New NK Nuke test threatened ABOVE GROUND

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The US does not need to attack NK it just needs to say to China " We are not buying anything else in the west from China until you sort Korea out" Embargo China until it cleans up its own back yard.

We are hardly in a position to do so. Substitute those items then, with what? No, we are permanently married to the global economy.

The best option (I would think) for China is to simply support some well-liked General (who will be a Chinese puppet) in a coup of NK. No doubt our own CIA has tried (and failed) to facilitate this numerous times in the past. It's tricky when the target tends to execute even his own family members, if he doesn't trust them.
I just wish screws and nails weren't made there.
Cheap crap is always breaking....and yes, they even make the more pricey ones.
If I'm not mistaken over 20% of the world's population is Chinese. There is no avoiding Chinese products anymore. Not least on some level.
I do whatever I can to purchase non chinese products but that's near impossible feat. If only Western companies that are operating in china would have better oversight and better stringent quality control otherwise many of us wouldn't complain, Apple can do it with it's products made in china, no reason other Western companies can't do it! I remember through 60s and 70s we looked down on Japanese products and now look, Westerns put a value on Japanese products, granted china is a far more corrupt country than Japan never the less.

Even Honda consumer generators aren't necessarily manufactured in Japan instead they made in China, France and India. CAT consumer generators use Briggs & Stratton, Subaru, Robin, Honda and Kawasaki engines and the power plant is made in china. The widely popular predator inverter generator are using chinese Honda engines (clone) Briggs & Stratton generators use American made engines but the power plant is chinese. Price needs to be reduced somewhere and for consumer generators that's predominantly in the power plant and frame. As long as the engine is made in the US the product can carry Made in the USA.

Made in America is almost meaningless today :(
I don't think Un is a puppet. If he was, he'd have tighter strings.
What he is, is a nutball with a warped sense of reality...but whose ego is fed by China, because they like having that buffer with the West. Even they will eventually tire of his antics though. No way can I see him living into old age.

For all that though, he's not an idiot. These tactics have worked for his family for decades, so can hardly blame him. I can only imagine how puzzled he is, that it won't work with Trump, lol. At least, I hope not.

Look, even if they could get a missile here:
1) they won't, because it would be suicide
2) it likely would be taken out before hitting, so wasted effort
3) they'd lose support from Russia and China when they step way the hell back