Oregon *sigh

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
Under state law the folks of Oregon weren’t able to fill up there own vehicle with fuel.

The first of this year the law changed with conditions, parts of with smaller communities with a certain population can begin to fill there own cars though a problem begin to arise... some folks were putting diesel in the vehicle. It’s being reported the numbers are large in a number of folks that didn’t know the green handle represented diesel.

Apparently these so-called educated folks can’t read either.
For all these whiners, they can still find full-service stations. Pay the extra 30 cents/gallon and stay in your car.

Idiocracy is the perfect illustration of these snowflakes. Do they hyperventilate if they get a flat tire? I can see why their heads exploded when Trump won... just wait until he wins AGAIN in 2020!
That was one of the reasons I disliked Oregon. The nanny mentality that people aren't smart enough to pump their own gas. And unfortunately many Oregonians have proven that assessment as true. The thought of having to wait for some pimply faced drop out, or a non English speaking POS to pump my gas was too much.
Wow!....just wow.....
Anyone know why it was the law that you couldn't pump your own gas? I remember when we traveled there, and my husband tried to fill our tank they told him he couldn't do it. So we had to wait in the car for someone else to do it.
Wow!....just wow.....
Anyone know why it was the law that you couldn't pump your own gas? I remember when we traveled there, and my husband tried to fill our tank they told him he couldn't do it. So we had to wait in the car for someone else to do it.

In a nutshell
At first it was over safety, in the late 90s it was brought up that all the states hadn't had safety issues with self-pumps so they continued with the stupid law under the premise that it would keep people employed. It's a case of government knows best.
In a nutshell
At first it was over safety, in the late 90s it was brought up that all the states hadn't had safety issues with self-pumps so they continued with the stupid law under the premise that it would keep people employed. It's a case of government knows best.

Yup. Let's protect stupid, meaningless jobs. But what happens when other states are more efficient and Oregon is left in the dust?
When I first heard about this it threw me for a loop! I couldn't believe that there were actually people who didn't ever fill a gas tank in their life & in Oregon of all states. It sounds like something CA would do. I started pumping by 4 or 5, but I did have a handicapped mom.
As a Kid I always jumped out to be the one that got to pump the gas . Parents had to tell Me to pump $5 or $10 because that was alot of gas back then . Everybody wanted to stop on a even $ amount so the Person running the register didn't have to make change. If You stopped at a full service station the attendant carried a big wallet on a chain and would pump how much They were told unless told to fill er up . My Uncle kept a full service station open till about 2010 and had alot of regular Customers but for the most part they all went away around 1980 here .
As a Kid I always jumped out to be the one that got to pump the gas . Parents had to tell Me to pump $5 or $10 because that was alot of gas back then . Everybody wanted to stop on a even $ amount so the Person running the register didn't have to make change. If You stopped at a full service station the attendant carried a big wallet on a chain and would pump how much They were told unless told to fill er up . My Uncle kept a full service station open till about 2010 and had alot of regular Customers but for the most part they all went away around 1980 here .

I remember filling my 21gal tank and getting a can of chew for $5 and the whole world come to an end when gas hit .36c a gallon in 71
I can remember when a gas station was a gas station there were no grocery's on the shelfs no food at the counter if you went to one of the big stations you could get a candy bar and a soda for about $.25,they pumped your gas checked your oil,they would put air in your tires,then it all changed and everyone was pumping their own gas,,,,,I miss those days,,,,GAS WAS AROUND $.30 PER GALLON in those days less than $10.00 would fill up most any car or pickup
I can remember when a gas station was a gas station there were no grocery's on the shelfs no food at the counter if you went to one of the big stations you could get a candy bar and a soda for about $.25,they pumped your gas checked your oil,they would put air in your tires,then it all changed and everyone was pumping their own gas,,,,,I miss those days,,,,GAS WAS AROUND $.30 PER GALLON in those days less than $10.00 would fill up most any car or pickup
Those stations charged a little more than pump yourself but to me it was worth it. Loads of people don’t even check their oil until the idiot light goes off, and then it’s already done some damage. I remember one station even vacuumed the floors. Speaking of long ago, anyone remember the plastic dinausaurs that I think was a Sinclair thing?
Those stations charged a little more than pump yourself but to me it was worth it. Loads of people don’t even check their oil until the idiot light goes off, and then it’s already done some damage. I remember one station even vacuumed the floors. Speaking of long ago, anyone remember the plastic dinausaurs that I think was a Sinclair thing?

Yep, and I had a Texaco fire hat for ages.

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