Not enough money left every week to prep.

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.......I AM
Sep 2, 2012
If thats what your mind is screaming, then I may be able to help you.
I have been past broke, I have been homeless, I have filed bankrupcy. I have been many places you may be now, (financially)
Money is all around us people, just gotta know where to look.
You have assets you dont even think about, in this world of computer everything, Nothing is worthless.
Lets be honest, if there was a company out there that sold/shipped dog poop, it would make a fortune.
I would buy one a week to have sent to my mother in law just for fun.( thats 1 idea)
I dont care who you are you have skills that are worth money. PERIOD
I own my own construction company now, I started a plant nursery, I own rentals.
I will help you right here, to find the missing link to your financial problems.
Someone helped me, I will help you. FOR FREE.
You may not like what you hear at first. But nothing is that hard to swallow if you chew it long enough.
I need to know what you do spicifically, for a living.(dont need to say what company or anything Identity telling)
I need to know your hobbies.
I need to know what you do most days after work, and days off.
First up will be member named ..................................................(you can be a member in a few minutes Just join.
I'm an aircraft mechanic with hobbies involving working out, prepping, woodworking, some gardening (veggies) and sports. My average day consists of working 9-10 hours, coming home to workout, surf the web make my dinner and the next days meals. Watch tv then bed. On the weekends im pretty lazy but occasionally ill do some woodworking, nothing special I have no training other then highschool workshop but I still manage to build whatever on my mind.
Thats the greatest thing about woodworking. You dont need special school training.
So tell me what tools do you have in your woodshop.
Planer, router table, chop saw, table saw, clamps, air compressor, brad nailer, air stapler, etc.

I started many companies that failed, or was outgrown, But I never stopped moving forwards.
I started out from my hobby workshop, I made bird houses and feeders/ bat houses/shadow boxes. and really I made good side money.
ah yes you need material. the space between the ribs on a pallet is average of 16 inches, they are everywhere and people will even pay you to get rid of them.
I worked a full time job, and every evening I would stop a few places and pick up old pallets. I would bring these home and stack them in my back yard. I could get 2 stacks of 20 on my pickup. I found a place that would buy the 40x48s for 2.00 each, broken or not, and sold thousands this way. I ran a skillsaw down each side of the ribs of the others, and used the wood for my projects, or sold the nappy ones as firewood kinling. burnt the 2x4 ribs in a firepit every couple of nights, just for fun. If you build a fire friends will come, lol. It got to the point that I was selling a load a day for $80 dollars. (but my back was killing me) That was after working 8 or 10 hrs at regular job. I borrowed a trailer, and started stacking pallets on it (closer to ground and much better) 6 stacks of 20, but I was getting smarter, I found a shipping company that took the 40x48s for 5 dollars each (but they had to be good) so a sawzaw to cut the nails off, and those ribs I was burning became repair material.
The same loads I was getting $80 for went to $200 But now I used a trailer 6 stacks every 4 days or so, $600 a trip. It was great for awhile, almost a year. lol, then the pallet company I was selling to found out where I was selling and threatened them with not selling them the rest they needed. I could not provide them with all of thier needs, I was out. oh well good while it lasted. so I have hundreds of pallets in my yard, I was not detered, I started hitting the smaller places in town and asking thier pallet needs, ended up making hundreds of custom pallets for a company. Pallets were killing my back, but I made a good roll on the deal, I wanted just to go back to birdhouses in the evening lol.

I had always been a good employee, going where I was told, and doing whatever was needed when I got there. I knew nothing about scheduling, estimating, insurance, workers comp. Thats what scared me, so I started learning that side of it. I started doing construction jobs in the evenings and weekends, after a year or so, I figured I was making more in my spare time than the other 40 hrs a week. So I quit my job, and started hiring people to help me catch up. We still havent caught up, 3 years later, we stay booked out 2 months.

The best money you can make is the kind that you enjoy. Your woodworking is a gold mine, you just havent thought of it yet. What do you like to build? Where can you sell it, wholesale.

Gardening...............My wife made over $1,500 in the last 3 weeks from selling heirloom tomato seeds on ebay. Some lots have 30 seeds in them for 1 to 2 dollars, some hard to find ones like white beefsteak, or ukrain hearts can go 10 for 2 dollars but here is the best part, she charges 1.65 for shipping/handling ( 9 cent mini zip 45 cent stamp and a envelope, she makes a 3 dollars profit per deal on squeezing a tomato out into a screen, washing the seeds, letting them dry, and counting to 10/ or 30. makes a white beefstake tomato worth about 30 bucks.
The real money is in real estate when you can get yourself up to it. Yes the market is down, Thats the best part. Forclosures are up, taxes dont get pad etc. and that sucks for people in a bind, but for the ones that are able its a boom. I didnt put people in their situation, but I can help myself for them being there, if its not me its someone else. I had some moral delima, from this for awhile, but I realized I have nothing to do with thier losses they have already lost it. Buy while the price is down.

There is property and homes sold almost every day at the courthouse. Here it works like this property goes on auction, a bid is put in 10% of bid has to be paid, someone else has 10 days to raise the bid or its thiers. this goes on untill 10 days have passed, and winning bid gets it. All others get thier money back. 9 months ago I got a 7 acre tract, with a old mobile home on it. When I went out to look at it I noticed 2 lines comming off of the well, I also noticed a second power pole in the field. I went to enviromental dept. and had them look up the property. Yes it had been approved and inspected with 2 septic tanks, 2 residences. so I ran up the bid a few times. I got it for 18G. ran to bank got 25G on a 90 day note. Credit still was not that good, needed brother to cosign. Anyways I go out and clean up the property, repair the mobile home, and build handicap ramps, out the front and back. fence in the yard so it is about 1 acre, 210x210 adding gravel down the driveway, and fix up the small barn down by the pond. Got another mobile home ( free from dealer, it was a trade in, only cost me the mover) level, underpin, plumb it, power. Remodel inside of that one, clean siding outside and it was ok.fence that yard. Handicap ramps front and back. Call surveyor and have it devided into 3 with the 2 homes on a 30' wide easment to them.
Fence rest of property with "field having its own gate from roadway. So I now have banks 25G and 14G of my own in it. plus alot of sweat.
2- 1 acre lots with homes, 1 5 acre "field with a pond and a small barn.
I call the bank for a reapriasal, each lot was almost 35G and field was 20, total 90,000 I got a loan for 60,000 on it. paid off the 25 note. The 30,000 left over, bought another property/ home.
I got 2 old couples in the homes, SSI, pension incomes, (thats why the ramps and remodel for door sizes) no partys, old people pay thier bills.
550 month each, ( we mow thier grass) I rented the "field" to some people for 2 horses, for 300 a month. (only problem is they want the old people to stop giving them apples and bread, LOL)

1,400 a month return on the now 3 properties, bank payment is about 1/2 of that ++++++++
550 a month on the other property I got with the rest of the loan on those.
the loan on it paid off my personal property.
Did you know banks get pissed off when you make double payments every month, They hate a check with the words "for principal" on it.
All of a sudden the bank says my credit is good there, if I want to buy something else.

So I did it again, not that good a deal, but property with a real house on it. I make 300 a month over payment/taxes, so I am still paying double on the mobile home propertys, I want to keep more of the money every month, but I hate paying intrest. As soon as they are paid off, I will double down on the others.
Someone else is paying for my retirement every month. I love America.
9 months ago I lived on a place that was owner financed, now it is paid for clear, no matter what happens its mine.
total of 5 rental properties, with 3 payments, the tri will now be paid off in less than 5 years, then the others in about 2.5 each after that if I fold the money in.
I will be 50 yrs old about 3,000 a month and no payments, thats a plan. Thats prepping.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring stories and how you have overcome difficulties. Nothing beats getting paid to do what you love to do. Keep up the great work!
If thats what your mind is screaming, then I may be able to help you.
I have been past broke, I have been homeless, I have filed bankrupcy. I have been many places you may be now, (financially)
Money is all around us people, just gotta know where to look.
You have assets you dont even think about, in this world of computer everything, Nothing is worthless.
Lets be honest, if there was a company out there that sold/shipped dog poop, it would make a fortune.
I would buy one a week to have sent to my mother in law just for fun.( thats 1 idea)
I dont care who you are you have skills that are worth money. PERIOD
I own my own construction company now, I started a plant nursery, I own rentals.
I will help you right here, to find the missing link to your financial problems.
Someone helped me, I will help you. FOR FREE.
You may not like what you hear at first. But nothing is that hard to swallow if you chew it long enough.
I need to know what you do spicifically, for a living.(dont need to say what company or anything Identity telling)
I need to know your hobbies.
I need to know what you do most days after work, and days off.
First up will be member named ..................................................(you can be a member in a few minutes Just join.

Bravo !
I'm an aircraft mechanic with hobbies involving working out, prepping, woodworking, some gardening (veggies) and sports. My average day consists of working 9-10 hours, coming home to workout, surf the web make my dinner and the next days meals. Watch tv then bed. On the weekends im pretty lazy but occasionally ill do some woodworking, nothing special I have no training other then highschool workshop but I still manage to build whatever on my mind.
I for one have absolutely no woodworking abilities! I did do pretty well in 8th grade wood shop, some 30 years ago! Holy crap it has been that long!!!
I am sure I could pick it up is I had the time, tools, and a good tutor
We have used couponing (my wife) to a great deal of success. She type a quick "how to" if anyone is interested
Please do! My wife is the coupon Queen! It amazes me how much money can be saved!
I for one have absolutely no woodworking abilities! I did do pretty well in 8th grade wood shop, some 30 years ago! Holy crap it has been that long!!!
I am sure I could pick it up is I had the time, tools, and a good tutor
People have skills in many things, all of them valuable. and all of them in demand. Money can be made from trimming peoples bushes, more money can be made from taking these clippings and rooting them. someone can root 1,000 plants in a space of a 4'x 4' table, in the back yard or rooftop. for and sell them straight from there for 1-2 dollars each. every month or so. I start hundreds of plants a month in mason jars and water.
I buy hundreds a month from other people who have started them.

Detailing cars, oil changes, survival skill classes (thats a good one right there for someone that always knows what thier day off is so can schedule).
Take a look at your life, and there is money in it. What you do at work is a good indicator of your direction, but it doesnt have to be. A airplane mechanic could make awesome side money restoring a old plane for private owners. He may enjoy working his hobbie better.

I started my companies with pull tabs, yes those fliers you put on the bullitin boards in the grocery stores, with 30 phone #s on it cut out. I paid the small mom and pop places to let me leave buisness cards on the counter, and hang a pull tab. I had several made up, 1 for yard work, 1 for woodwork, 1 for floor coverings, 1 for painting, I cycled them out every couple of days. It works, it works slow, but it works.
went years without a website, I have had my website for a year or so now, The best advertising tool there is right there, but you have to get people to it, from pull tabs , buisness cards, facebook. The only thing I hate about my website is when I get a email from it/from someone, that says I got a great site, they are right behind me driving down the road. LOL (all my info on my tailgate, and sides of my trucks) Yeah people driving down the road checkin out my site and contacting me. ( I recon if I hit the brakes too fast I can expect whiplash when they hit me, But hey thats what I wanted or I would not have put it there huh, contacts ,not whiplash)
Well I just started (or about to start) my own preppers website. No frickin clue what im doing. But I AM done doing what I was doing! I WIN either way! If Im wrong I will have a massive stockpile. If Im right Ive found a way to take care of my family AND be prepared!!
I've always wanted to start my own work but I live in California and its so hard to start something out here
yes thats true, from my research on CA laws, It would be tough to meet requirements fro any trade work most have a min of 4 year journeymen in trade. But.........................................
California Business And Professions Code BPC Section 7048 states
you can work without a liscence for all work that is labor and materials less than $500.00 sounds to me that while limiting, is a open door for a handyman. How would you like to make 300.00- $800 a day? How long would it take for you to meet the requirements for the next step, if you did. hell would you want to go through all the headache of having employees if you could keep yourself busy on your own. A person and a truck are needed.
Service charges, of even 35 or 40 dollars with a 2 hr min. on labor, thats $100-$150 per stop min. If you are alone. I have many stops a week that take 20 minutes, and they still get a full bill, they pay it, and call me back over and over. Never thinking to make a list and call me for many things at once. They see something that bothers them, they instantly call. Why do they keep doing it. Because I instantly have someone on the way, thats why. Everyone else dont return phone calls, while my company is on duty 24 hrs a day. Will I get out of bed and go kill a freakin bat in a house at 3 am, hell yeah for 120 bucks lol ( thats happened).

Dont like paying taxes- lower your liability legally. You can actually loose money in a small buisness for the first year or two- they expect you too, as you put more money in for tools/supplies. or any of the things below. That people buy anyways, but didnt know is a write off to small buisnesses.
Can you write off your cell phone bill? Your clothes/ shoes a buisness expense? car insurance a write off? the 4 wheeler, boat expence? Do you depriciate your vehicle? internet bill? parking bills? dog food? Small buisness owner can write them all off on taxes. Write off 40-50 cents a mile on your travels. That takes some sting out for anyone wanting to cry about gas prices. if your car gets 20 miles per gallon, you can write off about $10 a gallon on your taxes. And the best part you didnt know, most small buisness, most states can be legit for less than $100. You write this cost off too. The cost of a good pair of shoes, most could be a small buisness owner. You can be a photography location guide, start a photo club, and charge people to tell them cool places to go and take pictures of things. Sounds retarted dont it, but you can.,and get all the perks. seriously.
Do you write off your hobbies? you can, if you do them right.
Any costs for this site, plus the camping trip to wherever Clydesdale went last weekend are both a direct and valid writeoff if he simply has a small buisness license. There is a opritunity to make money here, therefore he can loose money on all expences above for 2 years before he makes any money, (because it will be taxable when he does.)

Do I have you thinking yet?
yes thats true, from my research on CA laws, It would be tough to meet requirements fro any trade work most have a min of 4 year journeymen in trade. But.........................................
California Business And Professions Code BPC Section 7048 states
you can work without a liscence for all work that is labor and materials less than $500.00 sounds to me that while limiting, is a open door for a handyman. How would you like to make 300.00- $800 a day? How long would it take for you to meet the requirements for the next step, if you did. hell would you want to go through all the headache of having employees if you could keep yourself busy on your own. A person and a truck are needed.
Service charges, of even 35 or 40 dollars with a 2 hr min. on labor, thats $100-$150 per stop min. If you are alone. I have many stops a week that take 20 minutes, and they still get a full bill, they pay it, and call me back over and over. Never thinking to make a list and call me for many things at once. They see something that bothers them, they instantly call. Why do they keep doing it. Because I instantly have someone on the way, thats why. Everyone else dont return phone calls, while my company is on duty 24 hrs a day. Will I get out of bed and go kill a freakin bat in a house at 3 am, hell yeah for 120 bucks lol ( thats happened).

Dont like paying taxes- lower your liability legally. You can actually loose money in a small buisness for the first year or two- they expect you too, as you put more money in for tools/supplies. or any of the things below. That people buy anyways, but didnt know is a write off to small buisnesses.
Can you write off your cell phone bill? Your clothes/ shoes a buisness expense? car insurance a write off? the 4 wheeler, boat expence? Do you depriciate your vehicle? internet bill? parking bills? dog food? Small buisness owner can write them all off on taxes. Write off 40-50 cents a mile on your travels. That takes some sting out for anyone wanting to cry about gas prices. if your car gets 20 miles per gallon, you can write off about $10 a gallon on your taxes. And the best part you didnt know, most small buisness, most states can be legit for less than $100. You write this cost off too. The cost of a good pair of shoes, most could be a small buisness owner. You can be a photography location guide, start a photo club, and charge people to tell them cool places to go and take pictures of things. Sounds retarted dont it, but you can.,and get all the perks. seriously.
Do you write off your hobbies? you can, if you do them right.
Any costs for this site, plus the camping trip to wherever Clydesdale went last weekend are both a direct and valid writeoff if he simply has a small buisness license. There is a opritunity to make money here, therefore he can loose money on all expences above for 2 years before he makes any money, (because it will be taxable when he does.)

Do I have you thinking yet?
I yes you do I've been a automatic door repair man for 6 years an its easy work but they want millions of dollars in insurance if your going to touch there doors for most big company's but I've fixed a few garage doors and installed dead blots on friends houses but never paid I also went to school to fix cars but I don't want mess some ones car up and end up paying for it cuz in ca they will sue u if you look at some one funny I also can do security systems and all around handyman work I just never thought doing it for my self I do what ever my boss tells me I'm afraid of going on my own I think I might start some side work
LOL Fordrocks, call your insurance company in the morning, tell them.
Hello, I would like a quote on 2 million dollars in liability insurance, I would also like a individual quote on being bonded for 2 million, Call me at # or send it to my email @. I think youll be laughing when you get the numbers, not as much as you think.
let us all know what they say.
If you have been in a lead position, like your own truck, not being a helper you would probably meet requirements for specialty liscense, in CA.
if you wanted to stay in doors. Did you sign a non-copetition contract when hired?
Sidework, Stay within the law. learn the law, and dont cross bounds.
LOL Fordrocks, call your insurance company in the morning, tell them.
Hello, I would like a quote on 2 million dollars in liability insurance, I would also like a individual quote on being bonded for 2 million, Call me at # or send it to my email @. I think youll be laughing when you get the numbers, not as much as you think.
let us all know what they say.
If you have been in a lead position, like your own truck, not being a helper you would probably meet requirements for specialty liscense, in CA.
if you wanted to stay in doors. Did you sign a non-copetition contract when hired?
Sidework, Stay within the law. learn the law, and dont cross bounds.
I've been the lead tech for the company for the last 3 years and a took home the company truck with 3 credit cards 1for gas and the others what ever I might need to buy up to 10g with out asking my boss any thing over I need approval for I have my own truck and I did sign a contract but then my company went bankrupt due to one boss of the three stole the money and just left with out paying the bills of over a year and customers not paying there money that they owed us so I lost my job I was a service tech on my own for the last six years I went to school on the weekend to learn the trade and most guys woking in this industry don't know half of what I know when it comes to auto doors I can make my own programs and even rebuild the controllers from scratch so I know my way around doors pretty good I'm just afraid of going on my own even tho I'm I'm jobless right now.
Sounds to me like you may have that requirement. but you also know how some clients dont pay.
If your jobless right now, what choice do you have, find a job, or find your own work.
You cant just sit there and wait, the world moves forwards.You are not sitting still in it, your sliding backwards.
Most jobs in the door industry would put you over legal limit. Repairs only may keep you in bounds.
People who do specialty work can make it though its harder than someone more versitile, with the added 500 dollar restriction in CA. it is still not imposible to make a run on it.
If you are jobless right now, act right now.
You Are your own boss right now. Your just not working.
No job means you have time to invest, spend some of it in the offices, LOL
check out your countys small buisness commision, have some meetings, find out what you can and cant do.
Get off your azz, greener pastures are straight ahead.
I can help you to some extent here, in whatever persuits you have. everything except putting on your shoes and beating the streets.
It wont come to you, but its yours. GO TAKE IT.
Sounds to me like you may have that requirement. but you also know how some clients dont pay.
If your jobless right now, what choice do you have, find a job, or find your own work.
You cant just sit there and wait, the world moves forwards.You are not sitting still in it, your sliding backwards.
Most jobs in the door industry would put you over legal limit. Repairs only may keep you in bounds.
People who do specialty work can make it though its harder than someone more versitile, with the added 500 dollar restriction in CA. it is still not imposible to make a run on it.
If you are jobless right now, act right now.
You Are your own boss right now. Your just not working.
No job means you have time to invest, spend some of it in the offices, LOL
check out your countys small buisness commision, have some meetings, find out what you can and cant do.
Get off your azz, greener pastures are straight ahead.
I can help you to some extent here, in whatever persuits you have. everything except putting on your shoes and beating the streets.
It wont come to you, but its yours. GO TAKE IT.
I had other job offers once my company went to **** and I turned them down due to I wanted to join the army so I went out and joined the army I want to go back to school once I'm done to get a degree in engineering
I had other job offers once my company went to **** and I turned them down due to I wanted to join the army so I went out and joined the army I want to go back to school once I'm done to get a degree in engineering
My son would love to be a computer engineer.
Mechanical Engineers design weapons; Civil Engineers design targets!

For all of those that have knowledge in a service, and want some extra money but dont know where to start. Here is some info that may get you in the right direction. remember the best way to get more work is by client referal, but you have to have some first to get it started. I know there are lots of people out there doing the same thing. So you have to do something different dont you. You need the ones they missed, you need the people that dont even know they are clients yet. Its just that simple, Direct verbal marketing.( Not to be confused with soliciting, you are not bothering them at home, nor are you stabbing a card at them, they will ask for it all by themselves, they wont even be able to help thier own curiosity. Your just being friendly, and helpfull)
In the beginning your cards need to have your name and phone # on them, an email address, and thats it.
nothing more. I take more work out of lowes and home depo on accident than most can find. I have made bets with people 20 times, that I can walk out of lowes with some work, in the beginning every day we didnt have work, yet other peoples familys relied on me paying them,I would go to lowes, and walk the square(around the interior walls, just looking up the isles. paint-flooring-trim- drywall-lumber-plants-landscaping. Do not offer a card to anyone who doesnt ask for it. thats soliciting.
Just be a good guy, and they will ask for it. (note, wear good clothes, but have wome work on them lol, If you are dressed nice, but you have some caulking or 7 colors of paint on them, and just stand in the paint dept. 1 out of 4 will immediatly start conversation asking questions. asking if you are a painter. Researched and proven by my own expirements)
get a cart, snag up a few items, 3 gallons of paint, pack of Sureline rollers, put those in the kid seat.
and a case of caulking, quality caulk like permaseal white.
and both a 3" wooster brush, and a 3" purty brush. now go to work.
leave it in the paint dept. go get another cart, go to drywall, get 2 bags of 20 minute mud, 1 roll of speed mud tape- paper tape but it is self stick and has holes in it. and a 12 inch drywall knife. lowes now sells those 2'x2' pieces of drywall, pop one of those in there also.
leave this cart in drywall
go check on paint cart, now you are on duty. look down the isles to see if anyone is in them, #1 spots to check brushes and rollers. simply slide down where they are and get another Brush or sureline pack, look then straight in the eye and say.
what are you painting today? NEVER use closed ended questions like, you painting today too? WTHeck they are buying painting stuff and the answer can only be yes or no, then you have to ask another question.
what are you painting today? if they open thier mouths you have a 50-50 of work. they are painting doors, Oh yeah I love doors, Are they flat doors or woodgrain. flat, well I use these foam rollers on flats for my clients, faster easier and you wont see brushmarks. woodgrain, well quality brushes make a quality job, alot of people use cheap brushes, and thier clients are never satisfied.
ending for both.............. do you like painting?
If they say walls, you say, My clients love the look of these surelines, and they save us time and them money. Surelines are the only roller out there that uses teflon on them them the little teflon emblem on them. If you use a regular roller, as it dries it takes paint back off the wall, these dont. my clients like that deeper look........... do you like painting?
Human nature now has thier curiosity, you have already shown knowledge, and you have said clients.
The ones that say yes, me too, I love painting, have a good day. You was nothing but helpfull, and no harm done.
Do you know how many never answer if they like painting? alot, they just say are you a painter?. And you say, yes I am. But I wasnt trying to solicit just help you out, I am not allowed by the store to offer a buisness card unless you ask for it. Bam boom 9 out of ten you got this far, will now say can I have 1.

if they do say No you have a fish on the line, say I love painting, Its great once you have had enough practice, LOL(laugh, practice laughing if you have to, its the settler, makes them feel more at ease)
Why dont you have a painter do it for you? if they say money,if they say they hadnt thought about it. If they say nearly anything. (they done said they dont like doing it.) you say its not as much as you think to have your painting done.But I wasnt trying to solicit, just help you out, I am not allowed by the store to offer a buisness card unless you ask for it. Bam boom 9 out of ten you got this far, will now say can I have 1.
now go to drywall, if someone is there do the same thing, use your knowledge about speed muds to your advantage, How much drywall are you doing today? (never ask a question that is yes or no on the first one) Just repairs, I use speed mud for deep repairs, It saves my clients money. you repairing big holes, or just little holes for a repaint. (todays drywall is tommarrows painting think ahead, noone keeps raw drywall in thier homes) If they are buying sheets, Oh that looks like fun, how much drywall are you doing today? my clients like me using that speed mud so I can get 2 coats on today tommarrow is just a skim sand and prime, do you use speedmud?......blah ,blah,blah................... But I wasnt trying to solicit, just help you out, I am not allowed by the store to offer a buisness card unless you ask for it. Bam boom 9 out of ten you got this far, will now say can I have 1.
every 5 minutes you will have a job, or have been helpfull.
You can do this in every dept. whatever you know. when I started my company any day I didnt have work I could get work in less than a hour, and schedule more out for a month per visit to lowes or home depo. Its like shooting fish in a barrel, If you are hunting money, go look where money is spent.
Just be a nice guy, help people out, what else do you have to do but watch tv. if your not working.
be a nice guy, I have had people aproach me and i dont even recognise them, they say what you told me worked great, I was thinking I would like to have one of your cards , I have another project...........................
Its that easy, use what you know, or learn something new. its your for the taking.​
The best part about this type of advertising is the work you will do. its the cheapest kind on start up. You can be a painter(if your good at it) for less than 100 bucks. drywall, for less than 100 bucks, plant peoples bushes for less than 50 bucks, a matic , tarp, shovel. You will make something the first job, and have tools next time and make more. If you know you will make 300 you can find the tools to do it.

Everyone ese is waiting for the phone to ring, your making your phone ring.
Just bangin on the www, I found a site of intrest for you CA people,
As you check out this site I would like you to take notice of a few things.
#1 the disclaimer on the bottom of home page
#2 he has been in buisness sence 2004
#3 he does more maintainance type work, keeping his costs under 500
#4 his pricing page. He has enough work just to throw it out there so those that think its too much dont even call and bother him. Translation is $20 service charge $40 1st hour (min) $10 dollars every 15 minutes after (thats per man)
Just bangin on the www, I found a site of intrest for you CA people,
As you check out this site I would like you to take notice of a few things.
#1 the disclaimer on the bottom of home page
#2 he has been in buisness sence 2004
#3 he does more maintainance type work, keeping his costs under 500
#4 his pricing page. He has enough work just to throw it out there so those that think its too much dont even call and bother him. Translation is $20 service charge $40 1st hour (min) $10 dollars every 15 minutes after (thats per man)
I like his site though I do not need a handyman, and doubt he would travel to my area.
I do appreciate the information though!
I like his site though I do not need a handyman, and doubt he would travel to my area.
I do appreciate the information though!
The information I was trying to communicate, is here is a guy that is making money, been in buissness for 8 years, and is doing it even thought CA is such a tough place for the small guy.
The information I was trying to communicate, is here is a guy that is making money, been in buissness for 8 years, and is doing it even thought CA is such a tough place for the small guy.
I understand fully. Even in a state like this one (CA), if you push hard enough you can make it. it won't be easy, but you can get somewhere. I am looking at opening a small business in the next 90 days or so. I am sure the state will be drooling of the thought of more business taxes.

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