Hello All - being overworked for the past 4 years or so, you tend to lose sight of anything beyond the normal day to day. I definitely see the 'darkness' at the end of the tunnel, so figure better late than never to begin raising my own awareness as we'll as that of those I care about. Obviously, being in NY, space is a huge issue...but notwithstanding, there is still much that I can accomplish in terms of preparation.
I'm sure this forum will streamline my steps as I hope to gain from the experiences/mistakes/successes of others. While Zombie is my apocalypse of choice...I fear something far more sinister and not as specific is in the works.
I'm sure this forum will streamline my steps as I hope to gain from the experiences/mistakes/successes of others. While Zombie is my apocalypse of choice...I fear something far more sinister and not as specific is in the works.