Ok so where are the riots, Jesse Jackson etc?

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White dude shoots black dude and riots follow, Jesse Jack, Al Sharpton etc all over the media

So pray enlighten me where are the riots and protestors when black dude shoots white dude dead?

You think those retards will come out to defend the police! Wishful thinking. as I am sure you already know those clowns [Jesse Jack, Al Sharpton] are two of the biggest race baiting hypocrites on the planet.....
there will not be 'cause it was a white cop shot by a black drug dealer,double standards mate,double standards
Got that right!
If the cop was black and the drug dealer whit, then of course they would show up, but as mentioned before those two only show up if there are good ratings, and money for them.... same with gloria allred.... A cop's civil rights aren't as important as the rights of criminals according to those three **** ups!
Dear American friends please enlighten me , I genuinely do not understand , How to your media and many public faces can the life of a brave public servant be worth less than a drug dealer?
Because our media is not only "flavor of the day." They are also extremely liberal (left leaning). Since most police and military are right leaning they can't stand them and won't support them.
Dear American friends please enlighten me , I genuinely do not understand , How to your media and many public faces can the life of a brave public servant be worth less than a drug dealer?

Basically, there is this current public perception that every time a black youth is shot and killed by a white police officer, somehow, it's racial profiling. In the cases that get the MOST attention, usually, it's not the case at all, the guy was a criminal and escalated the situation to warrant lethal force. (such as the Michael Brown case that caused the recent riots)

However, there have been a couple of incidents where the cops really did screw up, and of course, if it's a white cop, then the cry of racism is yelled, even if it had nothing to do with it. Doesn't help matters when the President involves himself in it too, when he doesn't even have all the facts. He's had to backpedal a couple of times in some cases.

Cops screw up and kill whites, latinos, etc. too, but it's only loud when it's a white cop/black victim combo.
I wonder where all the reporters will go when the police back off and let the criminals have their way. I'm thinking that DC is getting a taste of this right now. Being a cop is already a thankless job most times, but why would you want to be one when they are being villanized daily.
Dear American friends please enlighten me , I genuinely do not understand , How to your media and many public faces can the life of a brave public servant be worth less than a drug dealer?

The media fears Jackson and Sharpton for one and for two there is no riots when a LEO is killed so no story, no story means less advertisement revenue and for three, it doesn't meet it's own agenda. Follow the money and ideology thus you have your answer, besides, winning the Peabody Award is far easier to achieve writing about race relations then that of some poor o'l cop being shot down by a thug!
Dear American friends please enlighten me , I genuinely do not understand , How to your media and many public faces can the life of a brave public servant be worth less than a drug dealer?

Northern Raider, we sure wished we could answer that sanely for you but what it is, it is over here right now. What everyone else has replied so far....the policeman was white and criminal is black....so unfortunately under the race baiting Oballess One right now it is deemed ok and swept under the rug.

I do believe there are more Americans that can't stand what is happening right now than are being heard from but again, unfortunately, they don't seem to be ready to take a stand yet. And one can only hope it is yet.
Bloodywell totally baffles me I'm afraid, last August a black cop shot dead an UNARMED white teen in Utah , Then two white cops shot in NYC no riots, no protests, no celebs on TV, sorry guys but to this Brit it sounds very much like open season on white cops in the US, Didn't mean to be disrespectful but that's what it looks like to me ?
Sharpton is pushing the kill the privlaged cracker theme . Some of his people are starting to act on his speaches . If a White Man were to make such a speach and they could claim a crime was tied to his speach then the guy would be arrested and he would lose everthing he owned .
If it got to the point where Whites did have reason to riot it would'nt be riots as you see now it would be more like a organized push then Sharpton and Jackson would find out what White Power realy is .
Yea well they keep poking the sleeping giant. Eventually the sleeping giant will wake up and step on them, then imagine the screams when they get a push back. but what I don't get is the call to attack whitey based solely on skin color but then scream racism based on their skin color. Its like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Makes no sense.
The giant is not asleep , he wants to do the right thing and live and let live . Im not sure what the aggatators expect to gain or happen .
More riots in Ferguson last night. (anniversary of the lawful shooting that sparked it all)

And after installing a black police chief, and making most of the city council black, to address the racial divide and concerns. While there was inequity in the department, the Brown shooting was fully investigated, and the officer found in the right, yet STILL forced to retire.

Maybe just let Ferguson have no police, and just wait for them to beg for them back, hmm?
I saw this story, apparently the shooter last night was the original victims best friend and he had stolen a gun and starting shooting at a car with cops innit, the cops returned fire chased him and he fired again so the cops shot him.

Next all the local blacks are accusing the cops of entrapment and asking why they ( the cops) are not helping the guy who just tried to kill them.

Seriously you guys run a strange country !!!
I saw this story, apparently the shooter last night was the original victims best friend and he had stolen a gun and starting shooting at a car with cops innit, the cops returned fire chased him and he fired again so the cops shot him.

Next all the local blacks are accusing the cops of entrapment and asking why they ( the cops) are not helping the guy who just tried to kill them.

Seriously you guys run a strange country !!!
This is the result of a couple generations of welfare and low expectations. Most of these people and their parents have never worked for anything in their lives. Sadly the US has become a social welfare state, and for some demographics in our country, this type of behavior is acceptable and tolerated.
I feel that we need to eliminate welfare for all people that are capable of working and quit pandering and coddling these people. They need to grow up and quit acting like spoiled baby's!

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