nuke pressure wave maximum PSI

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Jul 25, 2016

can anyone point me at accurate numbers for the pressure wave produced by a nuke blast of up to 50 megaton at a set distance from ground zero please ( say 0.6 miles )

I want to specify a pressure rating to an engineer who we will use to design our below ground shelter.

yes i did spend hours googling but i get the figure used in Sweden of 3 bar ( 45 PSI ) and i get a local business selling blast valves rated to 7 bar ( 105 PSI ) .

What is the correct number to use if you want to correctly rate the design pressure of the structure , blast door and blast valves used ?

can anyone point me at accurate numbers for the pressure wave produced by a nuke blast of up to 50 megaton at a set distance from ground zero please ( say 0.6 miles )

Who do you think is dropping 50 megaton nukes???

Seriously, if you plan for 3mt, you should be fine. (and even that is overkill). Our biggest bomb currently is at 1.2mt. ICBMs on the other hand, are typically 300-500 kilotons for us, or the Russians, Chinese, etc. You're thinking back to the Cold War where 5mt was more the standard. Since then, treaties have largely impacted this, and more detailed guidance has made such wanton destruction unnecessary.

Ground zero is also an old concept. Today's weapons are designed to airburst for maximum effectiveness. This actually results in less radiation (due to less of a crater and radioactive fallout debris)

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Who do you think is dropping 50 megaton nukes???

Seriously, if you plan for 3mt, you should be fine. (and even that is overkill). Our biggest bomb currently is at 1.2mt. ICBMs on the other hand, are typically 300-500 kilotons for us, or the Russians, Chinese, etc. You're thinking back to the Cold War where 5mt was more the standard. Since then, treaties have largely impacted this, and more detailed guidance has made such wanton destruction unnecessary.

Ground zero is also an old concept. Today's weapons are designed to airburst for maximum effectiveness. This actually results in less radiation (due to less of a crater and radioactive fallout debris)

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that web link refers to 50 PSI blast pressure on their doors , the engineer is now also looking ( he is hoping to find a DOD publication due to the amount of conflicting information . lol ) :)
You're quite welcome. If prepping for nuclear, be sure to be aware of any nearby nuclear power plants in your shelter design as well. Government recommendation is 50 miles to be out of the zone, though 100 miles is more practical on the safe side. If within, just take it into consideration. ;) Good luck!
50mt? I don't think you can afford the depth that you need, 50mt russia doesn't even have that anymore nor china nor NK, iran etc... everyone is moving to hyper and Mirvs, almost all targets are in the kt in swarms and only the harden targets will be in mt and that's generally around 3mt. A 50mt you better be deeper than the cheyenne complex like more than 2000ft and that's to hypothetically protect against a 30mt, if your expecting a 50mt within .6 miles just be thankful it will be over in a blink of an eye ;)