanting trees, blacksmithing projects, and continued food preservation. We really enjoy this simple yet tough way of life and have begun to video our lives on the homestead. Feel free to check out our homestead projects and other self-reliant related content on our YouTube channel "The Knight Homestead" (https://youtube.com/channel/UCTbppIDJMx2KZAbG9ybS98A). Things are going to be very exciting for us in the coming years and we look forward to sharing more content with you all!