North Korea threatens Nuclear Strike

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013

Can I just be the first to tell NK to "bring it"?

Let's say they fire 10 missiles. 5 Probably land in the water, while 2 are taken out by Patriot 3's from SK as they rise. 2 more are taken out by space defense systems, and a final one is taken out by either Aegis or ground-based interceptors. No impact.

Then, the US counters with a conventional (non-nuclear) retaliatory strike rendering most of NK into an inhospitable wasteland, and we're done with this whole NK nonsense forever. Sure, there's a lot dug in, but with no above-ground support or transport system, they will cease to be any kind of real threat. (and there is always a limited nuke (low rad yield) option that won't tick off the neighbors)....
Pretty much 0% chance of them shooting ANYTHING at us. They don't have the technology to create an ICBM that can travel this far, nor with any accuracy. Also from what I understand their nukes are still massive in size.
True as of a few weeks back. But recent analysts think they may actually have it. Like you said though, chances of them actually being on target and making it? That's why I said some will hit the drink.....
It's worked for decades. Why change the playbook?

Can't say I blame him. Rattle some sabers, get a closed door payoff. Business as usual. Hope Trump just ignores him. Best strategy really.