Nuclear War Intel Here

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Mar 30, 2015
Backwoods Maine
Amateur Radio Call Sign
As you can see from my first (introductory) post, I'm very much into Civil Defense (which doesn't exist anymore in the USA).

Being a FEMA and DTRA trained RAD-Tech for nuclear incidents, I stay very aware of possible "dirty bomb" terrorist attacks and international nuclear escalation as is happening right now.

This thread is intended to follow ANY type of intel coming in from sources (to be weighed carefully for credibility) for purposes of timely personal preparations.

All are encouraged to add what Intel they can find on MSM, internet, HAM DX conversations to Europe etc.

OK, I'll start one today...

A friend of mine, "Styker" a HAM operator in Europe has an elaborate listening station. He speaks 8 languages fluently and reports on activities there, and in Russia as well as Turkey, Greece and the middle East.

Styker's intel has VERY RARELY been wrong and it gets to us 12 to 24 hours ahead of the
mainstream media ( if it gets in there at all ! )

You might want to pass these on to other forums and blogs (if they don't tear you to shreds in frantic denial of such news as happened to me at Survivalist Boards... ;-)

I'll translate from his German message:

TODAY 1. April 2015, 20:36 Zulu

Mysterious deployment of the 31st Army of the Russian Federation
Upon a directive of Putin within the last hour, massive activities of the 31st Army were observed.
The 31st Army is the RSMF (Russian Strategic Missile Force) of 300 ICBM missiles
These missiles have been placed in the "launch" position. The consist of type ICBM r-36M

The United States responded with activation of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) in the following states:
The EAS activation was declared as an "exercise" and all military personnel have been placed on alert till 24:00 Zulu
This is not an April fools joke !!.

(16:48:15) KEIN APRILSCHERZ !!
Only 90 of the R-36M UTTh and R-36M2 exist and that these are in silos not in mobile launch vehicles, also, the 31st Army doesn't handle the R-36xx missiles only the topo, also, the topol's are being fazed out, the R-36xx missile being in silos are always in launch position ;) the topo's mobile vehicles are always raising the tubes in particularly during war games and/or testing it's data link. I really see nothing that would alert me to trouble except putin, as for missiles, I've seen this kind of stuff for 40yrs with the mobile launchers positioning and repositioning nothing new.
TODAY 1. April 2015, 20:36 Zulu

The United States responded with activation of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) in the following states:
The EAS activation was declared as an "exercise" and all military personnel have been placed on alert till 24:00 Zulu
This is not an April fools joke !!.

Yes, on March 30th an alert did go out that lasted 10 mikes spanning across multiple states in the east southeast Not on the first of April, it was activated accidentally from one of FEMA's alert station March 30th, this has happen before. No Military Units have been put on alert as a result of EAS activation perhaps this was confused with the JH-15 exercise taking place by the US Army Special Operations Command/Joint Military Exercise across several states, also, none of the different branch of service have raised the DEFCON level, they have remained consistent between level 4 and level 5, on March 30th/31st the level remained a 5, it gone to a 4 on the first but raised back to a 5 the evening of April 1st, I don't see much credibility in this report.
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Thanks Maverick !

Have you got a good source for any day's current DEFCON level ? (not FEMA's threat level)

I thought they were classified nowadays...

It'll be a BITCH to get late intel on an attack with just a few hours till fallout, and if it's an EMP we'll know "One Second After"... (good book)
Report: Assessment of Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

Back during the Cold War, people took this stuff a lot more seriously... I still do.
It's at 5, though keep in mind each branch of service has it's own defcon level ;) also, the one that truly counts is not advertised! Also there is no such thing as a single defcon status for the country ;) People watch too much Hollywood and Youtube.
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So what is your opinion about this report of another lunatic:

Russian geopolitical analyst Konstantin Sivkov has called for Moscow to launch a nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and the San Andreas fault line, noting that the devastating consequences would ‘disappear’ the United States as a country.

Sivkov made the comments in a piece for Russian trade newspaper VPK News, which were translated by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Arguing that NATO aggression against Russia required the “complete destruction of the enemy,” Sivkov went on to depict a chilling scenario.

“Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption would kill millions of people in the initial blast and bury much of the United States in volcanic ash. According to some experts, it could cause the end of the world. The last time a supervolcano exploded in Siberia, 85 per cent of all land species and 95 per cent of all ocean dwellers were completely wiped out.

In 2013 it was revealed that the magma below Yellowstone was two and a half times larger than previously thought, giving the park’s supervolcano the potential to cause an eruption 2,000 times more powerful than Mount St. Helens. Some experts say the caldera is overdue to erupt. ial","sans-serif";color:black'>“Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

Sivkov also said that while Russia’s geography protected it from the threat posed by tsunamis, one could be triggered in the United States with an attack on the San Andreas fault.

“Another vulnerable area of the United States from the geophysical point of view, is the San Andreas fault – 1300 kilometers between the Pacific and North American plates … a detonation of a nuclear weapon there can trigger catastrophic events like a coast-scale tsunami which can completely destroy the infrastructure of the United States,” he wrote.

Sections of the San Andreas fault are overdue for major earthquake activity. “Researchers found that three sections of the San Andreas Fault system in Northern California — Hayward, Rodgers Creek and Green Valley — are either near or past their average recurrence interval and have accumulated sufficient strain to trigger earthquakes of magnitude 6.8 or greater,” reports CBS News.

There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

Fearing that the United States plans to “destroy Russia,” Sivkov says that Moscow is in a much worse position than it was 50 years ago because it has far fewer allies and cannot compete against the military might of NATO and its allies.

While it would be unthinkable for anyone inside the Kremlin to take Sivkov’s comments seriously, his rhetoric illustrates how fraught tensions are between Moscow and Washington.

Last month, General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, NATO’s deputy supreme allied commander in Europe, warned that the threat of a conflict with Russia, “represents an existential threat to our whole being”.

arthquake/" target="_blank">reports CBS News.

There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.
So what is your opinion about this report of another lunatic:

Russian geopolitical analyst Konstantin Sivkov has called for Moscow to launch a nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and the San Andreas fault line, noting that the devastating consequences would ‘disappear’ the United States as a country.

Sivkov made the comments in a piece for Russian trade newspaper VPK News, which were translated by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Arguing that NATO aggression against Russia required the “complete destruction of the enemy,” Sivkov went on to depict a chilling scenario.

“Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption would kill millions of people in the initial blast and bury much of the United States in volcanic ash. According to some experts, it could cause the end of the world. The last time a supervolcano exploded in Siberia, 85 per cent of all land species and 95 per cent of all ocean dwellers were completely wiped out.

In 2013 it was revealed that the magma below Yellowstone was two and a half times larger than previously thought, giving the park’s supervolcano the potential to cause an eruption 2,000 times more powerful than Mount St. Helens. Some experts say the caldera is overdue to erupt. ial","sans-serif";color:black'>“Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

Sivkov also said that while Russia’s geography protected it from the threat posed by tsunamis, one could be triggered in the United States with an attack on the San Andreas fault.

“Another vulnerable area of the United States from the geophysical point of view, is the San Andreas fault – 1300 kilometers between the Pacific and North American plates … a detonation of a nuclear weapon there can trigger catastrophic events like a coast-scale tsunami which can completely destroy the infrastructure of the United States,” he wrote.

Sections of the San Andreas fault are overdue for major earthquake activity. “Researchers found that three sections of the San Andreas Fault system in Northern California — Hayward, Rodgers Creek and Green Valley — are either near or past their average recurrence interval and have accumulated sufficient strain to trigger earthquakes of magnitude 6.8 or greater,” reports CBS News.

There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

Fearing that the United States plans to “destroy Russia,” Sivkov says that Moscow is in a much worse position than it was 50 years ago because it has far fewer allies and cannot compete against the military might of NATO and its allies.

While it would be unthinkable for anyone inside the Kremlin to take Sivkov’s comments seriously, his rhetoric illustrates how fraught tensions are between Moscow and Washington.

Last month, General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, NATO’s deputy supreme allied commander in Europe, warned that the threat of a conflict with Russia, “represents an existential threat to our whole being”.

arthquake/" target="_blank">reports CBS News.

There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.

um "Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment" that's not correct, I know many of many geologist since my Wife works that field as an mineralogist, Lisa is in constant contact weekly with YVO in fact, I showed her your question and this is her response; "First, everyone should know that geological activity, including earthquakes and ground uplift/subsidence is well within historical norms and seismicity is actually a bit low at present" also "there has never been factual proof a nuclear explosion would cause a volcano to go active given that volcanic activity starts miles and miles below the surface"

Also, "No volcanologists have stated that Yellowstone is likely to erupt this week, this month or this year. In one article, a name was attributed to a "senior volcanologist", but that person does not appear to exist, and a geologist with that name assures us that he did not supply any quotes regarding Yellowstone. Virtually everything known about Yellowstone's volcanic past comes from the scientists who work at YVO observatory, an eight member agencies. They are the ones who mapped the deposits, figured out the ages of the eruptions, measured the gases, located the earthquakes, and tracked the ground movement, a few of them have been doing it for over forty years. YVO eight member team are the only ones who can say what's happening at Yellowstone now, and what's likely to happen in the future, if it's not from YVO regarding Yellowstone volcanic activity it's a rumor plain and simple or flat out lie"
Well Mr. Maverick Sir, you are to well informed for me to go into a debate with you, congratulations !
It was just an article I came across this morning and I wanted someone's opinion on it? I do follow alternative media and was interested hearing it on Alex Jones show true or not it painted a possible picture for me instead of going for all out nuclear war. What about this Jade Helm excersize in 10 states, nothing to worry about that either?
What about this Jade Helm excersize in 10 states, nothing to worry about that either?

My opinion of JH-15 is still building and I have reservation, while I trust the men and women of the exercise I have a problem with the leadership it's a matter of trust.

I have as much faith and trust in Alex Jones as I do my government and right now I have very little trust and faith in either, Alex Jones makes money by selling fear and by the way, after he scares the **** out of you, he has a bunker to sell you, he like many others is as big a part of the problem as the governments of the world IMHO, I can be wrong but I doubt it. I don't trust any news on youtube, print media, broadcast media including alternative media.
well its nice to have inside contacts but I have to surf the net for info, aside from friends in Moldavi and Romania, but they are already getting scared to talk, they remember their times when the secret Police knocked on their door not so long ago?
But somehow the picture is becoming more clear and we'll see who was right? Have a nice day, Joe.
Mav and I have been putting out these conspiracy fires since we both joined. lol!! Info wars is just the other side of the Lame stream media coin. Half the time I've seen more reliable news from the inquirer.... He, Like I have friends that we talk to that work in most of these, if not all of these, departments. I trust the men and women with boots on the ground doing the job before anyone else. I have a friend at the CDC who filled me in on the Ebola situation play by play and the media didn't even come close to reporting the truth through any of that crisis. Always try to talk to boots on the ground... That's the real intel...
If I didn't mention it previously, I used to be a supermoderator on the world's largest conspiracy site. I stepped down after a while at it, but I'm still a member there and have plenty of staff contacts. Not that it really does much, but I've certainly seen my share of wild conspiracies, and the very well informed members who add a dose of reality check to the situations. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of well-founded conspiracies afoot, but the vast majority of them are really the overblown imaginations of certain key individuals.

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