Off Grid Preppers To Be Forced Back On?

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Mar 18, 2012
Southern California
Tbh ive only read some of this (if the site will post here) as it boots me off for lack of memory.
Is this really right? will we be forced to pay for electricity?
if they keep this up, we wont have to worry about a natural disaster, pandemic, social/economic collapse, what we'll be worrying about is another civil war!
(oh ya and zombies lol)
Americans Being Forced Back On The Grid
Tbh ive only read some of this (if the site will post here) as it boots me off for lack of memory.
Is this really right? will we be forced to pay for electricity?
if they keep this up, we wont have to worry about a natural disaster, pandemic, social/economic collapse, what we'll be worrying about is another civil war!
(oh ya and zombies lol)
Americans Being FOrced Back On The Grid
The link isn't working for me. I will try to find what the article is and repost the link.
i know, and then the wii wont let me post that i know lol.
go to the sight and type in this thread title.
I fixed the links.

How very disturbing! Leave it to the California government to screw their own citizens at every turn.
i know right!
very disturbing that we're forced to pay for utilities.
how very "green" of these people.
i wonder what the environmental extremists think about this.
btw, thanx for the fix.
i know right!
very disturbing that we're forced to pay for utilities.
how very "green" of these people.
i wonder what the environmental extremists think about this.
Yeah it does show that they are more interested in tax dollars than in conserving energy!
Tbh ive only read some of this (if the site will post here) as it boots me off for lack of memory.
Is this really right? will we be forced to pay for electricity?
if they keep this up, we wont have to worry about a natural disaster, pandemic, social/economic collapse, what we'll be worrying about is another civil war!
(oh ya and zombies lol)
Americans Being Forced Back On The Grid

Oh yes, County Code Enforsement. Had them here a few month ago. They came through my neighborhood like Gestapo. I was told I have to move my RV to the back yard. I was going to fix it up and take it on the road, but never did. I couldn't move it to the back yard so I donated it to a Local Church who would use it to house visiting missionaries. It was old but in good running condition. They told me neighbors complained. EVERYBODY in the neighborhood was written up. So I complied.
As far as the video, somebody wants that land those people are on, that's for sure.
Oh yes, County Code Enforsement. Had them here a few month ago. They came through my neighborhood like Gestapo. I was told I have to move my RV to the back yard. I was going to fix it up and take it on the road, but never did. I couldn't move it to the back yard so I donated it to a Local Church who would use it to house visiting missionaries. It was old but in good running condition. They told me neighbors complained. EVERYBODY in the neighborhood was written up. So I complied.
As far as the video, somebody wants that land those people are on, that's for sure.
Hell yeah they want it! They want to build condo's, or section 8 housing, even perhaps a mall. something to get the tax dollars in.
Oh yes, County Code Enforsement. Had them here a few month ago. They came through my neighborhood like Gestapo. I was told I have to move my RV to the back yard. I was going to fix it up and take it on the road, but never did. I couldn't move it to the back yard so I donated it to a Local Church who would use it to house visiting missionaries. It was old but in good running condition. They told me neighbors complained. EVERYBODY in the neighborhood was written up. So I complied.
As far as the video, somebody wants that land those people are on, that's for sure.
see, that really gets to me!
land of the free my ass!
you own the land that you pay with your hard work and a grip of money, you pay your land taxes (which i could rant n rave all in itself) and then you have the city come out and telk you what you can and cant have on it? or what you can and cant do?
i mean i understand safty issues but damn!
see, its **** like that im talken about, who voted on those city ordenances/regulations? top brass? hows that "for the people, by the people"? shouldnt we have a right to vote on the way we wish to live, or at least have somewhat of a say on the matter? one would think so.
see, that really gets to me!
land of the free my ass!
you own the land that you pay with your hard work and a grip of money, you pay your land taxes (which i could rant n rave all in itself) and then you have the city come out and telk you what you can and cant have on it? or what you can and cant do?
i mean i understand safty issues but damn!
see, its **** like that im talken about, who voted on those city ordenances/regulations? top brass? hows that "for the people, by the people"? shouldnt we have a right to vote on the way we wish to live, or at least have somewhat of a say on the matter? one would think so.
Remember they said the "land of the free" NOT free land... It's all about the tax dollars
Remember they said the "land of the free" NOT free land... It's all about the tax dollars
yet, how are we free when we're a slave to debt?
see, that really gets to me!
land of the free my ass!
you own the land that you pay with your hard work and a grip of money, you pay your land taxes (which i could rant n rave all in itself) and then you have the city come out and telk you what you can and cant have on it? or what you can and cant do?
i mean i understand safty issues but damn!
see, its **** like that im talken about, who voted on those city ordenances/regulations? top brass? hows that "for the people, by the people"? shouldnt we have a right to vote on the way we wish to live, or at least have somewhat of a say on the matter? one would think so.

The Township, City, or State can invoke Eminent Domain at ANY time if they so choose. They don't need a reason to take your property. They do however have to pay you a resonable price for your property, using what the County Assstment is for your property.
They can also tell you to get off your property if it does not comply with the County Code.
Usually County Commissioners say they are doing these things is becasue they want to clean up "urban blight", that it does not meet the County Standards.
But yes, they can and will do that.
What most people are doing is forming a City withof there own. It's involved but it can be done.
The Township, City, or State can invoke Eminent Domain at ANY time if they so choose. They don't need a reason to take your property. They do however have to pay you a resonable price for your property, using what the County Assstment is for your property.
They can also tell you to get off your property if it does not comply with the County Code.
Usually County Commissioners say they are doing these things is becasue they want to clean up "urban blight", that it does not meet the County Standards.
But yes, they can and will do that.
What most people are doing is forming a City withof there own. It's involved but it can be done.
yup, ludacris if you ask me!
they shouldnt have the right, or that power to do so either.
sometimes they blame it on property value of your neighboring houses too, which is utter bologna.
yup, ludacris if you ask me!
they shouldnt have the right, or that power to do so either.
sometimes they blame it on property value of your neighboring houses too, which is utter bologna.

The only way to live the way he is would be to declare Indian Nation.
I've had friends who lived on the Reservation. I've been on them. They can pretty much do what they want.
I feel for the guy. I really do.
Now this is bs I would fight like there is no tomorrow and raise hell

I've already been there. You'd be fighting a losing battle. You can try to fight them in court but it wouldn't go far. It didn't get me very far.
I just can't belive that they would come in all tacked out like that just to rip up your gardens that would piss me off

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