Oh Sh.. Is this an Alas Babylon moment?

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if he fires on the Russians , rather than the Syrians, there will be retaliation, WW3 is looking more likely as each day passes.
Trump just texted to say he is going to fire on the Russians, If he does all hell will let loose, if he doesn't he should be thrown out of office.


I can't get this to open but,
The text I read said that Russia was going to shoot down all missiles aimed at Syria. He said watch out, they are coming, bright and new. Then he said that Russia shouldn't be working with Syria.

That is a slight difference.
Trump made China blink and now they are going to cut tariffs against U.S. products.....I have been on the fence over Syria, Assad is a POS who Russia only backs because the U.S. wants him gone. The proxy conflicts between U.S. and Russia have been many over the years in a lot of places. I see U.S. airstrikes against Assad's regime, but I don't see Russia doing anything but supplying better armament and more Merc's to help Assad....
Trumps text

Donald J. Trump

Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!

11:57 AM - Apr 11, 2018

All the European media se that as a threat to RUSSIA
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i'm very confused as to whether the Russians will actually do something ,if Trump authorises military action, or whether its just the usual Russian ******** and bluster, I am concerned that one day they might just do it, maybe not this time maybe the next time, but by the law of averages they might just set of WW3 in which case we've probably all had it.
if he fires on the Russians , rather than the Syrians, there will be retaliation, WW3 is looking more likely as each day passes.

WW3 is not going to happen because the US and Russia are in a proxy war in Syria. We were much more directly opposed in other conflicts (like Afghanistan), and it didn't happen then either.

But, this is a clear sign that the Deep State has it's claws firmly in Trump's actions these days. Trump's MANY statements on this in the past is that we should just leave Syria for the Russians and Assad to clean up. (and personally, this was one viewpoint that had me voting for him).

So, why the change? Can only think of one reason. He's somewhat controlled. Period. Nothing else makes sense.

Nothing much to gain from us being there. Even the pending Russian pipeline (the whole reason they are there, backing Assad), while competing, really won't take too much away from ours in the way of transport.

At least a lot of the public isn't falling for this Assad gassing his people nonsense. Even our own general came out and said there was no proof last time they tried this...so no reason to believe this is any different. It simply defies logic that he would.
i heard this town called a "rebel" town, the rebels are hardly going to gas their own people are they?
If you wanted American weapons and money, killing a few of your own would not be such a big issue....would not surprise me at all.....
Geez SE, you're as bad as the Fleet Street tabloids. :rolleyes:

He said missiles are headed towards Syria. Nothing about firing on Russians.

I think this says differently my enlighted friend """Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!""""" He aint saying get ready assad or Syria he is I believe in American terminology " Calling Putin Out" Draw pardner.

Look chaps and chappeses but with the greatest of respects I do not think the ENTIRE middle east and all who live in it are worth the life of even ONE American or British soldier, NOT ONE
if they all wiped each other out in the middle east the oil would still be there.
i heard this town called a "rebel" town, the rebels are hardly going to gas their own people are they?

No, but a commando team, trained by NWO mercs, and furnished with Syrian uniforms, equipment, and aircraft? All to incite US involvement in the war? Yep, absolutely.
I heard a UK ambassador-or an EX ambassador to be precise, said this morning that we-the UK- should not proceed without verifiable proof, and I think he's right.
I think we- the UK- and the US probably- should stay out of it, I don't know about you but I haven't lost any Syrians, so whats it got to do with us?
Unless I am going senile but as far as I remember the Syrians have hated the west for over 100 years, so why are we bothered what they do to each other, so long as they stick to exterminating each other I say let them get on with it. The whole of the middle east is not worth ONE British or American life.
although the Russians and Iranians are now involved and Turkey too, I think we have to remember this is a Syrian affair, Syrian vs Syrian. so we should let them get on with it.
I used to like the philosophy of a certain British political party, back along I was a member, and it went something like this: "UNLESS it involves British citizens, British territory or British companies, we should stay out of it" I completely agree.
Yawn. It's just a bluff. Any excuse to keep finding the military industry.
I don't know why we should give a **** about some cesspool like Syria anyway. Let Russia have it.

Russia has a deal with Assad to put a natural gas pipeline through there. If so, it will compete with our own pipeline. So, the deep state has been active in keeping the region unstable, because while it is, no pipeline being built. The LAST thing they want is a stable Syria under Assad. They really don't even want the "rebels" or "ISIS" winning either, as any victor is likely to want to cut the same deal with Russia. So, the winning move for them is that it is cheaper and more advantageous to just keep it all a mess.

During the campaign, Trump was all, "Let the Russians have their damn pipeline, sure it will compete, but we'll all still profit from our own investments there" (not an exact quote, just using for illustration).... But, it's obvious he's now done a complete 180 on Syria, for whatever reason.
If the pipeline is still being used ? why has assad, Russia or some group not destroyed it ? if our involvement in region is so bad for so many, you would think they would have shut it down....
Article only list 1 carrier strike group in the middle east, actually there are two groups and only list the Ohio class subs? generally two Virginia attack class subs that travel with a strike group.

Trump didn't say anything about attacking russia, just assad publicly at least.
If the pipeline is still being used ? why has assad, Russia or some group not destroyed it ? if our involvement in region is so bad for so many, you would think they would have shut it down..

It's a "planned" pipeline. Can't build it when the region is unstable (and it WOULD get attacked).

Now, there will be many news sites that call this a "conspiracy theory", but then one has to ask, OK then, so why ELSE are Russia and the US committing so many resources and political effort in the region? lol
Looks like the possibility of another senseless war in another worthless **** hole country that nobody cares about. But good news, Trump signed a huge budget that funds the military industry to keep looking for more enemies to bomb and then occupy for generations to come.
Why can't we just let them get on with it. Let them kill each other off then go and get whatever it is that's so damn precious that our beloved leaders are willing to start ww3 over it. Because lets face it, it ain't humanitarian. If it were, they'd be all over Africa right now.
they avoided any Russian troops, Russian bases and Russian controlled airspace.
our contribution amounted to 4 airplanes flown out of Cyprus, " I counted them out and I counted them in again!";)
Why can't we just let them get on with it. Let them kill each other off then go and get whatever it is that's so damn precious that our beloved leaders are willing to start ww3 over it. Because lets face it, it ain't humanitarian. If it were, they'd be all over Africa right now.

The Rothschilds demand 100% compliance. This may have started when Russia wanted to put in a competing natural gas pipeline, but it's now become obvious something more is afoot. Removing Assad, and getting Syria under the IMF's thumb (currently debt free).

Since Syria's central bank is independent, this is not kosher with them. (just like Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, before them....hey, what do all of these have in common?)....

No IMF debt, banned GMO products. Basically, Assad spits in the face of the NWO, so like Khadaffi before him, will be painted as a monster in the press of the West instead.

And of course, oil and gas reserves are always a factor.

No, this is all why we can't simply "let them be". The real powers behind the puppets have obviously decided that it is time for Assad to go. This attack is merely a pretext of what's to come. At least they were smart enough to actually stage a gas attack this time, and frame Assad by using aircraft. Just saying it may have worked in Iraq, but that ship has sailed.

The illusion I had, that Trump was his own man, and not beholden to the deep state, is pretty much shattered with this action....one which is completely OPPOSITE of everything he said on Syria during the campaign, I might add. The moment he met with GOP brass, and the #nevertrump movement died, THAT was when he agreed to play ball. I was hoping I was wrong....but ever since that meeting day, instead of draining the swamp, he just added more reptiles. Instead of making moves against the deep state, he simply followed their lead. I just hope this is a fluke, and there's something he knows that we aren't being told, that is a valid reason for the US in Syria, but I seriously doubt it. I can also hope this is the only time he'll do a 180 on his campaign stances on the issues, but I also highly doubt that as well, at this point.
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This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

I'm watching Black Sails which is half historical about the Pirate Republic of Nassau, and half fictional about Captain Flint and Long John Silver.

The Pirate Republic just fell with a whimper when blanket amnesty was offered to the Pirates. There was a "bang" but it was just a diversion so Blackbeard and Charles Vane could slip away quietly without putting up a fight. Thus ended the Pirate Republic.
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