New member from the Channel Islands

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Apr 6, 2013
Hey guys and gals,

I joined this forum due to the impending threat from North Korea, I personally believe it is going to get worse from here on out! So, knowing this, I intend to keep my family and myself safe. I am hoping this is just paranioa and it will all blow over, but my heart contradicts my brain in such matters and is telling me to prepare anyway!

With this in mind I have a bunker built by the Nazi's who invaded our Island back in the 40's, it is Government owned yet derelict and considered a waste of time to put it in their word's. I, however believe otherwise and that it could yet, prove safe haven to my family and I should this nuclear attack hit US soil. (Let's face it after the US who's next?)

My question to you is, what the hell should I do?

Welcome to the forum Tris. First, take a deep breath. Don't panic. We're here to help. First, you mention this bunker. Is it your property? If not, the government could easily take it over in time of peril and any improvements or anything you have stored there would be confiscated or destroyed.

North Korea is a wild card right now. There is no telling what that little rat fink is going to do, he's insane and only getting worse.

If it is safe to stay in your home, I would stay there. It's better than becoming one of the refugees in a camp. Get food laid in, foods that don't require much to cook them or that can be eaten uncooked. Don't stock up much that needs to stay cold in case you lose power. Tinned foods are good. Dehydrated foods are also good, but you need more water for them. With the water, a gallon a day per person. I don't know the age of your children. If you have infants, lay in what you need for them.

Have medicines you need.

The list goes on. You'll find what you need to know here on the forum. Welcome again. Ask questions and remember that there are no silly questions.
Thanks for the reply!

The Bunker is States of Guernsey owned (that would be our Government or as near damn it in place of the Crown), honestly it is an old disused and mainly forgotten facility, access is difficult, mostly taken over by weather, but with time could be easily secured and access made.

I do see, Korea is a wild card but could very well turn a real threat, at least my Mother and I Believe so and I feel it is my duty to protect my family as much as I can.

It could be that my property is safe, however it is rented accommodation, the people we rent off are not above selling and sodding off to a better place should SHITF.

I chose the bunker as it would probably be the best defense on home turf should a nuclear strike occur. Of course I do not expect it to reach this far, however, I do not pretend to know anything about nuclear fallout. I am thinking of a worst case scenario, a bunker be it mine or not is the best bet. I have not begun to prepare it for this kind of thing, yet it has remained completely untouched, where as most have been converted to museums and historical adventures I suppose is the word.
Well, as I can no longer edit I felt it prudent to say, I do take your words in advisement and high esteem, I will of course be stockpiling canned foods!!
I do understand where you are coming from, I really do. We have a member who actually owned his property and the government confiscated everything and destroyed everything he had built, the reason you might ask. He was told that the land was toxic. He wasn't given any test results, wasn't allowed to send out his own test samples. It was simply get off your property, everything you've worked for, we're going to take and destroy it. If you want to watch us do it, go stand across the road.

If I were you, I would have grab and go bags for everyone in the family. Can you drive to this facility? How rugged is the terrain?
If you can drive and get close enough, pack a few 5 gallon buckets with canned food, boxed food, can opener and sweets for the kids. The buckets are easier to carry than boxes and you can line them with a bin liner and use them as a toilet as well.
Most people I speak to think I am insane! Thank you for your understanding!

With regards to your member, I'm sorry but with no explanation I do not believe what he was told to be true.

I could easily drive to the Bunker, even if not it's not a very long hike, Guernsey is extremely tiny. We are a whole of 3 miles by 7 (It's an hour walk at tops from home). Prep up the bunker as best I can without raising attention and keep a grab bag for all family members involved!

Of course, I intend to cater for as many as we can sustain!
I'm going to say something now and it's going to come across as harsh and mean and I'm sorry about that, but here it is. Be careful in who you mention this to, any of it. Where you plan to go, what you are buying, the cool stuff you ordered offline. I know it will seem like an innocent conversation and if nothing ever happens, that is all it ever will be. However, if and when something does happen, those people who are not ready for it are going to remember that you are.

I know it's the 'right' thing to want to be able to help out everyone, but it isn't possible. My husband has a heart of gold and he would empty our shelves, pantry, root cellar, everything we had just to make sure everyone had a meal and not think about what would happen in a few hours when our kids would be hungry again. He and I have had many a go round over this topic and it flat came down to this: Not one bite of food would ever be taken out of one of our girls' mouths to feed someone who couldn't be bothered to help themselves in times of plenty.

I grew up in a prepping family. We had to be, we farmed and raised cattle, it was feast or famine. We never went hungry, but there were times the pickings were pretty slim. Anyhow, you're going to have to decide just how many you can realistically plan for, store food and water for, and for how long?
That's a very good point, and, might I add well made!

The only people who know, thus far are those I intend to take with me, that's Family be it blood or otherwise. I would love to help everyone, but, realistically that is not possible, far from it to be exact.

My firm belief is, Family first no matter the cost. It seems harsh but it's the truth of the matter.
Hey guys and gals,

I joined this forum due to the impending threat from North Korea, I personally believe it is going to get worse from here on out! So, knowing this, I intend to keep my family and myself safe. I am hoping this is just paranioa and it will all blow over, but my heart contradicts my brain in such matters and is telling me to prepare anyway!

With this in mind I have a bunker built by the Nazi's who invaded our Island back in the 40's, it is Government owned yet derelict and considered a waste of time to put it in their word's. I, however believe otherwise and that it could yet, prove safe haven to my family and I should this nuclear attack hit US soil. (Let's face it after the US who's next?)

My question to you is, what the hell should I do?

Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!

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