I've followed Marine Le Penn for a couple of years, ever since I started watching YouTube videos of Nigel Farage.
The world (meaning the west) is rejecting multiculturalism. When you are eating their food and sporting their clothes, that's one thing, but when they show up, bankrupt your social services and start murdering your citizens, and your policeman, it's time to pack them up and send them back. Or pack them up and bury them, as the French seem to be preparing for.
If *I* were Donald Trump, the first thing I would do after being inaugurated as President is declare martial law, and I would fill every single FEMA camp we have with every single illegal alien in the country, and incarcerate those that employ them. After sending them back to wherever they came from, I'd disassemble that ugly Statute of Liberty, box it up and send it back to France.
The United States was never built upon the principals of multiculturalism and diversity. There was an elevated understanding expected of the citizenry before they were even allowed to vote. This idea that we can just drag-in any barbarian and uncivilized human from any culture, anywhere in the planet and expect that they will understand basic civic responsibilities is laughably stupid. The difference between a liberal woman and a conservative is that the conservative woman has been raped by one of these people. There used to be, in my home town, a woman on the conservative a.m. talk radio. I won't name her openly, but I'll give the name on request via pm, if for no other reason than to prove I'm not making this up.
She was the liberal "foil" against the ultra-conservative right-wing father and son radio team, and she'd go on the air a few times a weak just to add some controversy and some vinegar to a right-wing love fest. Think about your family thanksgiving, when your leftist, idiot sister comes in from the City and everyone has to tolerate her stupid blatherings about Obama, socialized medicine and gun control. She's cute because she's not a threat. She's manageable. It's not until her and her friends outnumber you that she becomes dangerous.
She's dangerous now. The 2nd amendment was written specifically for gun control advocates. I tell them sometimes, "I don't understand why you folks push so hard in favor of gun control. The harder you push and the more effective you become at it, the closer you are to dying. How can you push for a world without guns when you'll be dead and won't be there to enjoy it?" That draws some of these nuts up short. Sometimes.
Anyways, this woman would make cutting remarks at these two rednecks. Spinning their words around and making them look foolish and stupid. Especially. ESPECIALLY about gun control She'd go on and on and on in her female, sarcastic, "Hey-look-I-can-think-and-talk-faster-than-you!" demeanor and she always won just about every on-air argument she'd have with these two good-old boys. But it was never serious, you know. They were like brothers and sisters, bickering over the thanksgiving dinner.
Then. Then one night, while she was leaving the station to get into her car, she was raped. Right there in the parking lot. 150 feet from rear exit to where her car was parked, no trees, no nothing, about 11 o'clock at night, no cover anywhere but a few cars (late at night) and despite that she was drug into her car and raped right there in the parking lot. She quit her job and didn't come back for a year. Everyone at the station knew, but, out of respect for her, no one said anything about it. At least not openly. Certainly not on the air.
A year later, I'm listening to the radio show like I did every single morning for the last several years, and for the first time in a year, Ms. "x" is back and she's talking and laughing and everything and I'm half listening and in the middle of my thoughts I hear that she's carrying a gun and she's going to classes to learn how to fire the handgun. They talked about the specific model and technical characteristics about it.
A caller calls into the show. Wants to know why she, Ms. "X", notorious liberal and gun control advocate, suddenly decided after a year of not being on the air, on the radio show, decided to change her mind about carrying a handgun. And that's when she broke. You could hear it in her voice. She. Broke.
And told the truth. None of her sarcastic, stupid crap that "feminist" women say to make you think they are special (when they are not). The linguistic equivalent of dying your hair purple and expecting people to think you are "special". You are. Specially retarded looking, and it accents your ugliest features and makes you seem a bit dumber than you were before. (That's what I think about feminists, btw.) Well anyways, she dropped all that. She got real.
She was. Real.
Really real too. Just a hurt, scared, shattered woman who used to believe that the world was this joyous place where the only bad things happened to someone else and the worst people she knew were these two stupid racist rednecks that, for whatever reason, had this insane attachment to these dangerous devices that were only going to be used to hurt and possibly kill the brown-skinned and down-trodden people's of the world, those dark-skinned victims of white-skinned racism.
And then she got raped. And that's what it took to make this stupid, extraordinarily stupid, loud, obnoxious and stubborn stupid woman realize that everything that everyone that she thought was SO WRONG, was EXACTLY RIGHT. Its not that she was raped. No, that was not THE thing that she felt the most intensely about. It was the fact that she was UNARMED and POWERLESS and COULD NOT DO A THING ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HER. Almost verbatum what the woman doctor from the Luby's mass-shooting said about watching her parents get killed and not having a gun to return fire.
Anyways, that's my point. It's not the rape, it's the feeling of helplessness. I'd never, and no one would be ever, able to tell this stupid woman that dozens, perhaps hundreds of men had tried to tell her about the need for personal firearms and, being the stupid and stubborn woman that she was, would not listen. Instead she laughed at all those stupid men with their "Penis Substitutes" (that's how these stupid women thing, and these are the words these stupid women use. They attempt to shame a man into distancing himself from a firearm by making it appear that he's got some kind of problem with his penis, and the handgun is a substitute for it).
That's how stupidly stubborn and willful these women are, and that's how far they will go in order to force and impress their stupidity on someone else. At least, until they are raped. And then they aren't stupid anymore. Just shattered, hurt and afraid little people that will never be the same, ever again. But they don't make fun of or mock people that own firearms either.
Why I'm Posting This:
Because I hope there's another stupid, stubborn feminist woman that thinks exactly like the one I've just described out there, and that by reading this she might give up her stupidity and start carrying a firearm (if necessary, every situation is different) so that, if in the event that it becomes necessary, there's a dead rapist on the ground in a parking lot, instead of a woman that has been forever traumatized as a direct result of her own stupidity.
And also, most of the crime is a direct result of failing to appreciate the fact that there are genetic differences between people, and that criminality and a propensity to violence is hereditary to a much greater extent than the State will admit, because if it admits that, then all the foundations of our leftist, socialist government (founded on the idea that all our social ills are the result of slavery and invisible white racism, and not genetics) will be a complete lie, and that there will never be a solution to our crime problem other than population control, and by that I mean all the scary things that we are prohibited from discussing openly, but secretly within our own hearts we know they are the only substantive solution to the problem.