OBAMA care woes

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
First our Blue Cross stopped plans in Tennessee now our Farm Bureau is stopping plans because ACA (Obama care) has lost th3m so much money.

Every time we find a plan, it goes away. We are paying $2000 per month now. I hope everyone that voted for him is suffering just like us.

My son is goingoing off our plan because he is 26. He is eligible for Medicare because he is special needs, but there are no doctors that will accept the plan. That's why so many go to the ER for a cold.

I am so fed up with this crap.
First our Blue Cross stopped plans in Tennessee now our Farm Bureau is stopping plans because ACA (Obama care) has lost th3m so much money.

Every time we find a plan, it goes away. We are paying $2000 per month now. I hope everyone that voted for him is suffering just like us.

My son is goingoing off our plan because he is 26. He is eligible for Medicare because he is special needs, but there are no doctors that will accept the plan. That's why so many go to the ER for a cold.

I am so fed up with this crap.

Obama care is complete bull crap but insurance companies are scum either way. Their objective is to make money off you. If you're cashing in on them they'll find any excuse in the book to rid of you.

Im sorry for your situation and hope it gets better.
Yep, I'm been killed by my health bill, I gone from paying very little to 10 fold over since I retired, my wife has increased almost a thousand percent from 2012 to 2016. Last time I gone to the doctor was a year ago for a physical but I pay out the ass for very little usage. I get better service from the vet at far lower prices paying out of pocket Vs using insurance (co-pay)
My plan from work has quadrupled since obama care . My Wife was at the DR office the other day and receptionist was explaining to another patient that they could'nt take Thier Goverment healthcare for some reason and they ended up having to get the Police to ask them to leave . Bad situation , I know but sooner or later alot of the free stuff will be that way .
Before I retired, we switched from my work plan to my wife's. She works for the federal government, and we were shocked at how good her plan was. And it's not a Georgia insurance company, but a nationwide company. Low employee premiums, covers everything, low deductible, can use it anywhere in the world, no referral necessary for specialists, etc. etc. etc.

From what I understand it's roughly the same type of policy the congress critters and their staffs can get. Well no wonder the people in D.C. think Obamacare is wonderful! They don't have to get the expensive crappy policies that are foisted upon the great unwashed masses in the hinterlands.
I'm afraid there will be a storm coming. There are big cuts coming to Medicare and all the social programs. A lot of people will be turned away without treatment, and resentment will fester like a plague. I hear a lot of blame put on Obama care, but I honestly think it's just greed that has made the whole system so out of wack. Greed from the insurance companies and the medical establishment and big pharmacy. There are so many that are getting rich off our health care that there is no way to get this runaway train to stop now. When will people learn that we don't need insurance or complicated plans or groups? What we need are medical services that are reasonable in cost and accessible to the average person. How can you justify the costs of hospital stays now? You can't, at least not without being a greedy something or another. I've noticed there are a lot more low cost walk in clinics popping up now. Walk in, see a caregiver for 45.00 and walk out. It's a step in the right direction at least. I think it's sad that we are in one of the richest countries in the world, yet have one of the worst health care systems.
Double eadge sword , the getting rich should be expected from one of the most important industries in our Country . That is also where new drugs and treatments come from . Competitive and capitalist like it or not that has led to the greatest health care system in the world . But there is the cost . All obomacare has done is turned things upsidedown and cost has exploded .
Double eadge sword , the getting rich should be expected from one of the most important industries in our Country . That is also where new drugs and treatments come from . Competitive and capitalist like it or not that has led to the greatest health care system in the world . But there is the cost . All obomacare has done is turned things upsidedown and cost has exploded .
I disagree that we have the best health care in the world. I believe we did twenty five years ago, but we have been surpassed by many countries. We have the highest cost per capita and one of the highest levels of untreated in the industrialized world. Sure, we have some great minds and doctors, but the whole system has lagged behind many other countries. Even Mexico is making strides in taking care of their poor, while we only seem to care about profit. I saw where Mexico has a program that doctors work at a low rate clinics for so long to repay their schooling. Why in the heck aren't we looking at these kinds of programs? The bills that the health care industry is hitting Medicare and Medicare up for are astronomical. We don't need more money going into our system, just a much more intelligent use of it. Big industry has figured out how to milk our system to collect as much as possible from it. We keep 95year olds alive to spend 6 more years in a nursing home so they can continue billing the govt programs the maximum they can. A good portion of those patients don't even know who they are anymore. All I am sure of is our system is seriously broken. We can all complain and critique it, but we should all be trying to fix it with new innovative programs and ideas to fix it. Looking at other countries systems that do some of the things better and copying those parts would be a good start. I'm not preaching socialism here, but I think treating a sick child before they get seriously ill is just smart. The road we are heading down right now is going to kick a lot of people to the curb, and I'm not just talking about the poor but the middle class as well.
The smartest and wealthiest from around the World come to the U.S for treatment at the same Hospitals the rest of us go to . Anyone going to Mexico for treatment is looking for a discount and hoping for the best or are part of the drug world . Check out any of the European Countries they make some discoveries from time to time but not near what ours do . Keep Government out of our health care .
Before I retired, we switched from my work plan to my wife's. She works for the federal government, and we were shocked at how good her plan was. And it's not a Georgia insurance company, but a nationwide company. Low employee premiums, covers everything, low deductible, can use it anywhere in the world, no referral necessary for specialists, etc. etc. etc.

From what I understand it's roughly the same type of policy the congress critters and their staffs can get. Well no wonder the people in D.C. think Obamacare is wonderful! They don't have to get the expensive crappy policies that are foisted upon the great unwashed masses in the hinterlands.
My parents have Federal Blue Cross and it pays everything. He worked for the Corps of Engineers
The smartest and wealthiest from around the World come to the U.S for treatment at the same Hospitals the rest of us go to . Anyone going to Mexico for treatment is looking for a discount and hoping for the best or are part of the drug world . Check out any of the European Countries they make some discoveries from time to time but not near what ours do . Keep Government out of our health care .
Denmark ranks number 1, with the US coming in at fifteen. The U.K. was plagued with long waits and understaffed a few years back but has pulled itself up and is close to the top on care vs cost now. All I know for sure is that getting billed here in the US three grand for a couple stitches in an ER is rediculous. Letting these big medical companies make their own rules is kind of like letting a fox tend your chickens. When profit is the only consideration its fine if you're talking about a new car or widget someone makes, but it shouldn't be with basic health care.
I do agree that I'm not going to Mexico for any procedures anytime soon, and was just pointing out that they are trying new ways and programs to help people.
The whole health care system is screwed up and corrupt due to government meddling. It traces back to when they decided to let companies get a tax deduction for health insurance, but not individuals. This forced people to go on company policies and added a layer of bureaucracy between the individuals and their doctors.

It's so damned bad that when I asked my doctor's office how much a procedure they wanted to perform on me would cost, they couldn't tell me. WHAT you can't tell me how much you are going to charge? No, they have to wait for the insurance company to tell them how much they can charge. And they have to perform the procedure FIRST. It's like Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare, they have to pass the bill before they can find out what's in the bill.

There was a period a number of years back when I was self employed and I could not afford to get insurance. I negotiated with my doctor directly and was able to get the costs way down. The doctors usually will bend over backwards to work with you if it means they don't have to deal with all the insurance ********.

A bureaucracy, once it gets established, takes a life of its own, and its number one concern is its own survival and well being. And there is a ginormous bureaucracy with a voracious appetite for money that is running the healthcare system.

Health Savings Accounts can fix a lot of this.

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