New Prepper

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New Friend
Nov 22, 2021
Hi new prepper here! Huge anti-vaxxer with many theories of what could happen soon! I have JUST started prepping though. My husband is disabled...we are currently a one income family, so it's difficult to spend any $$ on extra stuff right now. I am starting a garden for food, and I want to get into medicinal herbs as well. I'm hoping to get all the tips & motivation here! And some theories & predictions won't hurt 😉
Welcome from the Mountains of Georgia! Don’t spend more time reading than preparing. We are in for hard times in this country for certain. If you don’t have a garden or know how to grow your own food, get books (if electronic back them up on a flash drive or two). There are always ways to put money toward needs. Eat very inexpensive food for awhile and buy Seeds. Vegetables that grow in your area well…Open Pollenated. Do you have chickens? Those would be on the top of my list after seeds.
Welcome from South Carolina,
most here are true preppers and live the lifestyle of being self reliant,
If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask, we all started from zero.
start your prepping with the simple everyday items and you will be well on your way.