New Prepper - NYC

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Feb 8, 2014
Bronx, New York
Hello All - being overworked for the past 4 years or so, you tend to lose sight of anything beyond the normal day to day. I definitely see the 'darkness' at the end of the tunnel, so figure better late than never to begin raising my own awareness as we'll as that of those I care about. Obviously, being in NY, space is a huge issue...but notwithstanding, there is still much that I can accomplish in terms of preparation.

I'm sure this forum will streamline my steps as I hope to gain from the experiences/mistakes/successes of others. While Zombie is my apocalypse of choice...I fear something far more sinister and not as specific is in the works.

Welcome Edwin. There is a lot of great people and information here. If you have questions, just ask. I am not afraid of a Zombie apocalypse, maybe a gang of drug users that think they want to eat flesh at that moment. . . but we all prep for different reasons.
howdy .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quiet a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.and start new topics if/when needed...
Hello All - being overworked for the past 4 years or so, you tend to lose sight of anything beyond the normal day to day. I definitely see the 'darkness' at the end of the tunnel, so figure better late than never to begin raising my own awareness as we'll as that of those I care about. Obviously, being in NY, space is a huge issue...but notwithstanding, there is still much that I can accomplish in terms of preparation.

I'm sure this forum will streamline my steps as I hope to gain from the experiences/mistakes/successes of others. While Zombie is my apocalypse of choice...I fear something far more sinister and not as specific is in the works.

Welcome Edwin,
I know that you will enjoy this site. We are a community that is also a family. You will find the help that you are looking for here. The people that I have encountered here are so kind and will to give advice and help you find answers!
A start is better than no start! I wish you a great start and look forward to reading your posts!
Welcome Edwin!

I always advise to start with water. It's cheap, and you can't live more than 3 days without it. Just ask the folks in WV about living without clean water! A disruption of the water supply can happen anywhere anytime.

It is bulky however, so make sure to make room for water first. If you look hard enough, you can find a place for it. There were a couple of underutilized shelves in the laundry room that are now the water repository! I was buying one or two gallon jugs every time I went grocery shopping, but those were not very space efficient. I have started buying it in the 2 1/2 gallon stackable containers with taps. Now I can pack a lot more water in the same space.
Welcome Edwin. There is a lot of great people and information here. If you have questions, just ask. I am not afraid of a Zombie apocalypse, maybe a gang of drug users that think they want to eat flesh at that moment. . . but we all prep for different reasons.
I admire how easily you let him off over the zombie thing. Wake up people! There are no zombies!!! There are lots of things out there to be ready for, Come on, pick something rational.
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Thanks for the warm welcome. And I was being facetious with the Zombie comment. In NY, everything is attainable with such ease that stocking up is rarely a concern. Two Halloweens ago I rented a cabin in the woods to spend Halloween. Turns out Sandy decided to visit...and me and friends were stuck for a few extra electricity, trees blocking roads, plumbing failed, no gas. But we still faired so much better than my friends/family in NY bc we were stocked for a weekend in a cabin and with some ingenuity and quick thinking, gathered enough rain water and stocked enough wood to have a great time. That was a real eye opener.

I'm currently moving into a bigger apartment and will dedicate a full closet to stock up on necessities. Of course all situations should be fluid...but I would guess I would bug in should anything major we're to happen. The gridlock is just too much to deal with and unless you get out a good three days before a major announcement is made, you're pretty much stuck. I'd try and wait it out and make my move after things settle. The one major hurdle is a fire in my building...but I guess I'll need some luck in that regard.

I hope to acquire some land in the near future west of the Appalachian by still in NYS or northern PA. I've done a fair share of camping and some wilderness camping as well. I'll be venturing out this Spring to get acquainted with our stretch of the Appalachian Trail.

But this forum has already been a great resource in decided what to stock up on and in what order. I hope to contribute more as I become more familiar with the idea of preparing for what the future may bring.

Welcome Edwin. It sounds like you already have a good mindset which is key to surviving most calamities.
I have heard New Yorkers are very resourceful when it comes to using space, sure you will be creative! And there is alway's someone on this forum who's been there, done that. LOL
Thanks for the warm welcome. And I was being facetious with the Zombie comment. In NY, everything is attainable with such ease that stocking up is rarely a concern. Two Halloweens ago I rented a cabin in the woods to spend Halloween. Turns out Sandy decided to visit...and me and friends were stuck for a few extra electricity, trees blocking roads, plumbing failed, no gas. But we still faired so much better than my friends/family in NY bc we were stocked for a weekend in a cabin and with some ingenuity and quick thinking, gathered enough rain water and stocked enough wood to have a great time. That was a real eye opener.

I'm currently moving into a bigger apartment and will dedicate a full closet to stock up on necessities. Of course all situations should be fluid...but I would guess I would bug in should anything major we're to happen. The gridlock is just too much to deal with and unless you get out a good three days before a major announcement is made, you're pretty much stuck. I'd try and wait it out and make my move after things settle. The one major hurdle is a fire in my building...but I guess I'll need some luck in that regard.

I hope to acquire some land in the near future west of the Appalachian by still in NYS or northern PA. I've done a fair share of camping and some wilderness camping as well. I'll be venturing out this Spring to get acquainted with our stretch of the Appalachian Trail.

But this forum has already been a great resource in decided what to stock up on and in what order. I hope to contribute more as I become more familiar with the idea of preparing for what the future may bring.

Sorry Edwin, but you gave me a good laugh at the Zombie comment! A rented cabin in the woods is a good start and when Sandy arrived for you, it was a really good lesson on what you may face in the future and what you need to prepare for. Since you are in the Bronx, I would definitely try to Bug Out, but that is just me. I hope you can find land near the Appalachians as soon as possible and away from the major cities.
Hello All - being overworked for the past 4 years or so, you tend to lose sight of anything beyond the normal day to day. I definitely see the 'darkness' at the end of the tunnel, so figure better late than never to begin raising my own awareness as we'll as that of those I care about. Obviously, being in NY, space is a huge issue...but notwithstanding, there is still much that I can accomplish in terms of preparation.

I'm sure this forum will streamline my steps as I hope to gain from the experiences/mistakes/successes of others. While Zombie is my apocalypse of choice...I fear something far more sinister and not as specific is in the works.

Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!
Welcome Edwin. Your biggest challenge come a SHTF event is going to be getting out of the city of course, even with a BOL (Bug Out Location) in mind. Of course, as much as most of Sandy sucked, glad it was a bit of an eye-opener for many. Even in a city like NYC, where everything is within a walk's reach, you can still find yourself out of supplies for days, due to a crisis. THAT is the main message of preppers...not prepping for the end of the world, but for ANY thing that can disrupt everyday life and the ability to obtain the things we need to survive.
Welcome to the site Edwin. I am not terribly far from you so any questions regarding security, weapons, self defense, and securing your apartment as well as any bug out location (BOL), feel free to ask. There is a lot of knowledge on this site and most everyone is very helpful. Please browse the forums and threads and ask away. Again welcome and if I can help in any way let me know.