Noob Prepper

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Maurice Joseph Javier

Aug 10, 2013
I just got aware of the incoming situation that we all will be facing. I have watched afew episodes of the doomsday preppers in National Geographic Channel. Please help me out with tips and information as I shall just gonna be starting my preparations and if any survival teams in the philippines could let me join theirs and as to mentor me with the preparations. Thank You and God Bless!
Hi Maurice and welcome! Im a recently joined member too but have been prepping on a budget for awhile now and youll probably want to start on some water storage first off. Water ratios are 1 gallon of water per person, per day. I mostly buy my long term storage food right now but Ill be learning some canning skills one of these days. Youll want some medical supplies too, this is where I am lacking the most. Start with the basics like bandages, painkillers, ointments and the like before going hardcore and buying, say, surgical kits (Im studying in the medical field right now and will be either a paramedic or a nurse by the time Im done in school). If its available, take some first aid seminars, even if you dont think youll use it anytime soon itll feel good knowing you have some sort of skill base. I really enjoy prepping and hope you will too! This site is full of excellent ideas and tips and people who know alot more about prepping than I do, as Im sure youll find as you check out their posts.
Thank You very much mahogany. Ill keep in mind the tips you gave me. i am currently starting to save up money now so as to get a budget buying all the stuff needed to prepare. do you have any idea which food supplies to buy like what cangoods to buy that would last years? Thank you and God Bless!
Most canned goods have a shelf life of 1 to 3 years. Look for sales and buy what you like to eat already. Also, rice and dried beans keep for a very long time. Then do what I'm doing and read all of the different threads here for more ideas of what to buy and how to make it last even longer. Welcome!
Also, youll want to cycle out food and water storage or you might end up tossing some out, like I did. Completely wasted my money which really, really sucked! Lol.
As to youre question about what canned foods to get, only get stuff that you eat now, for example if you never eat stewed tomatoes or maybe you just dont like them (like me), dont bother with buying them and save money for foodstuffs that you know youll for sure eat and enjoy. When things get tough youll want something familiar plus itll help to raise low moral. Also, I found these large vaccum sealed cans of dried foods at Walmart that have a best-by-date of 2022, the brand is Augason Farms but just about any canned goods will do. Be sure to check their best by dates though. I think buckets of wheat, rice, and beans last for sometime but unless you really think youll use them you may not want to bother unless your thinking about trade items or something.
Oh I forgot to ask, do you like to listen to podcasts from iTunes? Theres several great ones out there that will give you tons of information and excellent ideas. The ones Ive currently got are The Prepareness by Greg and Rob (I cant recall their last names), Doom and Bloom by Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, The Survival by Jack Spirko, and Practical Defense by Alex Haddox. Ive learned a good deal from these.
I just got aware of the incoming situation that we all will be facing. I have watched afew episodes of the doomsday preppers in National Geographic Channel. Please help me out with tips and information as I shall just gonna be starting my preparations and if any survival teams in the philippines could let me join theirs and as to mentor me with the preparations. Thank You and God Bless!
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask (post) and questions you may have in the proper area, as the members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!
im so happy to be here! ive been learning so much as i go along reading all the different topics. the foods im getting there, especially the water supply, but for security im afraid that its not that easy to get firearms here in our country unless if its illegal lol. by the way i have a question regarding the storage of water.over time of just storing it, it gets dirty unless like the you cycle it every now and then. i plan to bug out as i think that it isnt safe to stay in the city when everyone else is in a panic. i plan to stay in a little town with high elevation to avoid tsunamis as well if ever. isnt their some kind of soulution that i can put into my water reserve to keep it clean or like a process to purify it? Thank you guys you are all very nice and helpful. These may be kinda freaky but id like to share something to you guys. Hope you dont think like im a cuckoo or something, but lets consider.... WHAT IF? try researh Illuminati vs. Anunnakis, Planet X Nibiru, Noahs Ark, Nephilims, New World Order and interlink it to the Holy Bible. there are alot of info on youtube. Thanks again and God Bless.!
You can add clorox to already drinkable water for storage but is good to cycle it out every 6 months but im probably gonna wait a year. Boiling water is good for killing bad stuff but you can also use iodine tablets and use a filteration system as theres a few out there to choose from.

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