Ooops, nevermind, not a ballistic missile

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Awesome Friend
Nov 26, 2017

How many people had to change their underware ?
A whole chain of islands... full of Liberals... can't get a early warning TEST right without screwing it up...

Just watched the press conference...and of course...the Liberal Media was drilling down asking WHO actually screwed up... and if he/she will be fired.

But...the dope screwed up twice and pushed YES on the " Are You Sure ? " redundancy button...

Heads Must and Will Roll !!
What a screw up (IF that is indeed what really happened). The next alert will now be ignored by everyone.
What the heck? Everyone knows that a legitimate president is only supposed to issue false alerts from the office. Sheesh! I'm so glad you brought this to my attention, CNN. What would we do without you?

A lot of folks in the islands got a 'rude awakening'. Not just a few people when their home is invaded. In HI, I wonder if any significant number can recognize the connection.
Maybe a missile was inbound and shot down but they are trying to cover it up as a "mistake".
Latest now out why it took 38 minutes to cancel alert..........the governor forgot his Twitter password
Looks like CNNs alerst system is about as good as Hawaii. What difference does it make where the Pres. was.....\
My train of tought:

Where does Hawaii get the info from about an incoming missile ? Do they have their own multi-giga billion $$ tracking system ?
Without a doubt DOD knows when one goes off in NK. And they can calculate its path pretty darn quick.
The Pres. (no matter where he is at or doing) would know at the same time if not before Hawaii.
Since there was no missile I am sure he wasnt distracted from his putt.

Seems the only concern was in Hawaii.....and not the entire population at that. I know the Pres. is a big twitter fan, I wonder if he follows Hawaii alert system on this High Tech Defense system.

I read this morning where Arkansas either has or is standing one up also. But I am sure after the Hawaii fiasco they will be using Facebook. Its said that animals like dogs, chickens, hogs, ect. sense an impending event like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. Could be they will use HIGH ALERT HOGS to spread the alarm.

In the meantime I will depend on CNN to "TRACK" the pres. Just hope they let me know when he makes a head call so I can also so as not to miss any critical updates.
Maybe a missile was inbound and shot down but they are trying to cover it up as a "mistake".
Let's just suppose that there was an inbound that was aimed at the island and we "malfunctioned" it. We don't want to reveal our secret capabilities so after it disappears, we would have no choice but to call it a false alarm by someone mistakenly pressing the panic button.
A "non-event".
This would be the only explanation for the scapegoat being reassigned instead of fired.

(sorry, have to go. CNN says Trump is headed to the bathroom).

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