Okay Clydesdale and Krime, this is the thread, don't know what to call it.

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Prepping Goddess
Dec 13, 2012
Oh boy, now I'm getting shy.

Alright, I'll give you a recipe from our supper tonight, it's cheap to make, tasty and helps stretch the meat in the meal.

My Gran's Yorkshire Pudding

You can make this in varying amounts depending on the number of mouths you need to feed and the sizes of their appetites. Don't worry about making enough for leftovers, this doesn't reheat well, but it's not bad cold with some homemade peach butter.

4 eggs, break into a measuring cup and note what the volume is (just a touch over 3/4's cup)
the same amount in volume of milk
double the amount of the liquid in flour (with the eggs and milk, you have about 1 1/2 cups of liquid, that's how much you want of flour, 1 1/2 cup)
pinch of salt

Mix all of this up several hours before you plan to eat, up to 8 hours in advance and store where it will stay cold. When your meat, doesn't matter what kind, is done, spoon several tablespoons of the drippings into a baking pan an 8x8 in this case. Coat the bottom of the pan with the drippings.

Take the batter out and add a few spoonfuls of cold water to it and beat with a spoon to incorporate. Pour batter into the baking dish and bake at 425 F. until it is browned and risen. Usually takes 30 minutes or so. The pudding will fall as it cools, that's fine, it's supposed to. Cut into pieces, cover with your gravy that you've made and enjoy.

Okay, let me know if that made any sense at all.
Alrighty then, next recipe.

Raccoon Enchiladas

For this you need 1 medium sized, yearling coon. I cannot stress this enough. With raccoon, to make it good, you have to clean it right and get all the musk glands out.
Cooked rice, optional
can of tomato soup
can of chilis or reconstituted dried chilis
can of cream of mushroom soup
can of enchilada sauce, optional, depends on if you like it
can of diced tomatoes with chilis, like Rotel
tortillas, we like the flour ones
whatever kind of cheese you like

First, parboil the raccoon until the meat is tender and falling off the bone, I season with salt pepper during this stage.
Put all the meat into a large mixing bowl and add a couple cups of cooked rice, if you like rice.
Take your flour tortillas and wrap your meat mix up with either the ends open or folded like a burrito
Place them all snugly into your baking dishes, this amount will give you a couple of big pans worth of food.
In the now empty mixing bowl combine the rest of the ingredients except for the cheese.
Pour this generously over the enchiladas, if you need more, just add an extra can of either soup.
Cover with cheese.
Cover the dishes with foil and bake for about 45 minutes at 350 F.

Enjoy! And yes, I have really made this and it is damned good. I wouldn't use a raccoon from the city though.

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