Off grid suction.

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May 16, 2017
South Carolina
Airway management can be difficult in the best of circumstances but in a grid down scenario it can become down right miserable. Suction in this sense is being referred to a device used to removed blood, vomit, food, or any other contaminate blocking a persons airway who is not able to clear their airway themselves, (unconscious or semi conscious). Most suction devices are electrically powered either plugged in the hospital or EMS ones that are battery powered. I have played around with a suction device that runs off 12V power and can fit in a plastic ammo can but that is a post for another day. Hand powered suction devices are available however they tend to be pretty pricey. Over the years I've played around with different ideas, from bulb syringes to turkey basters but so far the best idea I've had so far is a 100Ml syringe bought off of ebay for less that 5$ and vinyl tubing from lowes. The tubing comes in rolls of 10' for less than 10$. I cut the tubing down to around 5" I cut one end at a slant and heat up a nail with a propane torch to burn a hole right inside of that slant. That end is the end that goes into the person mouth/upper airway to clear any debris and the slant and added hole help prevent any teeth or other large chunks of vomit from clogging the tube. The prepared tubing is then dropped briefly into boiling water to help straighten them out form where they developed a bend while in the roll. The syringe and 4 prepared suction tubes can be placed into a quart zip lock bag and added to any medical bag with ease.
About the only thing I can do is using the nasopharyngeal airways, it's about the only thing I feel partially comfortable with using regarding the airway and it's the only thing regarding the airway in my blowout kit, my Daughters have the more elaborate bigger equipment and knowledge here on the property. Cool tool you made their though :)
Suction doesn't go into a blow out kit or IFAK but into a larger medical kit. Suction is just upper airway, the same as an NPA. Just be gentle and you won't do any harm.

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