Just for fun, how about a topic about... anything else!
The other day I was thinking about how many federal 'in-the-know' guys move to far inland locations. And it's usually shown with a map showing significantly elevated sea levels.
There are different theories of how that can happen. For example, dropping nukes on the polar caps. But, I don't think there are enough nukes to melt all that ice. And everyone knows that global warming is a giant lie. So... how does that happen?
And it hit me. And this is so 'simple', even a moron like NK or Iran could do it. Go a few miles off shore, and drop a nuke. I'm not sure if at sea level, or 100 yards under water or how much, but the goal is to maximize a tsunami. It will go inland for miles, destroying everything... homes, businesses, crops, roads, animals, equipment. Advanced notice will be minutes at most. And it might hit 100 miles+ of shoreline.
I don't know the calculations for how big or wide, but I am certain that a nuke used this way will do far more damage than a nuke detonated over land in the traditional way. A normal nuke might destroy and kill in a 10-20 mile radius. Imagine a nuke in the water near NYC, that water wave would take out the whole city and an area far wider than the 10-20 mile range. Might make you reconsider any areas even close to the oceans!
Now, isn't that fun? At least it's not the same virus-virus-virus discussion!
The other day I was thinking about how many federal 'in-the-know' guys move to far inland locations. And it's usually shown with a map showing significantly elevated sea levels.
There are different theories of how that can happen. For example, dropping nukes on the polar caps. But, I don't think there are enough nukes to melt all that ice. And everyone knows that global warming is a giant lie. So... how does that happen?
And it hit me. And this is so 'simple', even a moron like NK or Iran could do it. Go a few miles off shore, and drop a nuke. I'm not sure if at sea level, or 100 yards under water or how much, but the goal is to maximize a tsunami. It will go inland for miles, destroying everything... homes, businesses, crops, roads, animals, equipment. Advanced notice will be minutes at most. And it might hit 100 miles+ of shoreline.
I don't know the calculations for how big or wide, but I am certain that a nuke used this way will do far more damage than a nuke detonated over land in the traditional way. A normal nuke might destroy and kill in a 10-20 mile radius. Imagine a nuke in the water near NYC, that water wave would take out the whole city and an area far wider than the 10-20 mile range. Might make you reconsider any areas even close to the oceans!
Now, isn't that fun? At least it's not the same virus-virus-virus discussion!