Panicked Coronavirus Shoppers Are Stocking Up On Guns And Body Armor

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
It’s Not Just Food And Hand Sanitizer — Panicked Coronavirus Shoppers Are Stocking Up On Guns And Body Armor

One store owner told BuzzFeed News sales of tactical gear have increased 100% since the outbreak started.

Picture of Ryan Broderick Ryan Broderick

Posted on March 12, 2020, at 3:19 p.m. ET


Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Stores across the country selling ballistic body armor, tactical gear, and firearms are seeing a huge increase in sales due to the worsening coronavirus outbreak in the US.
As of Thursday, the US had more than 1,323 cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic. Italy, as well as New Rochelle, New York, have gone into lockdown, and many major companies have urged their employees to self-quarantine. On Wednesday night, President Donald Trump announced the US would be suspending travel from much of Europe to the United States for at least 30 days.
Bracing for the worst, Americans are stockpiling face masks, nonperishables, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper. Prepper and survivalist stores have also seen a massive increase in sales.
“I think with the way things have escalated quite quickly around the world and in the US in just the last couple of weeks, it's very hard to tell what's going to happen next, and I believe it is better to be safe than sorry,” Kevin Lim, the owner of Bulletproof Zone, a tactical gear retailer, told BuzzFeed News. “That's what our business is about, after all, keeping people safe.”


Gladiator Solutions / Via

According to Matt Materazo, the founder of Gladiator Solutions, a ballistic body armor and tactical outfitting store, the coronavirus outbreak has changed the kind of orders his store has received. He said typically the majority of his business has been big bulk orders from the law enforcement and the first responder communities. Now, it’s a lot of small orders.
“We don't usually get these one, two sales,” he told BuzzFeed News. “They're not particularly preppers, they're people who are seeing what's going on and saying to themselves, ‘where is this going?’”
Materazo wouldn’t share specific sales numbers, but said the increase has been considerable. “I do of course get a certain amount of my business from the prepper community, but the majority of the uptick isn't coming from the prepper community, it's the general civilian population,” he said.
The surge in interest around tactical gear due to the outbreak is happening across the country. Many of the stores BuzzFeed News reached out to had posted messages on their websites apologizing for longer-than-normal wait times due to higher-than-usual demand.

"More customers are buying, and they range from those who are generally concerned to those who are seriously gearing up for ‘end of the world’ scenarios"

Lim said that if the demand continued to be high, a shortage was possible. “A lot of body armor and body armor materials are manufactured in China and we are already seeing shortages and/or extended lead times for many of the products we sell,” he said.
Unlike Gladiator Solutions, Bulletproof Zone’s customers are typically civilians and survivalists, but Lim’s noticed a surge in interest — his sales numbers have jumped between 50% and 100% since the coronavirus outbreak.
“More customers are buying, and they range from those who are generally concerned to those who are seriously gearing up for ‘end of the world’ scenarios,” he said.
Nick Groat, the president of Safe Life Defense, told BuzzFeed News he’d seen a slight increase as well, estimating about a 10% increase in civilian sales over the last few weeks. “They're afraid the coronavirus will put the country into lockdown and they'll defend themselves and their supplies,” he said. “Having that protection is always an excellent option.”


Hyatt Guns / Via

It’s not just body armor, though. Americans appear to be picking up firearms to go with their tactical gear as well.
Employees at several gun stores BuzzFeed News contacted said they were too busy to talk. A woman on the phone for RT Smoke N Gun Shop in Mount Vernon, New York, told BuzzFeed News she didn’t have time to give an interview. “With the panic, we are just inundated with people,” she said.
Larry Hyatt, the owner of Hyatt Guns in Charlotte, North Carolina, said he has seen an increase in sales since the outbreak.
“We're not seeing hunting guns,” he said. “It's pretty much self-defense. We're seeing a lot of AR-15–type guns — the ultimate self-defense gun.”
He said a lot of the customers coming in right now are senior citizens. “People who feel vulnerable are buying guns.”
According to Hyatt, the fears over both the coronavirus and a stock market crash because of the outbreak are making customers think twice about what to do during a period of civil unrest. He said there are a lot of unknowns right now.
“This is a 61-year-old store,” he said. “But this is sort of uncharted territory, we don't know what exactly to expect.”

“We’re seeing a lot of AR-15–type guns — the ultimate self-defense gun.”

Even stores that haven’t seen a spike in sales yet are preparing for one. David Pringle, the general manager for DEGuns in Lincoln, Nebraska, said he’s spoken to distributors and other store owners who are seeing as much as 58% increases in sales.
“The spike is a real thing,” he said. “But it just hasn't hit the area I'm in.”
Pringle had the same concerns that Lim did about not being about to keep shelves stocked should the outbreak worsen. He said that a major distributor he works with ran out of 9 mm, 2 mm, and 5.56 mm ammunition. “I was talking to a distributor and he has a dealer who just bought 100 AR-15s,” he said.
“So in some places it's going already,” he said. “It just hasn't gotten to everywhere, just like the coronavirus.”
We were at Costco yesterday to check out summer tires. It has become a monkey see, monkey do situation. People are buying up tp because that is what everyone else is doing and what TV is spewing at them.

We bought some socks and the guy in line behind us with his 2 pack limit of tp asked us why he needed it. He bought it because that was what everyone and their dog was doing. If the message is simple and not personally directed, people follow more willingly. Sheeple. Mandated lock down will be a piece of cake when they get them conditioned for the most part.

As an aside, Costco was handing out 2 Clorox wipes per person as they came in the door. One was to wipe the cart and the other was for the hands. The twenty gallon trash can at the next step was filled to the brim with used ones.
What environment are these people envisioning? Surely not home invasions by bgs after their TP supply?

They way people are losing their minds over this virus I am sure that many folks feel there is a high probability of civil disobedience and disorder. I know we are gearing up for potential riots. If the run on toilet papers turns into a run on food and other items, it's only a matter of time before violence breaks out. Desperate people, even if that desperation is just a perception, will quickly step outside of their normal values and do things they otherwise wouldn't even think of.

I already have ample amounts of everything these people are panic buying (or just stocking up on). But even I will admit that we have had some discussion in our home about increasing OPSEC and their might be a few more defensive armaments available on the main floor.
We bought some socks and the guy in line behind us with his 2 pack limit of tp asked us why he needed it. He bought it because that was what everyone and their dog was doing.

I saw this behavior too! It's almost like some people were studying what I (and others) were buying. I'd walk by a shelf that nobody was paying any attention to and drop some things in my cart and the person behind me would do the exact same thing. LOL! I bought 6 bags of epsom salt in one transaction (b/c it was on sale BOGO and I was running low) and while I was putting it in my cart I'd walk away and notice others would flock to that spot and pick some up. It makes me wonder if they even knew what to do with it. I'll bet there'll be some massive garage sales after this whole thing blows over.

I remember the panic buying of ammo after Sandy Hook. It took years to get ammo back on the shelves to the same capacity as it was before that. I wonder if it will be the same with all the panic buying going on now? If the food producers can fill the shelves quickly, I think it will go a long way to squash this panic. Although, it's still a mystery how long this irrationality of the sheeple will last. I remember when I first got into the "prep" state of mind and how I wanted to buy everything in front of me, so I can understand it. I'm glad I was out doing my own panic buying all by myself, without an actual event spurring it on.
I saw this behavior too! It's almost like some people were studying what I (and others) were buying. I'd walk by a shelf that nobody was paying any attention to and drop some things in my cart and the person behind me would do the exact same thing. LOL!
I made a beeline for honey (ha, sorry about the pun), and noticed other people watching as I put it in my cart. Thought it a little strange, but moved on. I had to go back to that aisle about 10 minutes later, and noticed the honey was more than half gone - as if my intentional manner had set off a chain event. :eyeballs:
Yeah we don't have body armor either. I just plan to avoid gunfights if I can. Yesterday we were in the store getting a couple things. I went to the gun and ammo section just to look. There was a lady at the counter buying handgun ammo and asking what worked best for people e t c. It seems highly likely that many inexperienced people may be packing these days. That makes me a little uneasy.
It is scary. Like people driving, some have no clue what they are doing or how to do it properly. I just hope I'm not around when they practice what they think they know :p
Exactly that!!! I can already envision the accidents that are going to occur b/c soemone is spooked and just starts pulling the triggero_O I sooooooo hope I'm wrong on that.
LGS's around here, some of them anyway, have limits on ammo due to the mad rush. Many online sources are experiencing a back log, they have messages posted that they are 10 days behind on filling orders.
It sounds like people are preparing for a societal collapse. The panic comes from a fear of the unknown. Nobody knows how long this will last, or how serious it will get. You hear a lot of people saying this is unprecedented, but I am not so sure. Weren't the SARS and H1N1 viruses just as serious? I don't remember this kind of panic with those.
It sounds like people are preparing for a societal collapse. The panic comes from a fear of the unknown. Nobody knows how long this will last, or how serious it will get. You hear a lot of people saying this is unprecedented, but I am not so sure. Weren't the SARS and H1N1 viruses just as serious? I don't remember this kind of panic with those.
Actually no, SARS and H1N1 were not as dangerous as this. Early reports are that this in an engineered SARS virus spliced with HIV and other fun stuff.
It sounds like people are preparing for a societal collapse.

If so, they should have thought about that a long time ago. But, most people just go about daily life blissfully unaware until something like this comes around.

I have always maintained a quantity of ammo, just cuz. It's one thing that could easily be cut off and made unavailable as people are finding out right now.
Just for fun I did a quick internet search. Seems there are people who are convinced it is airborne and others who are convinced it is not. The CDC currently says it is not. Then again they say a lot of things then change them later.
Not airborne but you should wear goggles and some are handing out ear plugs? If I'm wrong my shooting glasses won't hurt me.

A group in the Seattle area was studying flu. They had test kits that could have been used to test for COVID-19. The CDC wouldn't allow them to test because their contract was for study not for treatment. I don't trust the bureaucracy. Do the doctors that are treating COVID patients wear eye protection?

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