I'd be all about a Constitutional Conservative party.
I want: campaign finance reform.
Term limits on Congress critters. 4 two year terms, and you are out.
Probably way too late, but bring down the debt. If its going to cause a crash, have the guts to do it and get it over with. Stop piling unpayable debt on my children and grand children (God willing).
Corrupt politicians prosecuted, I want to see some do some time. Set an example. Be brutal about it. Not corrupt because one party doesn't like their politics, corrupt because of proven, prosecutable broken laws. Catch them in the act? Drop the friggin hammer.
More choices in elections. More independents, more regular folks able to run.
A hard ceiling on lobbying. You can give this much in a year, and no more.
Transparent donations. You run for office, your donations and the amounts run on a ticker tape at the bottom of the screen every time you are on TV.
An anti war movement. Not anti domestic defense, not anti military, just anti interventionist. Let's take a break for say, 8 years. I get that there are genuine National Security concerns, and good reasons to exert influence across the globe, but lets take a step back for a minute or two.
Government should do defense, infrastructure, and trade.
That would be a good start IMO. First things first, campaign finance reform. That has to be first, without that, nothing else gets done.