Officials Urge Citizens to Get Prepared...Really?

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
here's a email i got.

As the small town of Ferguson, Mo. and the rest of the nation await a grand jury's decision on the fate of police officer Darren Wilson, communities are preparing for the worst. Recently, officials in the neighboring town of Berkeley sent the following letter to its citizens:


Isn't this all part of the problem, though? Folks like you and I know the wisdom of preparing every single day. We are smart enough to study history and have an understanding that preparedness is an essential way of life - regardless sensational headlines.

This is the same reason grocery store shelves are bare of items like bread, milk and bottled water every time a winter storm approaches. The unprepared masses wait until the last second; seemingly convinced that their idea of "preparing" is somehow unique to them. The end result is that everyone rushes to the store for the same necessities only to find that everyone else is thinking the same thing.

I personally plan and prepare for all sorts of different disaster scenarios. But I don't run around living in fear every day because I know I'm taking the steps that I need to prepare myself and my family for whatever may come our way. Want to know what makes me the most nervous? It's not the weather, it's not solar flares, it's not the financial collapse or hyper-inflation or Ebola - it's the unprepared masses.

We see what happens every year on Black Friday around the country - people seriously injured or even killed over Made in China plastic and electronics. Heaven forbid there was ever a shortage on food and not just the newest flat screen TV.

The very fact that you're receiving this message means that you've already separated yourself from the zombie masses. You've sat down in the driver's seat and have started your journey to a better prepared way of life.

This is the ultimate way to take the next step in your preparedness plan and receive a great deal while doing so - all in advance of the fearful masses.

With heartfelt thanks for your continued support,

Matt Redhawk

Founder/CEO, My Patriot Supply

PS: If you've made it this far, keep your eyes on your inbox in the coming days. We've produced a fantastic video with a lot of great information that we're excited to share with you. Coming soon!
I've said this before, I hope every business pulls out of ferguson, the people protesting want a wasteland then give them a wasteland. If people want to destroy their community then they deserve none!!!

Agree 100% .
It will be a much needed dose of reality , sadly these people are not intelligent enough to understand it!
Similar sentiments in the UK over Tottenham, After the ethnic minorities had ransacked the area a good number of companies pulled out, next thing you hear is the local community whinging about businesses abandoning them.
No kidding. Looters even burned down the wrong store (trying to burn down the one the "victim" stole from), in their efforts... Just goes to show you....especially as the convenience store they DID burn down, isn't planning to reopen there.
I really am disgusted at our overly politically correct politicians. Why can't they call a spade a spade. I'm not referring to race there, it's just a figure of speech. I don't give a damn what color you are, until you break the law. These people are using any excuse to try and get more govt handouts, threatening violence, using the race card, the poor victim crap. I say let anyone who wants to protest peacefully have at it. I still say use real ammo on any who don't do it peacefully. The problem would go away very quickly. Most might think this too harsh, but ask the people that had their businesses ransacked, looted or burned. My two cents worth.
I don't understand these people that only store stuff when an event is due, its like when their is a bank(national) holiday or at Christmas, you see the trolleys piled up with stuff, sometimes 1 family has 2 or more trolleys and the store is only shut for 24 hours!! and whats in the trolleys?? mostly bread and milk!!
I don't understand these people that only store stuff when an event is due, its like when their is a bank(national) holiday or at Christmas, you see the trolleys piled up with stuff, sometimes 1 family has 2 or more trolleys and the store is only shut for 24 hours!! and whats in the trolleys?? mostly bread and milk!!
I cant believe the people in western New York with the snow storm. The news had stories if people that only had 2 days worth of food, and some had babies in the house. You would think that living up north you would have some sort of pantry for snow days. Granted this was an early storm, but how many people that dont have a clue amazes me!
it dosent amaze me I just don't understand people like that, I think the general public in all western countries must have a "stupid" gene cos they just get dafter and dumber.

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