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Awesome Friend
Mar 28, 2018
If you cant circle the wagon, it may be nice to know if someones sneaking up on you while you sleep. Pop cans and rocks dont wake me up...
We have perimeter alarms of two types a battery / solar powered PIR/Microwave detector, and trip wired attached to 12 gauge blank shotgun shell alarms.
And for those interested, the PIR sensors sold for arduinos are perfect! Compact, cheap, low current draw, and very effective! Id recommend adding a salvaged general purpose transistor as a buffer to increase the current rating on the output logic tho. And also, use energizer lithium because they last a decade amd work at -40 degrees. Standard alkaline will fail in winter.

And since these run on 5v, they are extremely easy to power from and incorperate into walkie talkies using the logic to trigger the call button. Set each radio to a different call ringer to identify the zone.


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In fact, i may just draw up a "double click the PTT" schematic to interface these PIR sensors with a baofeng mic jack. Turn any baofeng into a long range driveway alarm... hmm
I use spider fishing line in my Yo Yo Fishing Reels and fishing handle in my food gathering kit in my go bag.

Yo Yo Fishing Reels x2
Duke #110 traps x1
DakotaLine snares x5
Fishing lures/hooks and lines
Slingshot with Arrow attachment and line spool
Extra bands x2 25lb x2 40lb bands
150 3/8 shots
Take down arrows x6

in the army we used small improvised explosive charges in glass bottle to stun the fish, much quicker than hook and line
I put 300g ammonium nitrate/isopropyl alc with an azide cap in a peanut butter jar and tossed it in. The ice in the beer cooler on shore shifted and a bunch of half dollar sunnyes came floating up.

I like how you said stun, most people think it kills them. Its proof that you actually did it hehe. I love things that go boom, used to be a serious hobby!
Its ages since we did it but IIRC it involved Iodene and Ammonia. Yes it only stuns them. Also I see Bushcrafters and wilderness outdoorsy types using those electric fish stunning poles at times.
Ive heard of that electroshock thing too, never seen one tho. Id be interested in seeing it just to know if it really works.

Be careful with ammonium triiodine, when its dry an ant walking across it will cause detonation. Even sound can do it. Never make more than a gram and never use it to cap in to something bigger. Very dangerous stuff. All the halogenated nitrogen compounds are scary. Ammonium trichloride is called sweat of the devil for a very good reason! Sensitive to light, oils, latex, scary stuff! Much safer kitchen options are available to the aspiring fisherman :)
Oh I don't use explosives since I left the army decades ago. ref the electric stunner they are commonly used in the UK to catch fish in canals that are being drained for repair , In the US they have been used to try and stop invasion fish species reaching the great lakes ( could be grass carp) they come bout the size of a pool cleaning net with a little belt word power pack.

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