Need opinions on a small GHB that will go inside my school bag

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New Friend
Jul 7, 2014
Shooting Range
Hello my friends
I need your opinions on a small GHB, I plan on making that that will go inside my school bag. This bag will be aimed at being as small as possible and will not contain any items that will get me expelled/expended if found eg. knife. This GHG bag will be used if my parents cant pick me up due to of roads being gridlock/filled by riots.

*school in the middle of city with three million people
* five hour walk home (will get dark before i reach home)
* Will need to pick up younger brother from his school ( 3 years younger)
* Teachers may lock down school/ try to stop me leaving
*Teachers may move class to unknown "safe" location
*Phones may be removed by teachers

Note: Parents are semi on board with prepping meaning they don't mind that prep as long as I spent my own money.

Get Home Bag Items

* 4D mag-light (self defense/Light)
*$100 in cash
* 130dB personal alarm
(A personal alarm is a small hand-held electronic device with the functionality to emit a loud siren-like alarming sound. It is
activated either by a button, or a tag that, when pulled, sets the siren off)
*High energy bar
* collapsible water bottle
* laminated cardboard with parents phone numbers
*cheap disposable phone (In case main one is taken away)
*laminated note signed by parents telling school i can leave leave (Might not work)

What are your opinions so far? What can i do to improve?
Why not just include the items in your school bag, why separate?

****** Just make sure it is one you can actually read and understand, so it really helps you. Also, this map should END where your surroundings are familiar. It should NOT lead right to your door (in case it falls into the wrong hands and endangers your family). A hand drawn map is probably more helpful. Include alternate routes, and indicate any possible supply points along the way (from water fountains, food stores, etc.)

* 4D mag-light (self defense/Light)
****** Great idea, but pretty bulky. Hopefully school won't see it as a weapon. They can be effectively a baton though. Just know the cop technique for holding/using in this way.

*$100 in cash
****** Good idea, but this should be in a mix of bills, and in different spots throughout the bag (and preferably different spots on your person). Inside your sock, and in your shoes, it's a lot less likely to get jacked.

* 130dB personal alarm
(A personal alarm is a small hand-held electronic device with the functionality to emit a loud siren-like alarming sound. It is activated either by a button, or a tag that, when pulled, sets the siren off)
****** Nice, but in a SHTF situation, may be ignored. Still, no harm in having it, even for everyday purposes.

*High energy bar
****** Decent idea, but I'd switch this to an actual ration bar designed as a food substitute vs. an energy bar made for a different goal. Check I like the Mainstay ones myself. Don't forget to include one for your little brother.

* collapsible water bottle
****** I'd recommend a metal water bottle that can go (clip) in your bag's drink holder spot instead, as that way you could boil water if needed. Add in water purification tabs also, can get these in the camping section at WalMart. Also, some Mio or other water flavoring can help.

* laminated cardboard with parents phone numbers
****** Excellent, but include other phone numbers as well, such as relatives, friends, police, fire, etc. If including any other personal info, make sure it is somehow encoded, so only you can read it.

*cheap disposable phone (In case main one is taken away)
****** Nice idea, but realize that in a SHTF scenario, chances are it won't work (lines will be clogged, like they were in 911). Still, better to have than not.

*laminated note signed by parents telling school i can leave leave (Might not work)
****** Who cares? You need to leave, you leave. Deal with the consequences later, if there is a later. Getting out and to your loved ones takes precedence. Go to the bathroom, don't come back, etc.


Small first aid kit (like the $4 ones you can get at WalMart), but add some antibacterial ointment to it (dollar stores are GREAT for medical supplies). About the size of a soap dish.

Small hand crank radio/flashlight/cell charger. There's a chance this may be contraband, but really, if you leave in your pack, and don't show it off, no reason it should be seen or taken away.

Matches. Yes, I know these likely aren't allowed, but take the ink cartridge out of a decent pen and use the pen to store them. Get the strike anywhere kind.

5 in 1 survival whistle.
You can put regular matches in this one. Hard to fit the other kind. But also highly unlikely it would be found as containing matches. Get two, so your brother has one also.

Glowsticks. At night, you can light it up, tie it on to your little brother, and more easily keep track of him.

2 Emergency Ponchos. Can get these at a dollar store. Will really help if raining during the walk home.

If either of you take any kind of medicine, have a couple of spare doses of them.

Establish a protocol for what should happen, so your brother and parents know just what to expect, and when to be contacted, etc.

In most cases though, you should trust the school to keep you safe, but if you really think this is a true SHTF event, then it is time to get to your loved ones. Otherwise though, no reason not to trust that your teachers and other school adults aren't going to do everything they can to keep you safe.
Hello my friends
I need your opinions on a small GHB, I plan on making that that will go inside my school bag. This bag will be aimed at being as small as possible and will not contain any items that will get me expelled/expended if found eg. knife. This GHG bag will be used if my parents cant pick me up due to of roads being gridlock/filled by riots.

*school in the middle of city with three million people
* five hour walk home (will get dark before i reach home)
* Will need to pick up younger brother from his school ( 3 years younger)
* Teachers may lock down school/ try to stop me leaving
*Teachers may move class to unknown "safe" location
*Phones may be removed by teachers

Note: Parents are semi on board with prepping meaning they don't mind that prep as long as I spent my own money.

Get Home Bag Items

* 4D mag-light (self defense/Light)
*$100 in cash
* 130dB personal alarm
(A personal alarm is a small hand-held electronic device with the functionality to emit a loud siren-like alarming sound. It is
activated either by a button, or a tag that, when pulled, sets the siren off)
*High energy bar
* collapsible water bottle
* laminated cardboard with parents phone numbers
*cheap disposable phone (In case main one is taken away)
*laminated note signed by parents telling school i can leave leave (Might not work)

What are your opinions so far? What can i do to improve?

You've got a good start. I'm only going to give you my thoughts on a small altoid kit, but if you want my other recommendations, I'd be happy to feedback more later. My kids both have one of these in their pack and no school officials have ever messed with it. One is in college and the other in high school.

Here is a suggestion: You can pack these little things in a small altoid box (I have two, one that is urban and one that is survival)

Here is the urban one:
SOG Specialty Knives & Tools CC51-CP Cross Cut Multi-Tool, 10-Tools Combined, Satin Finish
Streamlight 73001 Nano Light Miniature Keychain LED Flashlight, Black
mini compass
4 small zipties
mini bic lighter
one small alchol wipe
four bandaids
Five mini bags with motrin, Imodium, asprin, water treatment and benadryl
Small superglue
Needle with white thread wrapped around it
Small write-on rain, mini golf pencil or mini sharpie (if you can fit it).
Small aluminum foil
4 strike anywhere matches
small candy (Gatorade type)
Salt packet (can make a electrolyte replacement drink)
$20 in cash (2 tens)
6 quarters that you tape with duck tape to the roof of the cover.

Packed right it will fit. Secure it with three things, one wrap it with duck tape, use your best judge on the amount and thickness, but then you can use this for many uses. On the bottom, then buy a cheap Walmart brand poncho, secure it with two large rubber bands, then tie the entire product with 550 cord (military standard) about 20 feet. Tuck this into the inside pocket of your bag. If you concerned about the teacher messing with it, leave the poncho off, tuck it into the pocket, spool the rubber band and 550 cord around the poncho.

Buy yourself a life straw, tuck this in your backpack.
Telephone numbers of all your out of city/state contacts. Have one out of state contact programmed as Ice2 on your cellphone.
Have mom or dad notarize your permission slip, but better get a power of attorney that reflect this.
Me personally, get one of those football play calling arm bands, have the paper replaced with write on rain, take your entire info over to Kinko's, they can print it on there for a price, if not then use a laser printer at school to print your info. Back this up with a sharpie handwritten copy. Also you might consider placing a miniature survival steps in the arm band too.

Consider discussing with your parents a location that you can meet, if you can't get to your home.

If your parents are on board and your mom has a food space saver...ask to borrow it, place some of your favorite snacks and seal it. See Clyde's How to...he just posted one...either that or buy yourself some MRE's, strip them down and place the things you'd eat from it. My take, since your young, space saver is the way to is with my kids, because they don't like MRE's.

Sure their will be other posts, so will let them add some of their thoughts....I see Gazrok has added his great recommendations.
Oh and about the note - make sure it has the signature of both parents!