No wonder Blacks and Whites dont get on.

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Awesome Friend
Nov 14, 2019
Not here
In the UK some famous black rapper called Stormzy has donated millions to a fund to provide bursarys and grants to under privilaged black youngsters to help to go to university. But a British multi millionaire who has offered millions to two colleges to fund bursarys and grants for underprivilaged white boys has been turned down because its " racist" and discriminatory.

In the UK its the young white working class youngsters who is least likely to go to university, the young white working classes are officially to bottom of the pile when it comes to further and higher education.
this started a long time ago because of slavery,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the white race has bent over backwards to make up for the abuse the blacks have suffered thru and has gone to far ,to the point where the white race is now the oppressed people,,,,in 1978 I left my home state for the simple fact that if you were not black you could not get work in the local Steel Mills and many other places,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,multiple times I was told if I had been black I would have been hired,,,,,,,,,,,that still makes me mad to think about it
1975, I went to the State Employment Office to look for a job. That office also was the EEOC enforcement office. They tell me Xerox has 8 openings I am qualified for. I am the only qualified applicant. BUT, I can't get any of them because I am white.

"Isn't that discrimination based on race?"

Lady shrugs..."Yes"

"Isn't that illegal?"

Lady shrugs..."Yes"

"Isn't THIS the EEOC enforcement office?"

Lady shrugs...

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual's race, children, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and/or opposing a discriminatory practice.
"All animals are equal
But some animals are more equal than others."
- George Orwell's Animal House
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1975, I went to the Employment/EEOC office to look for a job. EEOC stands for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. They tell me Xerox has 8 openings I am qualified for. I am the only qualified applicant. BUT, I can't get any of them because I am white.

"Isn't that discrimination based on race?"

Equal Employment Opportunity Lady shrugs..."Yes"

"Isn't that illegal?"

Equal Employment Opportunity Lady shrugs...says nothing...
if they are like that why would you want to work for them anyway?? i'd tell them where to shove their job.
There are ways around this. I look white (I have dark brown hair and eyes, and somewhat olive skin), but more Mediterranian. I could pass as Italian or Greek.

In any case, I am actually quite mixed in my ancestory, so I can technically put 'other' on paperwork.

"Reverse discrimination" was a big problem in the 90s when it came to getting hired in the fire departments and public EMS systems. This was because fire fighting and EMS work was, traditionally, a "white boys' club" that resisted anyone who wasn't white, male, straight, and Christian.

There were tons of lawsuits (justified, in my opinion) that caused the pendulum to swing the other way.

In EMS, the reasons that administrative people gave to support their racist hiring practices were as follows:

1) We're not racist, but Florida is the South, and many of our patients are racist. They often aren't comfortable with a Black paramedic treating them during a life-threatening moment. I don't agree with their attitudes, but we have to serve the community.

2) I want everybody under my command--as much as possible--to be the same as everyone else. When you're in a fire and the world is falling apart, I don't want to have my people choose among their comrades who to drag out or not drag out based on unconscious racism. Things like that hurt morale.

3) Minority people get AIDS at a much higher frequency than White people. It can cost $80,000.00 a year to care for an AIDS patient. We are obligated to take care of paramedics who contract AIDS in the line of duty, but what happens if a minority person or a gay person contracts AIDS and blames it on a work exposure? Hiring straight, white, Christian people keeps us from going bankrupt.

4) Minority people have higher rates of drug abuse. Working in EMS gives people access to patient medications and street drugs. We're protecting minority people from becoming drug addicts by not hiring them.

5) If everybody is the same, then we have better teamwork and better "unit cohesion", as there will be fewer differences to get in the way of working as a team.

And so on.

Stupid rationalizations. All stupid. And....since EMS wouldn't clean its own house, the government stepped in and did it for us.
I like living in a diverse area.

When I worked in Miami, I was almost forced by circumstances to learn Spanish, and while I resented it at the time, it made me more marketable later and put more money and better job security in my pocket.

I've always thought that diversity in anything is good, as diversity is the same thing as having more options available.

When I worked in a diverse workplace as a paramedic, I learned things that I never would have been exposed to if it was a "whites only" boy's club. These were things that made me a better paramedic.

I also feel that this work experience made me more open-minded, and having an open mind is important. I don't think that rigidity and inflexibility are compatible with personal growth.
I love living in a diverse area too Kevin. In my area we have great diversity. From high rugged mountains, vast forested areas, Alpine lakes, crystal clear mountain streams to deep river canyons.
What we DON'T have here is gang violence, drug addicts, "homeless" trash, losers from other countries who can't even be bothered to learn our language or our culture, and pussy liberals who think all this crap is wonderful. If I want an ethnic meal I'll go home and make a taco.
What we DO have here is people who are very family oriented, hard working, independent and honest. Most people here would do anything to help someone truly in need.
You can have your version of diversity, and I'll enjoy mine.
Often when talking with the liberal types I will point out issues that favor blacks and other groups over Whites . I will ask is that fair? To a T they will say YES and start accusing Whites of being privileged and biased . Then I say something like Well thats ok , stuff like that keeps Us White Folks strong .
I love living in a diverse area too Kevin. In my area we have great diversity. From high rugged mountains, vast forested areas, Alpine lakes, crystal clear mountain streams to deep river canyons.
What we DON'T have here is gang violence, drug addicts, "homeless" trash, losers from other countries who can't even be bothered to learn our language or our culture, and (Female Anatomy 101) liberals who think all this crap is wonderful. If I want an ethnic meal I'll go home and make a taco.
What we DO have here is people who are very family oriented, hard working, independent and honest. Most people here would do anything to help someone truly in need.
You can have your version of diversity, and I'll enjoy mine.
Thank you for (indirectly) insulting my ancestory.
I don't give a rat's azz about diversity. I want competency not diversity. Best person for the job, not the correct color.

There ya go.....using that word (competency) again!! A word that is rapidly becoming obsolete for the lack thereof!!

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